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Kevin Hogg

Some on here and others elsewhere (perhaps RM?) appear to believe we should have a divine right to promotion.
I wonder how many other clubs will be equally as gutted about not achieving League 1 status?

Northampton Town? Might still make it but with the potential support and set-up - they will be devastated if they fail.

Rotherham United. In the mix but if they fail? Would expect a top three position.

Bradford City? League Cup Finalists, massive support, years in lower tier. May get there but should have been certs

Chesterfield? Still battling. New stadium, improved support and set-up in recent years. Would have looked to a return.

Bristol Rovers? Traditionally a higher division side. Will be frustrated.

Oxford United? Ex-top division, League Cup winners in the 80's. Newish (3 sided) stadium. Will be gutted again.

Wycombe Wanderers? Have the set-up.

Plymouth Argyle? Supporters would never have envisioned such a sorry state. The club has been in freefall.

We are disappointed but there are other clubs (included some not mentioned) who will also be frustrated. Except Argyle due to the obvious financial woes - all the above would have good reason to expect to finish above Southend United and achieve promotion. We would expect to be above them. We may all fail.
Is football!
Of course we dont have a right to promotion, but a club our size should really be in League One.

The examples you give though show there are plenty of other clubs who should be too.

Anyone who wants to be there has to earn it on the pitch obviously, which the likes of Gillingham have, and the likes of us havent.
Yeah agree, how anyone who thinks a team 'taught to play football by Rochdale' has an devine right to go up should think again, we are where our league table suggests, a mid table League 2 team......

Gillingham have gone up but they spent nearly £2 million this season doing so, the £2 million quid they got from the Matt Jarvis deal, Martin Allen was talking about this subject on Soccer Sunday the other week....
Totally agree. We have no divine right but potentially should be higher.

That can be said of many clubs across the lower three divisions!
Totally agree. We have no divine right but potentially should be higher.

That can be said of many clubs across the lower three divisions!

The leagues would look very different from Premier to League 2, if it was done on size, Look at Yeovil challenging for promotion to the CCC while really being a League 2 sized club with stadium & crowds etc
No too sure how to add to this Kevin other than to repeat what your headline says and that's no-one has a divine right to achieve promotion by doing next to nothing. Those who spend more by far compared to others may feel they should be further ahead in the friving seat but at the same time there are no guarantees. I think it is about the old adage, work hard at all times and be as consistent as you can throughout the course of the season or at least very much in the most part of it normally results in promotion. The sticking point for us like one or two say others, say PLymouth ( who should be by tradition a higher division side and by size of the Club) and Oxford is the dreaded unwanted interference from above which eventually seeps onto the pitch and undermines rather a lot. How are managers meant to keep players motivated when these things happen like late payment of wages etc?? And in our case a Chairman who seems to take pride in either bad mouthing or belittling managers when he decides enough is enough with them. What manager would want that and hardly advertises well the job of manager here. Frustratingly that is what is holding us back in the main and as soon (hopefully) this little man is replaced by a bigger man then we may start to go forward again. Don't forget we are now in a position to where we started under this guy meaning the dizzy heights of the Leagues above did not last as long as it should have done if we were under normal circumstances.
The leagues would look very different from Premier to League 2, if it was done on size, Look at Yeovil challenging for promotion to the CCC while really being a League 2 sized club with stadium & crowds etc

Despite our frustration - this is why our league system is so good.
No too sure how to add to this Kevin other than to repeat what your headline says and that's no-one has a divine right to achieve promotion by doing next to nothing. Those who spend more by far compared to others may feel they should be further ahead in the friving seat but at the same time there are no guarantees. I think it is about the old adage, work hard at all times and be as consistent as you can throughout the course of the season or at least very much in the most part of it normally results in promotion. The sticking point for us like one or two say others, say PLymouth ( who should be by tradition a higher division side and by size of the Club) and Oxford is the dreaded unwanted interference from above which eventually seeps onto the pitch and undermines rather a lot. How are managers meant to keep players motivated when these things happen like late payment of wages etc?? And in our case a Chairman who seems to take pride in either bad mouthing or belittling managers when he decides enough is enough with them. What manager would want that and hardly advertises well the job of manager here. Frustratingly that is what is holding us back in the main and as soon (hopefully) this little man is replaced by a bigger man then we may start to go forward again. Don't forget we are now in a position to where we started under this guy meaning the dizzy heights of the Leagues above did not last as long as it should have done if we were under normal circumstances.

