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Ok so yesterday I drove back from my sisters house in London up to Sheffield. This basically involves 140miles of the M1. To make it more 'interesting' I like to play a game.

So basically, you drive slightly faster or slower than the speed you want to go at. So I normally like to drive at 80 in my little Clio, so go at 75 or 85mph, and look for car who is driving at your ideal speed and looks like a long distance driver (i.e. if it's a banger, they're probably a northerner). Once you find the car then you need to follow behind them for a long as possible. You can't be swapping in different lanes behind them, so you have to pick a good driver and not someone who is just hogging lanes. Also I tend to avoid vans because I don't like not being able to see past the car in front. Once you've found a good car then you have to stick with them for as long as you can. Yesterday I followed a Green Mondeo estate for 70miles, before it pulled into Leicester Forest services. I get real satisfaction from spotting a good car to follow, especially one that sticks exactly to your ideal speed.

So I confessed my game to Mrs Pubey who thought I was a complete freak and weirdo, but I'm sure I'm not the only person to play games like this when driving. Anyone got any good ones?
Number Plate Hunt. You have to start at single 1 eg ABC 1 and continue from there. '0' plates dont count it has to be single. I got up to 106 in about 6 months but got bored after that.
Number Plate Hunt. You have to start at single 1 eg ABC 1 and continue from there. '0' plates dont count it has to be single. I got up to 106 in about 6 months but got bored after that.

Flipping heck, I guess with your work you rack up some serious miles!
Another number plate hunt .. you have to spot every different number plate starting 51, 02, 52 etc ..
Long distance driving buddy,done that for years,you over take them and they overtake you and when one or the other pulls off you give a little honk and wave,much fun.
Except you used to do it to young females on their own and scared the crap out of them :smile:

I always enjoyed playing the roadkill game wen travelling on Motorways (or infact any long distance drive). Points would be made up depending on the animal and amount of destruction, and the rule was they had to have some part of their body still on the tarmac. Dead Horse roadkill was an automatic win.
Although since moving out here i had to modify the rules since i found out about the black bear population in New Jersey, so now black bear roadkill is automatic win.
I just like to try beating old records i've done on previous journeys of that trip.

Last year i got my PB for Southend to Keswick down from 4 hours 54 mins to 4 hours 41 mins... i felt like i had won the Le Mans 24 or something! Sat Nav told me my average speed was 71mph... probably can't realisticly do that trip any faster without attracting some rozza attention!

I did once end up with a LD buddy for about 100miles on the Manc-Penrith part of the M6, and it was beautiful cutting through the valleys, pratically the only two cars on the road... felt like an episode of top gear, as i had only recently got my new car, and his was on a 10 plate as well, there was some good Kudos going on!
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I just like to try beating old records i've done on previous journeys of that trip.

Last year i got my PB for Southend to Keswick down from 4 hours 54 mins to 4 hours 41 mins... i felt like i had won the Le Mans 24 or something! Sat Nav told me my average speed was 71mph... probably can't realisticly do that trip any faster without attracting some rozza attention!

Pretty impressive!

My boy-racer days are over because some points made my insurance very expensive. Now days I just try driving different routes to places to make it a bit more interesting, and also change my satnav to 'most direct route', which sometimes puts you on crazy country roads.
Driving games are hard to play on some motorways her due to the lack of traffic,i once went to pick my wife up from the airport and drove 25 mins without seeing another car on the A20 and the motorway from reoun to le mans is so dead its boring.
If I see a road sign with distances for various places on it, I have to add up all the numbers; but that's not just a driving thing, I do it whenever I see groups of numbers. Just call me Rain Man, or Duke; I'm easy with either.
I like hanging out of the window and give the five knuckle shuffle sign to the sausage eating truckers,great fun.
get in front of someone and use your windscreen washers, let them turn their wipers on, when finished repeat for as many miles as possible.