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Breaking News Welcome to the new home of ShrimperZone

What do we think of the new forums so far?

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Congratulations to all concerned and thank you for the hard work you have put in to get the site up and running for us. It looks great!
Just got back on the zone and like what I'm seeing so far, will take a bit of getting used to but looks pretty good to me, good stuff.
Like the new site,most of what Was on the old site is here.

Just one small reqest if possible, when you have the sticky threads could they be shaded or have a gap between them and the normal thread?
On the home page of the old site we used to have a drop down menu of all the FL1 fans message boards. Any chance of resurrection at some point. Not urgent but quite useful at times.
As said previously when it was in stage, I like the look and feel..

Just one question for now, on the threads and ordering. on the last forum it used to have the most recently commented threads at the top, but this doesn't look like happening here. is it something I can change in my own settings?
Two things:

Do the Avatars have to be that big (or there at all) within threads? They dominate the pages.

Secondly how about a drop down link to a fixture list. That would be very useful and I'm sure this is no longer prohibited. Would probably be updated more quickly than the official website one.
Sorry to add to the mountain of work you've already got but when you try and login (or register) on an iPhone, a red 'Website Not secure' message appears in the website search bar. All in all guys, it's a great site. Keep up the good work.
The Old site is still out there ATM . We are on the case about re-directing to the new site.
Sorry to add to the mountain of work you've already got but when you try and login (or register) on an iPhone, a red 'Website Not secure' message appears in the website search bar. All in all guys, it's a great site. Keep up the good work.

I am logged in on iPhone now on google chrome, I haven’t had that message? Having said that we are still changing things over web wise to a new www link, so that may have something to do with it.
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Two things:

Do the Avatars have to be that big (or there at all) within threads? They dominate the pages.

Secondly how about a drop down link to a fixture list. That would be very useful and I'm sure this is no longer prohibited. Would probably be updated more quickly than the official website one.

Hi Mick, we will look a the size of avatars and SBH is talking about maybe a new skin for those at work..In the SUFC box in the side bar we have added all the relevant links, that are just a clcik away.
On the home page of the old site we used to have a drop down menu of all the FL1 fans message boards. Any chance of resurrection at some point. Not urgent but quite useful at times.

Sam (Manor) is already sorting that. We will add it soonish.
As said previously when it was in stage, I like the look and feel..

Just one question for now, on the threads and ordering. on the last forum it used to have the most recently commented threads at the top, but this doesn't look like happening here. is it something I can change in my own settings?

Again something which I agree with you we need to look at as it is very important.
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Like the new site,most of what Was on the old site is here.

Just one small reqest if possible, when you have the sticky threads could they be shaded or have a gap between them and the normal thread?

Spiff seems to have found a solution, so that is on the cards.
Thanks sir.

I don’t see any value in the dislike button though personally, although I will discuss it with the mods team. All I remember from our previous rep system are the problems caused when people actively promote negativity. If we disagree, we can debate with posts which is a constructive medium and more effective than a dislike. If however we like a particular post, we can let people know.
Personally I find that constructive discussion often leads to personal destruction and verbal abuse. By merely disliking something this should be eradicated. Appreciate your view though.
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