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I don't rate him as a good forward never have done if this is the best forward southend can attract then in for a tough season :thumbsup:

It's ok matey Phil's spending the remainder of the striker salary he's been given on a proven striker with prem pedigree... Don't quote me on this, but whilst playing golf the other day with Dave Penney he was mentioning Bobby Zamora...
Dare I say, but from the video he takes a better penalty than BBBC!
What I like about most of those Orient goals is not just the finish, but the space he finds in the penalty area. He probably needed a new challenge, I think he'll be good for us. And all the doubters, there were a lot of clubs after him, blimey, give him a chance.
wordsworth cant even perform at championship yet alone league one seriously need better signings then this
Mark, you do realise that the Championship is the league above League 1? Common sense would say that if you aren't good enough for the Championship, the next most likely level is League 1.
Mark, you do realise that the Championship is the league above League 1? Common sense would say that if you aren't good enough for the Championship, the next most likely level is League 1.

That's why Southend took so long to get out of League 2. League 1 will be a walk in the park compared to the Tiki-Taka skills in League 2. Championship is like pub football...

Thanks ACU a very happy chap!
Excellent start to our new acquisitions of the summer

Welcome David, you've finally made it to the good team in Essex :winking:

May the goals flow and you always be onside :clap:
wordsworth cant even perform at championship yet alone league one seriously need better signings then this

Mark, contrary to what you may have heard at one time or other on the terraces the Football League isn't actually upside down.
He played for crawley in league 1 last season and they got relegated just saying :sad:

He played for Ipswich too and they reach the Championship play-offs and for Rotherham in the Championship keeping them up, he must be amazing! :happy: