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Brexit negotiations thread

Think you'll find it's no longer called "the great repeal bill". Just the repeal bill now, for legal reasons.Certainly the Henry 8th powers part of it are guaranteed to cause the Tories huge problems with their more libertarian backbechers.Labour will, quite rightly, vote against the whole bill since it allows scant time for parliamentary scrutiny.

The Intstitute for Government and the BBC are still referring to it as 'The Great Repeal Bill' so i'll go with that, thanks all the same.

No doubt the left and the liberals will contest, jump up and down like spoilt little children, and play personal and party political point scoring games with this but it will go through whether they like it or not. The time for picking over the bones of pre Brexit EU law and choosing what to do with them will come after we have left.

FulFact.org give a completely unbiased commentary on this issue, hence my little dig at personal and political point scroring.
Can't fault this...with Public service pay being under the cosh for several years now, this will certainly be factor on who we can attract into positions such as nursing.

Domestically we need to be doing a lot more including free tuition fee's.
this point bursaries for nurses is crucial - it's creating a perfect storm where you are deterring Brits from going into nursing and at the same time deterring foreign nationals from filling our nursing vacancies. The headlines about the NHS last winter are likely to be worse this coming winter and worse still the winter after that.
No, for once it wasn't a link but wasn't his opinion either. Just quoted references to others opinions on another site.

"Why is it no longer called the Great Repeal Bill?

"This was a term coined by the Prime Minister in her party conference speech in 2016. This was never likely to be the official title of the bill"

You perhaps missed this bit in my link.

If you try googling The Great Reform Bill, you'll get links to the legislation of 1832,which I seem to remember from my "O" level History classes.

Other than the link, the opinions in my last post were,quite clearly,my own.:raspberry:
"Why is it no longer called the Great Repeal Bill?

"This was a term coined by the Prime Minister in her party conference speech in 2016. This was never likely to be the official title of the bill"

You perhaps missed this bit in my link.

If you try googling The Great Reform Bill, you'll get links to the legislation of 1832,which I seem to remember from my "O" level History classes.

Other than the link, the opinions in my last post were,quite clearly,my own.:raspberry:

You said it's no longer referred to the Great Reform Bill due to legal reasons. It is. There are no legal reasons people choose not to. End of story.

Sorry for the thread highjack and off topic post but the mans an eejit.

RE: Vince Cable and The Echo article. His opinion, no more no less, and he's hardly what you'd call impartial now is he.

As with a whole lot what's written about Brexit certain people will believe and read only what they want to read and believe and their minds will stay forever firmly and irrevocably closed.

And in my opinion he's wrong.
Still the links is it? Stopping that lasted long didn't it. Of course it's not trolling.

Well to be fair, I haven't been online since sometime last night and the post he made didn't actually have a link it. The one he did post today has been removed (plus one from yesterday that I missed).

If he continues to do it (or takes the ****) I'll moderate him before he can post. But I'd rather not.....

Not often I agree with Sir Vince the Cable.But he's right about this,IMO.[/QUOTE

No he ain't IMO.

Can't say I agree with official LibDem policy to hold a second referendum on the eventual terms of the deal with the EU (personally I'm quite happy t0 leave it to Parliament).However,there seem to me at least, to be a certain logical consistency to this position.

You said it's no longer referred to the Great Reform Bill due to legal reasons. It is. There are no legal reasons people choose not to. End of story.

Sorry for the thread highjack and off topic post but the mans an eejit.

RE: Vince Cable and The Echo article. His opinion, no more no less, and he's hardly what you'd call impartial now is he.

As with a whole lot what's written about Brexit certain people will believe and read only what they want to read and believe and their minds will stay forever firmly and irrevocably closed.

And in my opinion he's wrong.

If you take the trouble to check, you'll find that the bill is officially called:- the EUROPEAN UNION (WITHDRAWAL) BILL.
If you take the trouble to check, you'll find that the bill is officially called:- the EUROPEAN UNION (WITHDRAWAL) BILL.

What the **** difference does it make whether I call it by it's formal or informal name you condescending ****

You, you tiresome little **** is exactly why left wing politics in this country is dead and has been for years.

Mods, apologies for the thread diversion yet again. He's back on ignore so won't happen again.
Well to be fair, I haven't been online since sometime last night and the post he made didn't actually have a link it. The one he did post today has been removed (plus one from yesterday that I missed).

If he continues to do it (or takes the ****) I'll moderate him before he can post. But I'd rather not.....

Thank you. I'm not trying to be petty but enough is enough.
Labour will, quite rightly, vote against the whole bill since it allows scant time for parliamentary scrutiny.

Which will be seen by all for exactly what it is, an attempt to interfere with the Government's implementation of the referendum result albeit disguised as a helpful interjection. It's something which plays straight into the hands of Brexiteers.
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What the **** difference does it make whether I call it by it's formal or informal name you condescending ****

You, you tiresome little **** is exactly why left wing politics in this country is dead and has been for years.

Mods, apologies for the thread diversion yet again. He's back on ignore so won't happen again.

