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* ORM *

Still Loves Emma Bunton. Roy McDonough is God!
1) Keypad tones on a mobile phone on an otherwise quiet train. :thumbdown:
3) Youtube comments about the Japan tsunami.
People saying Japan deserve it for Pearl Harbour and hunting whales. Sickening. One of my mates here found one comment so offensive that he tried to find out who the person was. After doing so, he emailed the boys school and the headteacher replied saying he would make the boy donate to the disaster fund.
Also train-related. There's not much legroom at the best of times, even less footroom so why, when there's an empty luggage rack above their heads, do people put their bags on the floor? F***wits!
Ron Martin :whistling:

But mostly people on the underground who could move into space behind them but decide to hold their ground and make other people walk roud them instead into that space.
Train passengers that simply have to sit down despite the fact they occupy one and a half seats.
Having to take my shoes off at security at Heathrow this morning. And the berk in front of me not even being half prepared to go through security by still having his belt and coat on, not to mention a pocket full of change.

The biggest outrage though was a soft-pop version of Joy Division's "Love Will Tear us Apart". Disgraceful.

On a positive note, I picked up the latest copy of When Saturday Comes - enjoyable as ever - and slept for almost the entire flight.
3) Youtube comments about the Japan tsunami.
People saying Japan deserve it for Pearl Harbour and hunting whales. Sickening. One of my mates here found one comment so offensive that he tried to find out who the person was. After doing so, he emailed the boys school and the headteacher replied saying he would make the boy donate to the disaster fund.

They don't deserve it for Pearl Harbour, or for huning Whales. But they do deserve it for the Burma railway and the rape of Nanking. In my humble opinion of course.
Having to take my shoes off at security at Heathrow this morning. And the berk in front of me not even being half prepared to go through security by still having his belt and coat on, not to mention a pocket full of change.

The biggest outrage though was a soft-pop version of Joy Division's "Love Will Tear us Apart". Disgraceful.

On a positive note, I picked up the latest copy of When Saturday Comes - enjoyable as ever - and slept for almost the entire flight.

Big love for WSC... Great lads who work on the magazine.

Anyway, I'm hacked off by the prices for some Olympic events. £95 minimum ticket price to watch the Basketball final.
Back to the trains. In two days I've had my two pet hates:

1) person approaches barrier but hasn't got their ticket out ready so you get stuck behind them while they fish around in their pocket for their wallet with hundreds of people piling up behind you.
2) person (not the same one) goes through barrier in a timely fashion but just stops on the other side causing you to have to barge them out of the way. Is it not fairly obvious that people are going to follow you through.

Also saw another issue yesterday morning which is a bit of a taboo subject. Woman gets on train at Benfleet with a 'Baby on Board' badge proudly displayed. She is not clearly pregnant so must have been in very early stages. As usual on the quicker trains, all the seats are taken by the time the train gets to Benfleet. She then proceeds to look around in disgust at people as nobody gives up their seat, full on tutting and all. Now, I wasn't in a position to give up my seat as I was already on the inside of a two seater. Well, I guess i could have but the moral responsibility would have been with the guy sitting next to me. However, had I been sitting there would I have given up mine? Probably, but I wouldn't have been happy about it. Those that know the C2C schedule will know that 4 minutes after the quick train, a slower train arrives on which you can guarantee getting a seat at Benfleet. Therefore this woman has chosen to get on a train on which she would not expect to get a seat rather than wait four minutes for a train on which she will have a broad choice of seats. Therefore on that basis has she not given up her right to expect someone to give up their seat for her? If it's a time issue she could have got the one ten minutes before. Bit of a scruples situation but it does bug me when people expect sacrifice from others as their divine right when it needn't have been an issue in the first place. I know it's only standing for 40 minutes, doesn't bother me, I do it often on the train home when I jog over to Fenny for the 5:05, it's just the principle of it.

Anyway, rant/observation over :soapbox:
Losing the toss and losing an early wicket in my vital Battrick relegation decider has also irked me no end.
If you want a train one: Yesterday London/Midland drivers went an overtime ban and as they rely on OT to run a full service there was multiple cancellations. The cheeky feckers then went onto blame a signalling fault (ie NR) where no signalling fault existed.

Nationalise the ****ing railways.
Back to the trains. In two days I've had my two pet hates:

1) person approaches barrier but hasn't got their ticket out ready so you get stuck behind them while they fish around in their pocket for their wallet with hundreds of people piling up behind you.
2) person (not the same one) goes through barrier in a timely fashion but just stops on the other side causing you to have to barge them out of the way. Is it not fairly obvious that people are going to follow you through.

These ones drive me nuts as well; plus I suffered a variation of number two this morning. Surprisingly a fairly empty-ish tube sitting at the Jubilee platform as I walk onto it, the woman in front of me and I speed up to get on it; the lady in front of me naturally gets there fronts jumps on the tube, then stops dead in the doorway to assess which space they now wish to occupy, leaving me to slam on the anchors to avoid unwittingly penetrating this numpty's rectum. People's lack of awareness of what's around them is truly astounding. Surely they must realise that people other than them would want to get on the tube during rush hour in one of the busiest capital's in the world, and therefore blocking the doorway is a monumentally stupid idea!

