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Brexit negotiations thread

INDEED! let's get back to the bigger picture, I'm just afraid yours is not big enough. Your tunnel vision restricts you to just looking at Europe and its problems.........which are certainly serious enough. Yet look at the whole world at the moment. China and Russian expansionism; Trump in the USA; Brazil and their new President............unfortunately, the WHOLE world is descending into crisis. You Brexiters, at this moment in time, think it's a good idea for little old England to set off on our own and roar on the World stage. It may be a surprise for you to understand that there are those who believe it is total folly..........rather like leaving a convoy and setting off in a hostile ocean believing that waving the Union Jack and singing Rule Britannia will see us through the storm and lead us to calm waters. Insane!

As you say the whole world is in crisis. Maybe the globalisation, for the benefit of the conglomerates, does not work for the ordinary person in the street. We could, as you say, stick with what he have and just hope it gets better. As for me, I would rather do something positive and at the moment that is to get out of the EU.
As you say the whole world is in crisis. Maybe the globalisation, for the benefit of the conglomerates, does not work for the ordinary person in the street. We could, as you say, stick with what he have and just hope it gets better. As for me, I would rather do something positive and at the moment that is to get out of the EU.

Please explain how getting out of the EU can be "something positive."
Please explain how getting out of the EU can be "something positive."

The more important question is:- please explain how remaining in the EU can be something positive?

Greece, Spain, Italy, Hungary, Poland and France don't seem to be very positive at the moment.
More integration, EU army and more control by the commission. Doesn't sound positive to me.
The more important question is:- please explain how remaining in the EU can be something positive?

Greece, Spain, Italy, Hungary, Poland and France don't seem to be very positive at the moment.
More integration, EU army and more control by the commission. Doesn't sound positive to me.

I imagine that you're talking about Vox down in Andalusia and Les Gillets Jaunes in France.Might be better to hold your horses and see what happens in the May EU elections.

The UK ,of course,had already opted out of any plans for future EU integration that you mention.These plans are in any case subject to veto by individual member states.

Yogi has already explained why the UK need to remain a member of the EU.

Good news, perhaps, but I suspect that the vote going ahead,in itself, won't take us much further forward.

What that articles not telling you is the full story. I watched the show. Andrew Marr kept asking Theresa May if she lost the vote, would she bring the vote back to be voted on again. She wouldn't answer and kept giving the same old speech about her deal is best for Britain. He kept saying you haven't answered the question. He said I've asked you four or five times and you still haven't answered the question. He had to move on. It would have been a Jeremy Paxman moment when an important question is asked over 10 times without being answered as she was not going to answer, but went into a speech each time.
Is there not a hint of hypocricy in May hinting that MP's will have to vote multiple times on her deal if she loses (until she gets the result she wants), whilst criticising those who demand a second referendum now that the consequences of Brexit are better and more clearly understood understood?
What that articles not telling you is the full story. I watched the show. Andrew Marr kept asking Theresa May if she lost the vote, would she bring the vote back to be voted on again. She wouldn't answer and kept giving the same old speech about her deal is best for Britain. He kept saying you haven't answered the question. He said I've asked you four or five times and you still haven't answered the question. He had to move on. It would have been a Jeremy Paxman moment when an important question is asked over 10 times without being answered as she was not going to answer, but went into a speech each time.

Yeah I saw the Marr show too.You're quite right Seventies, she clearly dodged the question about bringing the vote back to the Commons if (as seems highly likely) it gets defeated.
What makes you believe your opinions are any more valid or correct than mine or Rigby's or anyone else that voted leave? Are you more intelligent, more informed, better educated or more 'in the know'? I've been guilty of being quite condescending (see my highlighted bits) in some of my relies and remarks on this thread but one thing I do recognise is that what I believe and post on here is just my opinion given my knowledge and what I know, or believe I know to be the truth. Comments like 'You Brexiters' does little to contribute to the argument. In fact all it serves to do is get the backs up of those with opposing views to yourself and set the tone of the reply.

We both put forward our beliefs and opinions strongly from our respective positions, each in the conviction that we are right. May be I regret using the term 'You Brexiters' which allowed you to concentrate on the semantics rather than the substance of what I said. The whole world situation frightens me at the moment. One can point out the obvious problems in Italy, Greece, France and indeed much of mainland Europe. For me, there is a frightening wave of populism which calls for a new but undefined order. Just what could fill the vacuum is anyone's guess but I fear our very notion of democracy is under threat. The fear at the back of my mind is that we could be heading for another financial crisis, which could help topple a number of countries over the brink. The UK certainly wouldn't be immune from this situation. Indeed it is suffering under its own identity crisis, brought about by Brexit and the polarisation of views is becoming more and more stark (as reflected on here). This article, which is more than just about Labour's Brexit problems shows, in a very large poll, the extent of that polarisation.


In this atmosphere I'm of the firm belief that countries should stick together, rather than branching out on their own. You believe differently and that I accept, although it won't stop me affirming my opinions on here, no more than you will stop you airing your own.
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My view is that we won't be leaving the EU at 11pm Friday 29th March. I think Theresa May will still not get her silly deal backed enough, even tho it's only up against no deal, a lose lose situation. Then she will go back to the EU again and ask for a bit more and trigger another vote. She will keep going back and keep triggering votes until she wins. Meanwhile this shambolic situation will be eating up more time and all 28 members of the EU will agree to extend it past the 29th March.
My view is that we won't be leaving the EU at 11pm Friday 29th March. I think Theresa May will still not get her silly deal backed enough, even tho it's only up against no deal, a lose lose situation. Then she will go back to the EU again and ask for a bit more and trigger another vote. She will keep going back and keep triggering votes until she wins. Meanwhile this shambolic situation will be eating up more time and all 28 members of the EU will agree to extend it past the 29th March.

No deal would be the best option. Plenty of support for it and the EU would cave in once the real players, like the German car industry slapped the jumped up little boys in Brussels.
No deal would be the best option. Plenty of support for it and the EU would cave in once the real players, like the German car industry slapped the jumped up little boys in Brussels.

I thought they were supposed to cave in a long time ago? Chicken, chicken, chicken...........who's for a dangerous game of chicken? :Smile:
Are you saying that the awful deal that May negotiated should be allowed to pass through Parliament because she is female?

You will do anything to avoid talking about the failings of the EU......Just like everyone else in the Labour party. That's why you will lose the next GE and rightly so.