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Are Liverpool fans the most annoying in the world?

Yorkshire Blue

Super Moderator⭐
Staff member
Oct 27, 2003
It can't be Col Ewe, because they don't have any, so are Liverpool fans the most annoying fans around?

I almost want them to win the premier$hite, or at least be competitive for a season, just so they can shut up whining for a bit. They've got a worse case of bigclubitis than even Spurs. Even Man U fans seem to have developed a bit of humility in recent years (possibly even before we humbled them), so why can't the scousers just shut the **** up? They're annoying me more than even the hamsters.
Hmmm, lets be fair in the 70's and 80's they were pretty much one of (if the THE) biggest club in the world.
As bad as Spurs? After they beat the Ar$e on Tuesday you would have thought they'd won the Champions League with the level of crowing they engaged in....

I could understand such levels of euphoria if they'd beaten Arsenal's first team.... :p

Liverpool fans have annoying voices and unrealistic ambitions considering the quality of the team, though. Just because they won the league a lot twenty years ago does not give them a divine right to win it now...
Hmmm, lets be fair in the 70's and 80's they were pretty much one of (if the THE) biggest club in the world.

In the 70's and 80's Michael Jackson was one of the biggest, if not the biggest pop star in the world. Now he's a kiddy-fiddler.
All supporters can big dic.kless ****.ts and find any reason to whinge..........lets face it, there are a few on these boards.

It must be tough though for die hard long time Liverpool supporters to always be in the shadow of there neighbours, still they did win the Champions League in the last few years and have made it to the final a few times, how many clubs can say that.

It is a vicious circle.....the better you become the more you are expected to maintain that success and improve on it....when you get to the top 4 or 5 in English football, if you don’t win at least 1 or 2 major trophies i am afraid you have had a poor season.
LIBEL ALERT ! :hilarious:

Oops. Sorry Michael. I did in no way mean to compare you to Liverpool FC. That was a cruel analogy, and as genius as Ronnie Whelan's chipped own goal was, it didn't quite match up to your pop genius in coming up with tunes such as "ABC", "Billie Jean" etc.
Liverpool fans who don't go to Anfield are much the same as armchair supporters of all the big clubs..w***rs.
Those who attend regularly are far more palatable, as ,I find, is the case with most clubs
Don't worry Yorkshire, we're all going to have a chance to laugh at them soon.....

The news that Tom Hicks and George Gillett have secured a refinancing deal at Anfield is just another in a series of sickening blows for Liverpool fans. There will be no rescue mission from DIC, there will be no glorious revolution. A season that started out with so much hope now looks set to end in unmitigated, unprecedented disaster. The Dastardly Duo are here to stay and all we can do is sit back and watch the carnage unfold.

Former owner David Moores had to sell the club because they were nearly SG$240m in debt and needed to invest heavily in order to keep up with Manchester United, Arsenal and Chelsea. This new deal means that Liverpool are now a staggering SG$480m in debt and further away than ever before from what we should now refer to as ‘The Big Three.’ The Americans have taken this risky new deal out in a week that has seen the global financial markets creaking like a honeymooner’s bed and with the full knowledge that a recession is building up on the horizon like a tropical storm.

Rafa Benitez has been fatally undermined in front of his players by Hicks’ admission that he tried to replace him with Jurgen Klinsmann. Captain Steven Gerrard has hit out at everybody, claiming that all the arguing is putting the players off their game and Peter Crouch has admitted that Liverpool’s title hopes are well and truly dead.

So tell me, does anyone think that this is going to work out well for Liverpool?

Liverpool now find themselves where Leeds United were in 2002. Overstretched and praying for the fiscal sanctuary of fourth place. David O’Leary’s team were top of the table on New Year’s Day, but didn’t win again until March. They crashed out of the top four and only a late recovery gave them a UEFA Cup spot. Chairman Peter Ridsdale sacked O’Leary that summer and, with their snouts out of the European money trough, they were forced to sell their key players. They were relegated in 2004

People keep telling me that, “Liverpool will be alright. It’s Liverpool, they always survive,” but I’ve never been particularly happy to use blind faith as an insurance policy. The fact is that this once-proud club are now vulnerable on two fronts. On the pitch, they are right up against it. With Benitez looking more and more like Martin Jol, he will find it difficult to motivate his team to their full potential. How can they play when they don’t know who their manager is going to be from one week to the next? Even if they were in top gear, who is to say that they could get past Everton or Aston Villa, both of whom are solid, consistent outfits with designs on the big time?

Off the pitch, it’s even worse. This is a dangerous time to take out an enormous loan, especially when it’s funding something as unpredictable as a football team. Just one more market wobble, one panicky response, one surge in interest rates and it won’t matter how many goals Fernando Torres scores. Liverpool will be doomed.

If anyone is any doubt about the intentions of the new overlords, then this one Hicks quote should clarify it for them.

“People think that I’ll be taking money from The Rangers (Hicks’ baseball team) and putting it into Liverpool,” he told an American magazine, “but it is just the reverse.”

