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So far over 300 cars have been badly scratched in Southend and Southchurch in the last few weeks. 100 over the weekend. Some have had their car repaired, only to have it scratched again. Why do some scumbags get off on causing upset, misery and cost to others?

I've had my car window smashed and car keyed within the last year.

It's so pointless. When they smashed my card window they stole roughly £1 which is all I had in the car lol. Scumbags.
I've had my car window smashed and car keyed within the last year.

It's so pointless. When they smashed my card window they stole roughly £1 which is all I had in the car lol. Scumbags.

The smashing of windows is normally druggies looking for valuables and loose change. The car keying is just mindless hurtful vandalism.
The smashing of windows is normally druggies looking for valuables and loose change. The car keying is just mindless hurtful vandalism.

Ha! Reminds me of the days when I used to work at a posh business school in Barna.All the (adult) students used to come to class with their portable radio/cd players from their cars.These days all the teenagers at the LFB have their iphones etc.Plus ca change and all that.
My daughter's possibly soon to be ex-boyfriend. 29 but wants to behave like a bloody 19 year old, grow up and stop breaking her heart, you selfish git!
My daughter's possibly soon to be ex-boyfriend. 29 but wants to behave like a bloody 19 year old, grow up and stop breaking her heart, you selfish git!

My nephew has just been dumped by his fiancee. They were in the midsts of wedding planning so he's taken it hard. Hard to take, but sadly part of life. I'm sure we've all been dumped but you come out the other side in a better place.
My nephew has just been dumped by his fiancee. They were in the midsts of wedding planning so he's taken it hard. Hard to take, but sadly part of life. I'm sure we've all been dumped but you come out the other side in a better place.

Not always the case, my exes lost out big time :ROFL:
My nephew has just been dumped by his fiancee. They were in the midsts of wedding planning so he's taken it hard. Hard to take, but sadly part of life. I'm sure we've all been dumped but you come out the other side in a better place.

My nephew was dumped on by his fiancé. As I said to him if you are going to play with coffee tables at least make sure the glass is actually in place.
Is it a design pattern?

I've temporarily resolved the issue. For some reason it didn't like a date/time field being converted from a CSV string so I removed it and bingo. It's not the easiest to get your head around and all this Azure & Cloud stuff is brand new to me and NR.