Interesting how almost every post by the colonel turns into an anti-Ron tirade. While I appreciate the colonel's right to his opinion, and frankly I too would love to see Ron replaced if there was a realistic alternative, he clearly has an agenda and it is getting a little tedious now. This is a Forum for discussing all things Southend, but the colonel has in my opinion joined to conduct a one-issue campaign. In other words he is a sockpuppet.
I agree Kevin. No club has a divine right for promotion,although a lot of fans think otherwise. Have you spoken to any Luton supporters?
it is the well run clubs that often succeed
Morning century. Yep maybe I've gone too far with the anti-ron thing and said as much to Cricko pvtly in the week. I can assure you I'm not a sock puppett. And TBH I don't criticise for the sake of doing so although having said that I agree I've probably carried on with this too far. But I still have a point I feel. A little moreover , with respect, maybe because of certain positions my closes and dearest have held in work I may know of a lttl;e more that goes on with certain people than you do. Not everything and not as much as a few on here but maybe a bit more than you think i do.
Interesting how almost every post by the colonel turns into an anti-Ron tirade. While I appreciate the colonel's right to his opinion, and frankly I too would love to see Ron replaced if there was a realistic alternative, he clearly has an agenda and it is getting a little tedious now. This is a Forum for discussing all things Southend, but the colonel has in my opinion joined to conduct a one-issue campaign. In other words he is a sockpuppet.
so who's hands up who's arse:smile:
Morning century. Yep maybe I've gone too far with the anti-ron thing and said as much to Cricko pvtly in the week. I can assure you I'm not a sock puppett. And TBH I don't criticise for the sake of doing so although having said that I agree I've probably carried on with this too far. But I still have a point I feel. A little moreover , with respect, maybe because of certain positions my closes and dearest have held in work I may know of a lttl;e more that goes on with certain people than you do. Not everything and not as much as a few on here but maybe a bit more than you think i do.

I appreciate saying what I have here may make me sound like some spiv. But You can't control what others do or say or think so I'll say what I have to and if others wish to judge then thats their prerogative.
Good post. We are a big club for this level but there are plenty of others who are bigger, but have been undermined by various factors whether it be financial difficulties (Plymouth), mismanagement (Oxford when they went into the Conf, Bristol Rovers god knows how many managers in recent years) or just plain underachievement.

If Rotherham don't go up, they should be ashamed of themselves. Same with Fleetwood. Those clubs have the set up and the cash to be able to romp this league, but haven't done so. Bradford's cup run has got in the way but it looks as though they may still make it (I hope they do - the money they got from it would make them absolute nailed on favourites next year so I hope they get up now). Chesterfield will also feel they have underachieved with a relatively new stadium and crowds still on a high following that.

Bristol Rovers will never get anywhere while they are changing managers every eight months. And Plymouth look like they are still suffering from their financial woes but will gradually improve under Sheridan.

As for us? Well we are poorly run off the pitch and the size of the club is undermined by the fact we haven't got a pot to **** in. Where we are in the table is not a surprise.

Not sure I agree with Wycombe though. Traditionally a small club and now they have had a takeover, they have had to cut their cloth, hence their relatively lowly position.
From top to bottom this Club is simply not good enough to re-establish itself as a League 1 outfit. First and foremost, SUFC needs a solid financial base, whereby the bills and wages are paid on time. Until that happens, the Club cannot progress and sadly will continue to languish at the lowest level of League football. :sad:
Good post. We are a big club for this level but there are plenty of others who are bigger, but have been undermined by various factors whether it be financial difficulties (Plymouth), mismanagement (Oxford when they went into the Conf, Bristol Rovers god knows how many managers in recent years) or just plain underachievement.

If Rotherham don't go up, they should be ashamed of themselves. Same with Fleetwood. Those clubs have the set up and the cash to be able to romp this league, but haven't done so. Bradford's cup run has got in the way but it looks as though they may still make it (I hope they do - the money they got from it would make them absolute nailed on favourites next year so I hope they get up now). Chesterfield will also feel they have underachieved with a relatively new stadium and crowds still on a high following that.

Bristol Rovers will never get anywhere while they are changing managers every eight months. And Plymouth look like they are still suffering from their financial woes but will gradually improve under Sheridan.

As for us? Well we are poorly run off the pitch and the size of the club is undermined by the fact we haven't got a pot to **** in. Where we are in the table is not a surprise.

Not sure I agree with Wycombe though. Traditionally a small club and now they have had a takeover, they have had to cut their cloth, hence their relatively lowly position.

They were in terrible form before the cup exploits. Using cups as an excuse for not performing in the league is too simplistic.

With their crowds and potential you would certainly expect them to have done better.
Morning century. Yep maybe I've gone too far with the anti-ron thing and said as much to Cricko pvtly in the week. I can assure you I'm not a sock puppett. And TBH I don't criticise for the sake of doing so although having said that I agree I've probably carried on with this too far. But I still have a point I feel. A little moreover , with respect, maybe because of certain positions my closes and dearest have held in work I may know of a lttl;e more that goes on with certain people than you do. Not everything and not as much as a few on here but maybe a bit more than you think i do.

On the contrary, colonel, it's because I think you are too closely involved - if you are going to carry on with this obvious campaign, then I think people have a right to know where you are coming from and something about your reasons for it. All the hinting at inside information you post above just makes it more important that you come clean, how else csan we judge if we are being given genuine information, or fed more spin and ********, of which there has been far too much from both sides.

And to put this into perspective, it would be equally wrong (and I suspect most on this board would deeply disapprove) if someone from Ron Martin's camp, perhaps an employee of Martin Dawn, joined this board with the express purpose of supporting everything Ron-like, without disclosing his links and reasons.
I was born in 1990, and have really started following SUFC from 97/98 season.

In the 15 seasons I've been watching we've spent 1 season in the Championship, 5 seasons in League 1 and 9 seasons in League 2.

Based on my time being an SUFC supporter, I would say we have absolutely no divine right to be in League 1.