How did it ever come to this? One of the finest football clubs on the planet reduced to hocking their own future in the vain pursuit of glory? Liverpool were seduced by whispered promises of wealth, they got into bed with strangers and now they are paying the price.
It must be tough though for die hard long time Liverpool supporters to always be in the shadow of there neighbours

Good point, Everton are doing well this season. I like the job Moyes has done there.

Tranmere looked well organised on their visit to Roots Hall as well.
Don't worry Yorkshire, we're all going to have a chance to laugh at them soon.....

The news that Tom Hicks and George Gillett have secured a refinancing deal at Anfield is just another in a series of sickening blows for Liverpool fans. There will be no rescue mission from DIC, there will be no glorious revolution. A season that started out with so much hope now looks set to end in unmitigated, unprecedented disaster. The Dastardly Duo are here to stay and all we can do is sit back and watch the carnage unfold.

Former owner David Moores had to sell the club because they were nearly SG$240m in debt and needed to invest heavily in order to keep up with Manchester United, Arsenal and Chelsea. This new deal means that Liverpool are now a staggering SG$480m in debt and further away than ever before from what we should now refer to as ‘The Big Three.’ The Americans have taken this risky new deal out in a week that has seen the global financial markets creaking like a honeymooner’s bed and with the full knowledge that a recession is building up on the horizon like a tropical storm.

Rafa Benitez has been fatally undermined in front of his players by Hicks’ admission that he tried to replace him with Jurgen Klinsmann. Captain Steven Gerrard has hit out at everybody, claiming that all the arguing is putting the players off their game and Peter Crouch has admitted that Liverpool’s title hopes are well and truly dead.

So tell me, does anyone think that this is going to work out well for Liverpool?

Liverpool now find themselves where Leeds United were in 2002. Overstretched and praying for the fiscal sanctuary of fourth place. David O’Leary’s team were top of the table on New Year’s Day, but didn’t win again until March. They crashed out of the top four and only a late recovery gave them a UEFA Cup spot. Chairman Peter Ridsdale sacked O’Leary that summer and, with their snouts out of the European money trough, they were forced to sell their key players. They were relegated in 2004

People keep telling me that, “Liverpool will be alright. It’s Liverpool, they always survive,” but I’ve never been particularly happy to use blind faith as an insurance policy. The fact is that this once-proud club are now vulnerable on two fronts. On the pitch, they are right up against it. With Benitez looking more and more like Martin Jol, he will find it difficult to motivate his team to their full potential. How can they play when they don’t know who their manager is going to be from one week to the next? Even if they were in top gear, who is to say that they could get past Everton or Aston Villa, both of whom are solid, consistent outfits with designs on the big time?

Off the pitch, it’s even worse. This is a dangerous time to take out an enormous loan, especially when it’s funding something as unpredictable as a football team. Just one more market wobble, one panicky response, one surge in interest rates and it won’t matter how many goals Fernando Torres scores. Liverpool will be doomed.

If anyone is any doubt about the intentions of the new overlords, then this one Hicks quote should clarify it for them.

“People think that I’ll be taking money from The Rangers (Hicks’ baseball team) and putting it into Liverpool,” he told an American magazine, “but it is just the reverse.”

How did it ever come to this? One of the finest football clubs on the planet reduced to hocking their own future in the vain pursuit of glory? Liverpool were seduced by whispered promises of wealth, they got into bed with strangers and now they are paying the price.

Hmm, I might now just start singing Leeds songs at Liverpool fans, but its probably too subtle for them.

Sadly, I expect they can survive, just, one season without the champion$ league. In any case they'll just whinge until UEFA relent and give them an extra place again.
I think Newcastle fans are the most annoying.

1. At least Liverpool fans have tasted success in living memory - it's not unreasonable for them to demand it again. Newcastle have won nothing (bar a few promotions) but their fans seem to think they deserve a seat at footballs top table.

2. Greatest fans in the world? I don't remember big crowds when we used to play them.
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Good point, Everton are doing well this season. I like the job Moyes has done there.

Tranmere looked well organised on their visit to Roots Hall as well.

LOL......very good young man,

You know full well what bunch of Northern Manc twa.ts i was talking about
I think Newcastle fans are the most annoying.

1. At least Liverpool fans have tasted success in living memory - it's not unreasonable for them to demand it again. Newcastle have won nothing (bar a few promotions) but their fans seem to think they deserve a seat at footballs top table.

2. Greatest fans in the world? I don't remember big crowds when we used to play them.

Bang on brother,

I would also add Middlesborough and Sunderland into this as well. All three reckon themselves as a hot bed of football and yet get **** gates if they have someone not great and have won **** all between them.
I agree with the "Toon Army" call, when the going got tough (c Ossie Ardilles) , where were they then ?
1991-1992 Average attendance 20,748 an that included 30K for the Sunderland Derby and a resurgance after the appointment of Keegan
On November 6th 1991 they had a massive 13077 for the visit of Cambridge , two weeks later we went there (lost 3 2) and 14740 watched

Compare that to Man City or Leeds in Div 2 or 3
I agree the Geordie bottlers are probably the most deluded, but there are fewer of them and they are more confined to the grim north.
But come on all attendances during that period are not as good as they are now. Look at our attendances then compared to now and we are not even in the Championship.