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Kevin Hogg

Reading through the match thread for our WIN at Coventry City - I see that the moaners still found scope to whinge.
This time our manager (who is doing a great job!!) was called an ARSE. Was this because we were losing? No. We were winning 2-0.
The reason PB is an "arse"?? Because he decided to have a Southend United player on the field rather than a Spurs player who is highly unlikely to be a part of our future after May.
Surely it is not PB's job to give a Spurs player experience UNLESS he feels it will benefit our team? He obviously felt comfortable playing our own players who may well continue to gel and evolve into a very good side as we progress...rather than play the SPURS player.
We won but still they find fault. This time because we did not help out Spurs!
Good luck to Amos. I hope he does well when he gets his opportunity with us, or Spurs or another club.
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I mentioned my surprise at Wordsworth starting again. Because he's been poor for several games now. And there's no denying he has. And for the record I did this before the game. Not when we were 2-0 up.

Whether the player that comes in is a Southend player or a loan player doesn't really matter to me. If he's gonna put in a decent shift for the team and give my team a performance I don't care.

By all accounts, Wordsworth still wasn't at the races again last night. I just think it sends the wrong message out to the rest of the squad if certain players can play poorly for nearly 2 months and stay in the side.

But that's just my opinion. Yours may be different.
Since Adam was a lad, fans have known better than the manager how best to pick the team. I am surprised that PB hasn't taken the opportunity to call upon their services. Shame on him. 2-0 away win btw was a disapponting result. COYBB
Wordsworth was fine last night, although it was a crappy game. He linked up well with Ranger and I thought the same on Saturday.
I'm still baffled as to why people are really gunning to get this guy Amos in the team. No one actually knows if he is any good or if he will crumble in games that mean a heck of a lot. It's a hell of a gamble to just throw someone in, when this is a real testing time of the season.
Adam King hardly prevailed when given the chance and maybe that's in Brown's thinking.
Additionally, it's also very hard to drop a player who has 10 goals and a fair few assists, for a young defensive midfielder when we need to win games. Where's the creative outlet?

Let's just enjoy the fact that the team Brown picked went and won a comfortable game.
To be fair Coventry were the worst team ive seen since Aldershot from the 90's when we used to beat them by either 5 or 10 every game. In all honesty we should have scored double figures last night , i think it was about 35 minutes before Ted had even touched the ball. Great stadium but ghost like atmosphere where the locals are reluctant to get behind their hopelessly relegation bound team. ( unless its at Wembley ! )
Brown got us promoted , consolidated last season and has now shaped a team that has been playing good football and has a 'chance' of the play offs.
Whatever the guy does , some will never accept him.
I really don't get this.
People say they don't like his manner and self promotion.
TBH , I couldn't care less.
I don't know the guy and he's not my friend , so to me all I want is that he does well for my team.
He's doing that , so job done.

As for Wordsworth , his game is not like Leonard , Timlin or Atkinson , so he will always appear 'lazy' when viewed against them.
But we need something different , and he gives us that.
10 goals from midfield ( when he missed a fair chunk of games ) is an excellent return in my eyes and something that many are severely underestimating.

We just won ( away ) , which as someone observed is better than most have done at Coventry and sit 7th in the League and still people moan !!
Amos has been unlucky because for the most part we have been winning , but that's life I'm afraid.
He would have been in the side had we lost 2 or 3 on the bounce , but we would also have been in 10th or 11th place , so not great.
On Amos, as Clarky alluded to last night, he is more of a like for like replacement for Will or Lenny, for which we also have Tims, so he is unlikely to feature unless covering for that position.

As has been mentioned, the players that are tiring and not match-fit, in general, are forward players, hence why we have so many attack minded options on the bench, so it's these that get rotated during the match.
Reading through the match thread for our WIN at Coventry City - I see that the moaners still found scope to whinge.
This time our manager (who is doing a great job!!) was called an ARSE. Was this because we were losing? No. We were winning 2-0.
The reason PB is an "arse"?? Because he decided to have a Southend United player on the field rather than a Spurs player who is highly unlikely to be a part of our future after May.
Surely it is not PB's job to give a Spurs player experience UNLESS he feels it will benefit our team? He obviously felt comfortable playing our own players who may well continue to gel and evolve into a very good side as we progress...rather than play the SPURS player.
We won but still they find fault. This time because we did not help out Spurs!
Good luck to Amos. I hope he does well when he gets his opportunity with us, or Spurs or another club.

