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Coronavirus (Non-Politics)

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I'm not panicking, but I do believe this is serious. The Italian government have locked down the whole country - when has something like that happened before? They will be getting advice from experts and wouldn't have done this unless this was a serious situation. The economic impact of this lockdown will be massive for Italy.

I thought that people like Gove and Trump had concluded we no longer need experts.

ALBION mascots Gully, Sally and Sammy have been stood down ahead of the club’s clash with Arsenal this weekend.

This is one of several measures the club will be taking to prevent the spread of coronavirus.

It will also be providing hand sanitisers to fans “where possible” and will put antibacterial hand wash in all bathrooms at the Amex.

Supporters will not be allowed to congregate in and around the players entrance and route to and from the stadium, with players also being advised not to pose for selfies or sign autographs.

Further measures included encouraging cashless payments, postponing pre-match mascots walking out with the team and the pre-match centre-circle sponsors photographs, and cancelling the post-match man-of-the-match presentations at the 1901 club.

This follows an announcement from the club last week in which it said it would take a number of precautions to protect its staff and stars from coronavirus, as well as “playing our part in preventing the spread” of the illness.
I need to buy some hand soap for the bathroom today. Chances of this? Slim I’d say ..
Lots of debate on Sky Sports News about all this this morn, including the impact on lower league clubs if games are played behind closed doors. Funny on the Debate last night on SSN, Danny Murphy suggesting the season is declared null and void if it can’t be completed and starts again in Aug with nobody promoted/relegated. Of course this’ll not happen but imagine!!
It's maybe worth bumping @Another Surrey Shrimper's post on soap as some may not have followed the link.


A doctor claims washing-up liquid can be used to prevent coronavirus from spreading amid shortages of hand sanitiser.

Dr Adrian Heald, from Salford, Manchester, urged Brits to stay calm and said bars of soap will work against the disease if liquid variants are unavailable.

The consultant physician, who works at Leighton and Macclesfield hospitals, in Cheshire, has described how 'coronavirus has a fatty outer layer' and can be countered by 'anything that dissolves fat'.

The doctor tweeted: "People, please do NOT panic if liquid soaps are sold out, a bar will also do the job (rinse after use and put dry) or use dish washing liquid, the coronavirus has a fatty outer layer, anything that dissolves fat will work!"
All soap had sold out in Tesco when I was in there yesterday even bars of soap. Now washing up liquid will sell out!
Oh and they had some bog roll, Andrex 9 roll packs for £5.25 I'm sure they had put the price up?
Local Co-op had toilet rolls this morning but now only stocking 4-roll packs but even at max of 3 packs per customer will soon run out again..
I pointed this out as a major problem last week. It's not me being overly clever. Many people have said the same as me on the radio and TV. A government spokes person saying the NHS can cope, and they will bring elderly ex NHS staff out of retirement, shows they have not thought it through enough, and are talking rubbish.

MAJOR concerns have been raised over how a hospital will cope if staff are forced to take time off and quarantine due to the coronavirus.

Save Southend NHS insisted staffing levels are already at breaking point at Southend Hospital and warned plans to bring back newly-retired doctors to plug gaps simply will not work.

The country’s top medical minds have warned if the situation worsens, anyone suffering a minor cough may be forced to self-isolate, which could leave hospitals short-staffed at a time of major demand.

A spokesman from Save Southend NHS, who works within the hospital, said: “In terms of a contingency plan, all the hospital can do is follow the national guidelines on a day to day basis.

“With the majority of retired individuals being over the age of 65, the idea of bringing in older members who are at high risk of catching the virus out of retirement and into work is beyond ludicrous.

“This just illustrates the Government’s lack of understanding. Bringing former doctors out of retirement would be detrimental to their health.

“It’s likely they won’t be able to practise in the capacity that’s required, so to put them in the frontline where they are the most vulnerable population group is ridiculous.

“You can’t force them out. This is the Government’s way of dealing with a lack of staffing.”

Currently, only people showing symptoms of coronavirus are being asked to self-isolate, but this could be changed to those showing mild symptoms within the next nine to 14 days.

Southend Hospital failed to outline what their contingency plans were when contacted by The Echo.

The health campaign spokesman added: “If everyone that has any symptoms such as a cough is required to self-isolate, this will have a massive impact on our staff. There’s already a staff crisis level as it is – if there is to be people off work for a week in isolation it will cause a significant amount of pressure on the hospital.
The Italian experience would appear to show that once a regional lock down is tried (and fails) a national one can't be far away.

Bearing in mind that schools in 3 regions in Spain have now been closed I can't help thinking that a national shut down will on the way soon here (and presumably in the UK too)
The Italian experience would appear to show that once a regional lock down is tried (and fails) a national one can't be far away.

Bearing in mind that schools in 3 regions in Spain have now been closed I can't help thinking that a national shut down will on the way soon here (and presumably in the UK too)

I wonder if they're waiting for the upcoming Easter break. Won't be a such a hit on schools and a lot of people have already booked leave. Trouble is, may be a bit late by then.
I wonder if they're waiting for the upcoming Easter break. Won't be a such a hit on schools and a lot of people have already booked leave. Trouble is, may be a bit late by then.

Yeah probably.Easter starts early at the LFB in just a fortnight's time .So a shutdown for a fortnight à la Madrid from Monday would be most welcome. :Winking:
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Think the only good news I've heard about the Coronavirus is that apparently it's led to a spike in sales for Camus's The Plague.Got nothing against people reading great literature but really there's nothing as queer as folk.:Smile:
Think the only good news I've heard about the Coronavirus is that apparently it's led to a spike in sales for Camus's The Plague.Got nothing against people reading great literature but really there's nothing as queer as folk.:Smile:

worth a read? I've only ever read The Outsider and The Fall....
^^ Yep, just shared this post on FB:

So there’s lots of people from the health service telling everyone that washing your hands is the best way to defeat Covid-19, but lots of people (most?) seem to think that this is a bit silly. Like how the **** can washing your hands be SO important, and how can it defeat a virus that’s causing so much havoc worldwide?? Well here’s the science bit, because I’m a nerd who likes to know “why” something happens.

The outer wall of a virus is made of lipids, they’re kinda like oils or fats, that’s a simple way of putting it. It’s called a lipid layer. Behind the lipid layer is the virus, it’s made up of proteins and RNA, which is kinda like DNA and it’s what lets the virus replicate. That’s really it, it’s that simple (unless you have a PhD and there’s a few on here with them, but this is for the rest of us who are a bit thick!). ☺️

So, what about the washing of hands with soap?? Here’s the part that nobody is being told, but it’s important (it’s especially important if your a nerd ?). Soap is made up of loads and loads of lipids, it what makes soap feel so soft and smooth....? When you wash your hands really well you get all these lipids on your hands. So if you have Covid-19 on your hands the lipids in the virus wall start to break down, because the lipids in the virus lipid layer are soluble in the lipids in your soap on your hands.

So when you break down the lipid layer you end up destroying the proteins and the RNA. It’s kinda like years ago when your Da used to clean a paintbrush with turpentine, it’s because the paint was soluble in turpentine.....it’s really that simple. Also, people are searching high and low for antibacterial soap....don’t bother. This is a virus, not a bacteria. Also, antibacterial soap is really just expensive soap. I’ve attached a pic of a virus, it’s a flu one but it doesn’t really matter. Break down the lipid layer with lipids in soap and you’ll kill the virus. You’re welcome. Feel free to share.
So that was on Facebook. Must be true then. Think I'll stick with the advise of the Chief Medical Officer rather than some halfwit if you don't mind.
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