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I'm suprised to see Moshni wanted by prem clubs. If you compare him to Dervitte who was a premiership reserve there is simply not contest. I think he is a class act at this level but I think the jump to the prem for a guy who has only been proffesional for six months is a bit much.

Still good business for us touch wood and good luck to Moshni.

good point, Dervitte was pure class. at our level, but Moshni just has that 'x' factor that people pay to watch . Lets face it , it is rare for people to get so excited about a center back. His current form has totally overshadowed the fact that Sawyer has come back, something that some/ many of us were/are really excited about- yet all the talk is Moshni, Moshni , Moshni (for good reason)
Hi all,

Not sure if this is any use or has been mentioned as I do not have time to trawl around websites but just noticed that Southend rejected an undisclosed bid from Blackpool today for Bilel.

Personally, Smiffy, for that deal I'd want to see £1mill up top, how many Prem players are valued at less than a million on the way up, (note I say valued, not worth), so any player going into the Prem has got to be valued at seven figures, or very close. Let's get some of the stupid money out of the Prem and down to our level for once, not that Blackpool have got a lot TBH.
But Holloway can't talk about disrespect about Adams and then expect to offer silly money to us, sorry, Olly, I've had a lot of time for you and what you've done, been like a breath of fresh air in the Prem; you and McCarthy. However don't take us for mugs just because we're League Two, for a while.

Although this may sound stupid the last player that I looked forward to watching so much every week just for entertainment value was Stan Collymore. Moshni is achieving a lot in that anyone who can excite so many people and make it fun going to watch the Blues has got to be virtually priceless at the moment.
On top of that, I actually think he's good and could be great but for the player I think it would be good to get at least a season under his belt here to learn and develop before moving on, he'll be a better finished article for it.

Whisper it quiet, but while all this is going on no ones noticing Ferdinand, I hope, as I think he is one seriously good prospect......

Maybe just me but, no.

Eastwood did give a buzz but, for me, not quite the same, I'm afraid.

Scored hatfuls of goals, most of the time outside of the box. Easily the most exciting player since Collymore and head and shoulders above Moshni for entertainment.

Cant see how anyone can say Moshni could be more entertaining than a striker!

If I could have one of them back at the club I know which Id want...
Maybe just me but, no.

Eastwood did give a buzz but, for me, not quite the same, I'm afraid.

Ricky Otto? (Otto is the one who came to mind watching the crowd come alive every time Mohsni was even near the ball on Saturday).
Scored hatfuls of goals, most of the time outside of the box. Easily the most exciting player since Collymore and head and shoulders above Moshni for entertainment.

Cant see how anyone can say Moshni could be more entertaining than a striker!

If I could have one of them back at the club I know which Id want...

Have to agree.
Scored hatfuls of goals, most of the time outside of the box. Easily the most exciting player since Collymore and head and shoulders above Moshni for entertainment.

Cant see how anyone can say Moshni could be more entertaining than a striker!

That's what makes football, everyone has a different opinion and looks at a different aspect of the game.
Back in the day when Paul Clark was playing we had some exciting players here in the headline grabbing mode but there was nothing more like music to my ears than one of Clarkey's perfectly timed block tackles, the thud used to echo round the ground.... Sad maybe, but there you go, that's just me......
That's what makes football, everyone has a different opinion and looks at a different aspect of the game.
Back in the day when Paul Clark was playing we had some exciting players here in the headline grabbing mode but there was nothing more like music to my ears than one of Clarkey's perfectly timed block tackles, the thud used to echo round the ground.... Sad maybe, but there you go, that's just me......

Brett Angell?

Scored hatfuls of goals, most of the time inside of the box. Easily the most exciting player since Anton Otulakowski and head and shoulders above Clarke for entertainment.

Cant see how anyone can say Moshni, sorry Clarke could be more entertaining than a striker!

If I could have one of them back at the club I know which Id want...

Eastwood. Vastly overrated and I'll ask again. Give me his stats at Championship level because I really don't think they're up to much. Impressive as his scoring record was he was the one player in a long list of fans favourites that I always saw as overrated. Yes I was there away at the playoff final and at Swansea but my views are no different now to what they were then.

Two hours to go. If I knew that one had to go I'd actually prefer it to be Moshni. Raw talent and a decent sum plus sell on clause. I think we'd cope with his loss far more than Grant.
Eastwood. Vastly overrated and I'll ask again. Give me his stats at Championship level because I really don't think they're up to much. Impressive as his scoring record was he was the one player in a long list of fans favourites that I always saw as overrated. Yes I was there away at the playoff final and at Swansea but my views are no different now to what they were then.

Two hours to go. If I knew that one had to go I'd actually prefer it to be Moshni. Raw talent and a decent sum plus sell on clause. I think we'd cope with his loss far more than Grant.

I would actually agree with that. Eastwood. very good player and just what we needed at the time..but not a great player.
and if you are looking for a player purely for "entertainment value" and to make the crowd gasp, I give you Carl Emberson