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Brexit negotiations thread

Can I just point out that not wanting to be ruled from Brussels does not make you a ‘little Englander’, whatever the hell that is, despite what the Guardian may say
Can I just point out that not wanting to be ruled from Brussels does not make you a ‘little Englander’, whatever the hell that is, despite what the Guardian may say
'Ruled from Brussels', a typically inane slogan which has no basis in fact but has served the Daily Mail, Sun and Express well over many a decade in their brainwashing of the British public.
Just got back home after a week in France,thanks.You know very well where I live and I pay my taxes here too.

Thanks for that, we all know where you live but your names not Exile. Is that some sort of involuntary tax dodge confession?
'Ruled from Brussels', a typically inane slogan which has no basis in fact but has served the Daily Mail, Sun and Express well over many a decade in their brainwashing of the British public.

Rather like the Guardians ‘Little Englander’ loved by so many on the losing side.

Unlike others I love that expression, along with racist and xenophobe. It wasn’t t Aron Banks who won Brexit....It was the insults that drove enough people to polling stations on that wonderful historic day..... Once again thank you to all Guardian readears without your ‘I’m better than you’ attitude and sneers to your own people we would still be part of the EU.
Rather like the Guardians ‘Little Englander’ loved by so many on the losing side.

Unlike others I love that expression, along with racist and xenophobe. It wasn’t t Aron Banks who won Brexit....It was the insults that drove enough people to polling stations on that wonderful historic day..... Once again thank you to all Guardian readears without your ‘I’m better than you’ attitude and sneers to your own people we would still be part of the EU.
A 'wonderful historic day' the sheer folly of which you will have ample time to reflect on in years to come.

Wasn’t trying to be nosey. Just wondering why your so angry about Brexit. Peoples personal situation amongst expats greatly influences their view.

I have a good friend in Poland because of work but he won’t be staying permanently.
A 'wonderful historic day' the sheer folly of which you will have ample time to reflect on in years to come.

It will be a public holiday within 20 years. Where children will celebrate all the wonderful British achievements in History.:Smile:
'Ruled from Brussels', a typically inane slogan which has no basis in fact but has served the Daily Mail, Sun and Express well over many a decade in their brainwashing of the British public.

Thanks, but it’s not a slogan it’s a description of reality. That’s a typically insulting, inaccurate statement on many levels.
'Ruled from Brussels', a typically inane slogan which has no basis in fact but has served the Daily Mail, Sun and Express well over many a decade in their brainwashing of the British public.

I think recent interference from Brussels in countries like Italy, Hungary, Greece and Spain show that your comment is not quite right. I would also suggest that the incompetence of our politicians has something to do with having less power and influence over our lives due to Brussels interference.
Wasn’t trying to be nosey. Just wondering why your so angry about Brexit. Peoples personal situation amongst expats greatly influences their view.

I have a good friend in Poland because of work but he won’t be staying permanently.
It's ok, no offence taken Like every other expat living in the EU, I have no idea what my situation might be after Brexit. I am not angry about Brexit, I just feel it was a decision based on an appeal to a rather unattractive form of nationalism and decided on sentiment rather than practicality which will have adverse consequences on many levels, economically, politically and sociologically for the people of both the EU and the UK. In the end, this is about people's everyday lives, something that matter most and on a personal level, the uncertainty over the future is a big issue as my wife is a Latvian citizen while I am a UK citizen with (at the moment) a residential permit which allows me to own a property and to have the privilege of paying tax here(at a higher rate than the UK of course!).
Thanks, but it’s not a slogan it’s a description of reality. That’s a typically insulting, inaccurate statement on many levels.
Perhaps you could explain the accuracy of 'ruled from Brussels' or give some examples of anything that has been imposed on the Uk against our wishes.
Perhaps you could explain the accuracy of 'ruled from Brussels' or give some examples of anything that has been imposed on the Uk against our wishes.

OK I’ll go first....The current situation with the Fishing industry. When you add up the knock on effects it’s the losss of 3m jobs.

A small example of even recent years. Local sports fisherman can’t keep a single bass when fishing.... Even off the beach in front of me.....That means less charter boats, less work for bait diggers and a local shop closing down.

Yet European boats are still draining our seas of fish and French sports fisherman can keep 5 bass per day.

We end up buying farm grown in Greece bass, that tastes nothing like the real thing.

Yet that prize attention seeking p****, Geldof hired a boat to abuse honest fisherman. Who, if had more rights, would ensure better conservation than we have now.
It's ok, no offence taken Like every other expat living in the EU, I have no idea what my situation might be after Brexit. I am not angry about Brexit, I just feel it was a decision based on an appeal to a rather unattractive form of nationalism and decided on sentiment rather than practicality which will have adverse consequences on many levels, economically, politically and sociologically for the people of both the EU and the UK. In the end, this is about people's everyday lives, something that matter most and on a personal level, the uncertainty over the future is a big issue as my wife is a Latvian citizen while I am a UK citizen with (at the moment) a residential permit which allows me to own a property and to have the privilege of paying tax here(at a higher rate than the UK of course!).

Your right is about everyday lives. You have Foot in each country so it effects you. The EU certainly has benefits for you and your family.

For the majority of us living in Britain we were never attracted to some form of delusional nationalism. We have witnessed and lived with the consequences of the unchecked and corrupt growth of the EU. Whenever we spoke up we were told to shut up and put up.

Well it turns out we don’t have to and people who voted Brexit are not the sort of people who ignore corruption and wrong doing when we see it....Even if it means causing us some grief to do so.

Staff at the BBC were happy to ignore the likes of Jimmy Savil for years because it was safer for them to do so. No doubt they all voted remain.
I was always pro EU until cammie went to discuss the terms of our membership and was waved away with a firm no, and the EU would not change. For me when an elected leader cannot alter the terms of our membership or put forward new proposals its simply un democratic. Parliament changes laws all the time its what happens in a democracy. This is all of the EUs own making. This could have all be avoided by changing our membership and maybe every other members to something different. I have no problem with freedom of movement and all the other things the EU offers /doesn't offer, as I have always been an advocate of the EU