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there was a rumour that Anton was being paid 8k a week, funded by a director of Southend, again hard to believe

makes you wonder how much he is on really, and Cox?

These rumours are always over exaggerated.

No doubt on decent money but no where near what peoples imaginations come up with.

As I said above we had people on here telling us Eastwood was on 5k as "someone told them". He was on no where near that.

Whatever the contract it does look like we have got him though. Someone tweeted Chris Phillips to say seen with Brown at the Roslin so deal must be done and Chris replied "Yep"
I have been keeping an eye on Twitter and hasn't said anything yet.

He did reply to a tweet though


I mean you still got to discuss terms ,it don't mean he has agread

Im sure terms would have been agreed already.

He is hardly going to travel, and have Brown fly back, if they havent come to some agreement. If they were to be miles apart on salary they would both have wasted their time.
100% confirmed. Im good mates with Michael. He's just text me to say it's done and he's buzzing!
Bit early for the club to announce anything.

I'd give it another week, at least.:winking:
Hasn't done the press photos just yet. Signed the contract now. Just wait... ��
Yep deal done , regardless of if the weekly wage I was told is true he will 100% be our highest earner
I think it will be by some considerable distance , but let's not worry about these things and just enjoy that he fact that we have signed a very good championship standard player imo
Great if true....... Who's bankrolling us though :stunned: How are we affording these players over the last 2 seasons..

Well the salaries people quoted are very likely to be well over inflated.

That said we ware no doubt paying some decent salaries. Cox, Ferdinand and Kightly wont be on peanuts.

Bear in mind Bentley and Payne brought us a lot of money, enough to have paid for all of these.