Of course it makes a difference.How about just admitting you were wrong about a matter of fact and not opinion and we can both move on?

FYI,I've spent most of my adult life working and living in mainland Europe.I've been married to a Frenchwoman for over 30 years and have first hand experience that the the EU works.Our two young adult children speak a minimum of 4 languages and are -both currently working in Barcelona.They are the future of the EU and not people like you.

Which will be seen by all for exactly what it is, an attempt to interfere with the Government's implementation of the referendum result albeit disguised as a helpful interjection. It's something which plays straight into the hands of Brexiteers.

I'd say it will be seen as an attempt to adress the democratic deficit in the UK over the Brexit vote.You will no doubt have seen or heard about Tony Blair's intervention on Marr earlier today,calling for all MP's to examine their conscience on this issue.A former Labour cabinet minister-Lord Adonis was doing something similar in the Observer today.This sort of campaign won't go away.However much you and other Leavers would like it too.
I see that consummate liar and war criminal Tony Blair has now waded in yet again with the quite ludicrous idea that immigration can, and should be tightened without leaving the EU.

Ahh, those would be the very same controls that you boycotted back in 2004 when the borders opened would it you ****. You're the very reason we find ourselves in this mess.
What the **** difference does it make whether I call it by it's formal or informal name you condescending ****

You, you tiresome little **** is exactly why left wing politics in this country is dead and has been for years.

Mods, apologies for the thread diversion yet again. He's back on ignore so won't happen again.
Bit of an escalation of the circumstances - he hasn't lived in the UK for 30? years so how he impacts on UK left wing politics I don't really know.
Since the last Labour government there has been a coalition government, a Tory government with a tiny majority that lasted 2 years, and a minority Tory government. If left wing politics has been dead for years why are the Tories only scrapping by?

IMO the 'Great' in the Repeal Bill was classic May of trying to dress something up to make herself sound important and can be filed along with 'strong and stable' and 'Theresa's Team', embarrassing condescending slogans.
I see that consummate liar and war criminal Tony Blair has now waded in yet again with the quite ludicrous idea that immigration can, and should be tightened without leaving the EU.

Ahh, those would be the very same controls that you boycotted back in 2004 when the borders opened would it you ****. You're the very reason we find ourselves in this mess.
I too would prefer that he piped down.
Immigration has been higher under the Tories than Labour, and immigration from outside of the EU has been higher than within the EU. Just because May promised to reduce it to tens of thousands every year doesn't mean she had any intention or ability to do so. The only difference between Labour and Tory immigration policies was May's soundbites and they are of no practical use at all.
Which will be seen by all for exactly what it is, an attempt to interfere with the Government's implementation of the referendum result albeit disguised as a helpful interjection. It's something which plays straight into the hands of Brexiteers.
the reason for voting against it is that the bill interferes with Parliament's implementation of the referendum result - along with other law making aspects - and hands it over to the cabinet of a minority government. Senior Tories and well as Labour and LibDems have spoken out against this power grab.
the reason for voting against it is that the bill interferes with Parliament's implementation of the referendum result - along with other law making aspects - and hands it over to the cabinet of a minority government. Senior Tories and well as Labour and LibDems have spoken out against this power grab.

Moving such away from the EU and to the UK's government is a necessity of our exit and not a "power grab".
Moving such away from the EU and to the UK's government is a necessity of our exit and not a "power grab".
that's not in dispute, the power grab is that it puts the power into the hands of the cabinet and side steps Parliament. The notion of 'taking back control' is being abused as it hands it over to a handful of people who only a few weeks ago asked the public to increase their mandate, and the public reduced their mandate. Grabbing power from the EU is not the issue, grabbing power from Parliament is the issue.
Bit of an escalation of the circumstances - he hasn't lived in the UK for 30? years so how he impacts on UK left wing politics I don't really know.
Since the last Labour government there has been a coalition government, a Tory government with a tiny majority that lasted 2 years, and a minority Tory government. If left wing politics has been dead for years why are the Tories only scrapping by?

IMO the 'Great' in the Repeal Bill was classic May of trying to dress something up to make herself sound important and can be filed along with 'strong and stable' and 'Theresa's Team', embarrassing condescending slogans.

I'll be more specific ***. His brand of far left socialist, old school politics are dead. The more centralized Labour we've seen since the mid to late 70's is alive and kicking, even though it's somewhat in the political shadows of late and my reasons for thinking this are for another thread, not here.

As for the name and use of the (Great) Repeal Bill, TUIB was being his usual pedant and like a fool, I took the bait and got caught. Won't happen again.
I'll be more specific ***. His brand of far left socialist, old school politics are dead. The more centralized Labour we've seen since the mid to late 70's is alive and kicking, even though it's somewhat in the political shadows of late and my reasons for thinking this are for another thread, not here.

As for the name and use of the (Great) Repeal Bill, TUIB was being his usual pedant and like a fool, I took the bait and got caught. Won't happen again.
Fair enough. I do think May misjudges the public often and especially in this social media age self-aggrandisement is likely to get shot down, and on a subject that splits the country down the middle labeling her bill 'Great' I think is a badly judged red rag.