And fortunately for you it gave you another opportunity to turn on your fellow fans just because they disagree with you.
I think people are bothered about Amos because Brown signed him, when a lot of people thought we probably didn't need another central midfielder, and he hasn't played him at all so it seems like a completely pointless signing. I don't know if we're paying any of his wages?

You're right, we don't know if he's any good, but we won't find out if he never gets on the pitch. Brown said last week that he played well in the under-21 game and was close to making his debut, but he still hasn't, which can't be great for the lad's confidence. We've played a lot of games recently and the likes of Wordsworth and Leonard have played 90 minutes in pretty much every one.
He was signed as cover, though. Hence why we went for a loan player, rather than buying someone or offering a contract.

At the time, Tims was playing left-back, so any injury to Will or Lenny and Amos would have been the natural replacement, but luckily, neither Will or Lenny have been injured and both have a full 90 minutes in them.

We gave loan players a run-out last season, but were cover for certain situations around the pitch (McQueen, midfield, Hendrie, defence and so on).

Amos is a central midfield cover we haven't needed yet.

That said, I can see the argument of him getting 10 minutes instead of Noodles last night.
I think people are bothered about Amos because Brown signed him, when a lot of people thought we probably didn't need another central midfielder, and he hasn't played him at all so it seems like a completely pointless signing. I don't know if we're paying any of his wages?

You're right, we don't know if he's any good, but we won't find out if he never gets on the pitch. Brown said last week that he played well in the under-21 game and was close to making his debut, but he still hasn't, which can't be great for the lad's confidence. We've played a lot of games recently and the likes of Wordsworth and Leonard have played 90 minutes in pretty much every one.

Probably not.
If I was a manager of a Premier League team and I loaned my players out, I'd expect them to get some game time. Amos could have played reserve football at Spurs. Next time I'd be reluctant to loan my players out to the same lower league team.
Depends what the terms and agreement of the loan, were.

As others have said, he's getting experience being in and around first team football and training with us. Sam McQueen didn't get a lot of game time and it didn't do him any harm.

Bottom line is, we are not a crèche for the Premier League.

We are a professional football club with matches to win and if that means people sitting on the bench then so be it.
Reading through the match thread for our WIN at Coventry City - I see that the moaners still found scope to whinge.
This time our manager (who is doing a great job!!) was called an ARSE. Was this because we were losing? No. We were winning 2-0.
The reason PB is an "arse"?? Because he decided to have a Southend United player on the field rather than a Spurs player who is highly unlikely to be a part of our future after May.
Surely it is not PB's job to give a Spurs player experience UNLESS he feels it will benefit our team? He obviously felt comfortable playing our own players who may well continue to gel and evolve into a very good side as we progress...rather than play the SPURS player.
We won but still they find fault. This time because we did not help out Spurs!
Good luck to Amos. I hope he does well when he gets his opportunity with us, or Spurs or another club.

I wasn't there so I'm speculating, but is it possible you misunderstood? Is it possible these people weren't actually complaining, but were saying they would have liked to see him play? On Twitter Chris Philips posted that Amos was warming up. In the end he didn't come on. Perhaps these people noticed that and were just expressing their surprise, and possibly just saying it would have been nice to see him get on the pitch?
I wasn't there so I'm speculating, but is it possible you misunderstood? Is it possible these people weren't actually complaining, but were saying they would have liked to see him play? On Twitter Chris Philips posted that Amos was warming up. In the end he didn't come on. Perhaps these people noticed that and were just expressing their surprise, and possibly just saying it would have been nice to see him get on the pitch?
Of course everyone has an opinion...but an "arse" ...for not playing a loaner? That is part of the personal dislike of the manager.
I have not seen Amos play. I do know that RL has played a lot of games and so too has AW by his standards. I can see why some fans would have liked to see Amos blooded in a match (mismatch) like last night's. At 2-0 up and maybe with ten minutes to go we could have had a glimpse of whether he can step up to the plate if desperately needed. It was a lost opportunity.