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I'd be gutted if we miss out on a fit Franck Moussa, but he's now a player that has to have very special treatment to stay fit. His contract at Charlton was terminated after his last injury hit season. I think he's destined to be out injured in a lot of games now as I've been told one of his knees is very bad. So it might not be such a loss.

That is an interesting statement as I am sure that on another thread it has been reported that his knee injury is not chronic.

Hash tag: Conflictinginformationtoconsider
Unsure if already mentioned but an unreliable twitter source has stated Rotherham are leading Bradford in the chase to sign Franck Moussa... probably complete BS but would be a shame to miss out

That Twitter source is the infamous "TransferCentre9" account so I wouldn't read too much into that.

He also has us & Portsmouth battling to sign Caolan Lavery from Sheffield Wednesday, Jamar Loza going to Colchester & Assombalonga signing for Norwich. I'd be surprised if he gets even one of those right....
That Twitter source is the infamous "TransferCentre9" account so I wouldn't read too much into that.

He also has us & Portsmouth battling to sign Caolan Lavery from Sheffield Wednesday, Jamar Loza going to Colchester & Assombalonga signing for Norwich. I'd be surprised if he gets even one of those right....

Yeah the more I look at his posts, the more I think he's talking complete rubbish!
Annual wage is nearer £1.25-£1.5m I think.
According to the accounts Staff costs in the year to 31/7/14(that's the latest accounts available , were 3.036M in 2014 (up from 2.94M in 2013) but that does include all staff (119 according to the accounts)

our income was 3.56M , other costs 1.7M , loss 1.2m7m up from 615K the year before

2015 should show higher income because of the promotion but we will find out when the accounts go in, I mean they are are only 2 moths late.

As for how much 2015-16 cost us...we will have to wait another year .
Unsure if already mentioned but an unreliable twitter source has stated Rotherham are leading Bradford in the chase to sign Franck Moussa... probably complete BS but would be a shame to miss out

He posted that after Chris Phillips posted this

That site is comedy gold don't believe a word they say! We have signed another player today but it wasn't Jamar Loza, mind you knows eventually they will get one right!

That's the basis of the old horse racing/shares scam isn't it?

You send out tips to people (in the old days via the mail) and you get a couple right and then send out some more tips to these people and when you get in right again (by chance) you write again to say how £100 is now £459 and please send £5 per month to receive the next set of tips ...........
That's the basis of the old horse racing/shares scam isn't it?

You send out tips to people (in the old days via the mail) and you get a couple right and then send out some more tips to these people and when you get in right again (by chance) you write again to say how £100 is now £459 and please send £5 per month to receive the next set of tips ...........
Yes a right old con, if it seems to good to be true and all that!
That's the basis of the old horse racing/shares scam isn't it?

You send out tips to people (in the old days via the mail) and you get a couple right and then send out some more tips to these people and when you get in right again (by chance) you write again to say how £100 is now £459 and please send £5 per month to receive the next set of tips ...........

The other one was at the racecourse. The scammer writes out the name of one horse in a very small field. He writes out every runner. So 5 runner race he writes out 100 times for each horse and puts one in an envelope to be given to the racegoers. He moves along the line very quickly so as to not give 2 envelopes to one person. He tells them this is a hot tip winner of the 3.15pm race for example. He says, if it wins, I will be standing over there, you must come and pay me handsomely, and I will then give you another winner. So whatever horse wins, he will have given the correct horse to 100 punters.
Jamie Proctor was suggested here, he's signed for Bolton.
CP as just tweeted that the lead story tomorrow is that we are in talks we a former player to return to Roots Hall.

suggetsions so far, Alan Mcormack and Jacob Sokolik
CP as just tweeted that the lead story tomorrow is that we are in talks we a former player to return to Roots Hall.

suggetsions so far, Alan Mcormack and Jacob Sokolik

CP liked a tweet which suggested Jake Cassidy.

Putting 2+2 together here, but the only other like is for Stan Collymore. Probably completely wrong, but who knows.
Won't be McCormack, plays for Brentford and wouod need a fee. Sokolik a good shout. Lavery?