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Where was this? And please don't say TBV section

I heard booing when Sturrock's name was announced and he came on, it came from my right so that's along towards the south west corner somewhere - can't be more specific than that, could have been along block S/T, family stand or South Upper. It was very different to the Zaaboooooooooub that greeted him.
I wasn't there on Saturday because I was on holiday, prize ***** are what the people are, who boo players, who play for the team they support!

Just **** off!

I'd say judging by Saturday, on the whole people would cheer 11 trained chimpanzees in a Southend shirt.

There wasn't any particular audible moaning about players from where I was (other than me bemoaning the Blair Sturrock Project when he came on, but I obviously got mine in the 95th minute :p)

Only crowd unrest was people trying to get a Martin Out chant going in TBV and pro-Ron people reacting to it.
Surely belting out "One Stevie Tilson" might have had a better effect though...
You need a new Sig!


Little chant of this from the west on saturday ;)

Can you confirm if they are back in the East Stand too? It may be a little sweetner to bring the onions back in the West as they are using that cash-less card (pretty apt for a cash less club lol)

I'm now going to be torn between chips on the walk down to Southend to pick up my half time subway. Which do I substitute now that onions are back. I suppose I could have all 3 :)
Where was this? And please don't say TBV section

I sit in the S block in the West and there were definitely a few boos when his name was announced at the beginning and when he came on. They were behind me and to the left so probably in T block towards the food/drinks counter. I wonder if they cheered when he scored?
I was in block V and definately did NOT here booing of any players. What i will say is this :

A) The so called booing of blair was zaboubing

B) The sound system is so poor and from there you couldnt really so if sturrock or zaboub came on first or second

C) I think people were just zaboubing both players as we couldnt tell which was which and they came on almost together.

D) The blue voice are fickle , but booing a player before he has even kicked a ball? I dont think so.

Yep they were def zaboubing, but they must be careful as it could be mistaken as booing!
East Reds... It sounded as if it was behind and to the right of me as I watched the game.

There were also people giving Zaaboub a Moussa-esque chant, but there were definitely sporadic boos for Sturrock as the tone was completely different.

I'm back row East Reds and admittedly chanted Zaboooooub, well it's rude not to innit.
Though i never heard any anti-Blair stuff at all.
Can you confirm if they are back in the East Stand too? It may be a little sweetner to bring the onions back in the West as they are using that cash-less card (pretty apt for a cash less club lol)

Looks like the cash-less card has been scrapped, paid cash in the West Stand for my two burgers and Onions!