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Boris - Good or Bad


I'm a Gnu, how do you do!⭐⭐
Staff member
Aug 14, 2009
Westcliff riviera
Now that Boris has his feet under the cabinet table is there an inevitability that eventually he will decide who joins him there? The more I see of the man, the more I think he has a very carefully planned career path and all the bumbling Boris stuff is pure smoke screen. Exactly what is his end destination is up for grabs as I would think he already has made enemies in the Tory Party that will do loads to stop him becoming PM.

Certainly the next five years will be very interesting to the casual observer watching how our man handles the next stage in the Boris Barrage.

Opinions anyone?
Felt for a while that Boris would end up certainly Leader of the Conservatives if not PM as well.
If Boris becomes PM then the UK deserves the nuclear armageddon that will surely rain down.
On the contrary, I think he's incredibly astute and uses the bumbling buffoon persona to great effect!

I would agree, far from an idiot and even dare I say it, a very astute politician. Though I feel Theresa May is more likely to take over from Cameron
As a socialist voter, firstly the man is not an idiot, but a very clever PR man, who has been groomed to look like the bumbling fool he comes across. Over the past years he has become a figure everyone knows and probably like ,which in todays political market is a big plus.
DC is smart by keeping his friends close and his enemies closer with Boris in on meetings.

Actually met Boris in HMV once and a part from his team all around him,making notes, he was or seemed a genuine nice guy, who could talk the hind legs off a donkey. End of the day all MPs are driven by spin/media people and Boris is no different,but has come over a person most people can relate to as a person if not on the political front

Lets be honest how many thought when he came down the zip wire, holding union jack flags and think that takes some nerve, with his trouser up his calfs and his socks all showing, did he care no ,but he brought some great publicity to the olympic game.

Would never vote Tory even if Boris was leader, but people must realise he is no idiot when it comes to politics
a politician who is happy to laugh at himself. Definite future PM.
Hasn't he got kids from extra-marital affairs? Won't happen, Tories aren't that silly.

Unfortunately I'm not so sure. I said he had no chance before he was elected mayor, and again when he was re-elected.

In Boris's case you can fool most of the people all of the time it seems, especially TFL Ticket office staff that voted for him first time round.
Hasn't he got kids from extra-marital affairs?

How would this affect his ability to run the country?

It's like picking on Ed Miliband for not being able to eat a bacon sandwich properly rather than for his economic illiteracy.
If you think the likes of Gove, Gideon and IDS are threats to the poor and the sick, you haven't seen anything yet.
What, Milliband isn't back is he?

No he isn't, but the two faced Farage is.
Really did you think he would honestly step down, he talks about MPs not being believed, yet he turns around on his promise in less than three hours, now that's two faced and proves he has no credibility with any one outside UKIP and probably with many of their voters

How would this affect his ability to run the country?

It's like picking on Ed Miliband for not being able to eat a bacon sandwich properly rather than for his economic illiteracy.

The party of family values with a serial womaniser at the helm?
No he isn't, but the two faced Farage is.
Really did you think he would honestly step down, he talks about MPs not being believed, yet he turns around on his promise in less than three hours, now that's two faced and proves he has no credibility with any one outside UKIP and probably with many of their voters


Get over it, you never voted for him and are never likely to, so what's the problem.
Get over it, you never voted for him and are never likely to, so what's the problem.

Simple GHG, he championed himself as being the politician that would be honest and be true to his word, and though his principles maybe different to mine, he has come out no better or even worse than those he states are the problem with politics
You may believe in his principles at as UKIP supporter but surely even you must find he turn around as double standards or are you so blind to allow him to stand again and be like 99 % of MPs
Surely this new party on that turn around is no different to others and play the game with words, spin and deceit