My other (also underground related) gripe from this, and most other morning(s) is walking down the escalaters. People who are standing on the right (as they should be) then decide to walk the rest of the way and step out into the left (walking) lane without so much as a glance to see if there someone already walking down, then stare at me in shock when my hands are resting tightly around their necks after they nearly sent me tumbling down 20 feet of moving metal stairs. You wouldn't change lanes in a car without looking behind you, why do it on the frickings esculators or when walking!!!
Now, I wasn't in a position to give up my seat as I was already on the inside of a two seater. Well, I guess i could have but the moral responsibility would have been with the guy sitting next to me. However, had I been sitting there would I have given up mine? Probably, but I wouldn't have been happy about it. Those that know the C2C schedule will know that 4 minutes after the quick train, a slower train arrives on which you can guarantee getting a seat at Benfleet. Anyway, rant/observation over :soapbox:

Did someone offer you their seat in the first place when you got on though as an OAP? x
Having to take my shoes off at security at Heathrow this morning. And the berk in front of me not even being half prepared to go through security by still having his belt and coat on, not to mention a pocket full of change.

As a relatively frequent flyer over the past 18 months or so, this also Irks me no end. Usually I'll be wearing a jacket, so whilst in the queue, everything, belt included will go into said jacket's pockets and boots eil be in hand ready to go. As soon as i'm through, I just grab my stuff and go.

As a slight tangent - other things I absolutely hate, but have not annoyed me today, include people who bring their probelms to work, and can't leave their personal lives at home.
Bloody internet's a piece of crap today. All my formatting's borked to hell on here, half my sites don't work anyway - for the first time in ages I'm glad that I had my deadlines last week, when the net actually ****ing worked - feel sorry for all the poor *******s who have deadlines this week. This mess won't be sorted until pretty much three seconds after I leave for the Easter holidays.

And then it'll go up **** creek within three days of my coming back.

Also, bit of a Football Manager rant - HOW THE FRIGGING **** DOES ANYONE ACTUALLY DO ANYTHING WITH SOUTHEND WITH THE NEW PATCH!?! Ronald "I'm a stingy **** who can't be arsed to actually give my manager a decent wage budget EVEN AFTER HE'S CHEATED HIS WAY TO A 75MILLION POUND SALE AND SOLVED EVERY MONEY ISSUE ON THE ****ING TABLE" Martin is being a ****. For the above reasons. Another also - Are agents on that game incredibly thick or something?! I'm not offering £1,300 because I think it's all you're worth, you ****, I'm offering it because my chairman's being a complete ****ing arsewipe! Jesus Christ on a fecking crutch, AI can be thick sometimes...
2) person (not the same one) goes through barrier in a timely fashion but just stops on the other side causing you to have to barge them out of the way. Is it not fairly obvious that people are going to follow you through.

This, and people who stop when they get off the escalators. Particularly people with bags on wheels.

When I go mad and run amok with a machine gun, they will be the first people I target.

Also saw another issue yesterday morning which is a bit of a taboo subject. Woman gets on train at Benfleet with a 'Baby on Board' badge proudly displayed. She is not clearly pregnant so must have been in very early stages. As usual on the quicker trains, all the seats are taken by the time the train gets to Benfleet. She then proceeds to look around in disgust at people as nobody gives up their seat, full on tutting and all. Now, I wasn't in a position to give up my seat as I was already on the inside of a two seater. Well, I guess i could have but the moral responsibility would have been with the guy sitting next to me. However, had I been sitting there would I have given up mine? Probably, but I wouldn't have been happy about it. Those that know the C2C schedule will know that 4 minutes after the quick train, a slower train arrives on which you can guarantee getting a seat at Benfleet. Therefore this woman has chosen to get on a train on which she would not expect to get a seat rather than wait four minutes for a train on which she will have a broad choice of seats. Therefore on that basis has she not given up her right to expect someone to give up their seat for her? If it's a time issue she could have got the one ten minutes before. Bit of a scruples situation but it does bug me when people expect sacrifice from others as their divine right when it needn't have been an issue in the first place. I know it's only standing for 40 minutes, doesn't bother me, I do it often on the train home when I jog over to Fenny for the 5:05, it's just the principle of it.

Anyway, rant/observation over :soapbox:

Write off and ask for a badge for yourself.

If you want a train one: Yesterday London/Midland drivers went an overtime ban and as they rely on OT to run a full service there was multiple cancellations. The cheeky feckers then went onto blame a signalling fault (ie NR) where no signalling fault existed.

Nationalise the ****ing railways.

Yeah, there were never any problems with BR.
They don't deserve it for Pearl Harbour, or for huning Whales. But they do deserve it for the Burma railway and the rape of Nanking. In my humble opinion of course.

Do you really believe that any country's innocent civilians deserve to die and suffer? People just living their lives. The past is in the past and many people who died here in Japan were people who weren't even born during those times.

If you really believe Japan deserved it, that would make you a pretty repulsive person.

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