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Exiled Shrimpers - Living Abroad

Medway Blue

Living on the Island of Relevancy ⭐
So since I found out that I'm moving abroad myself in half a year's time, it has dawned on me that there are quite a lot of internationally-exiled Shrimpers on SZ. I've always known the fact, but never really thought about it until I found out that I'll be joining your ranks in supporting Blues from afar for a year!

On July 23rd I am flying to the US of A. I'm going to live in Orlando, Florida for a year and I'm going to working for the great mouse himself in Walt Disney World. Can't wait to get out there, it's always been a dream to live there and I think I could do with the time away.

Just for discussion's sake, and because I'm interested, whereabouts across this vast globe do all you international Shrimpers live?
How long have you lived abroad for?
Why did you move abroad?
What's it like where you live?
What do you like/dislike about it?
What do you miss about the UK?
Do you realistically think that you'll return to these shores permanently or is your residence away from here permanent?

Let's hear it!
Well firstly that sounds like a fantastic opportunity, congratulations. That's going to be tough but very enjoyable all the same.

How long have you lived abroad for? Moved to HK Feb1 last year

Why did you move abroad? First went to HK 15 years ago. I knew on that first day that one day I'd be working there. I've been a regular visitor on business through that period. Main reason I'm there is career and financial

What's it like where you live? Bloody fantastic. I'm about an hour away from work living somewhere very peaceful surrounded by greenery. Miles from the nearest shops and bars.

What do you like/dislike about it? Virtually all plusses. The attitude, the climate, the food and the fact that within 2-5 hours I have the whole of Asia at my fingertips. Public transport is cheap, easy and efficient.Shops open to 11 even on Sunday. I can get ****ed and get a cab home for £15 with a healthy tip. I also like the morals and PC is nowhere to be seen.Downside is pollution and the techno obsessed locals. Kids at suffering from parents stuck on gadgets all day.

What do you miss about the UK? Almost ZERO. Even got used to the fact that I can't see SUFC and I'm semiretired from playing. Family still not moved over. That's the only thing.

Do you realistically think that you'll return to these shores permanently or is your residence away from here permanent? No intention of retuning but life changes so we'll see. I should have financial comfort by the time I'm 50 so could, in theory, take a job just to keep income trickling in for bills
whereabouts across this vast globe do all you international Shrimpers live?

Perth, Western Australia

How long have you lived abroad for?

About two months

Why did you move abroad?
I guess the girlfriend is the main reason. Although a southend girl, she moved out here with her parents at 18. Came back for a planned 6 month visit 4 years ago and ended up with me so stayed longer and we finally decided to move out here around April this year. She has permanent residency out here and I am out here on a spouse/de facto visa. Luckily she sorted all that out as I had about ten tons of paperwork too do to transfer my work skills out here.

Second reason that made it easy to convince me was the salary I will earn out here dwarves what I would ever get in the uk. That long with standard of living bringing up kids etc made it an easy decision to at least try. Buying a house out here will be a lot easier for ha, and you get a lot more for your money.

What's it like where you live?

Beautiful although very spread out which meant passing my driving test in April was very lucky otherwise would have been a nightmare. 40 degrees today don't think we have bad a day under 25 since we got here.
What do you like/dislike about it?
Like the weather the fact we can afford to do stuff that we couldn't at home, the beach and beautiful river. The nice clean city is close.
Bad things include terrible shopping, terrible drivers and average at best beer.
What do you miss about the UK?

Friends and family. I didn't get to watch much of southend as although lived in canterbury didn't have a car. Local pubs.
Do you realistically think that you'll return to these shores permanently or is your residence away from here permanent?
Time will tell.
Didn't someone set up a map somewhere which showed where everyone was based?

I'm only half-abroad, living as I do in Ireland. Dublin is like any large UK town, just with worse weather and more expensive beer. I'm sure I'll be back before long.
I'm in Hakodate, Hokkaido, Japan. A middle-sized city on the edge of stunning wilderness with an earthquake/tsunami thrown in every now and again.

How long have you lived abroad for?
7 and a half years. Came over after the play-off win in 2005.
Why did you move abroad?
In search of pastures new, a better life. I like Leigh, but the world is a big and interesting place.
What's it like where you live?
Great food, hot summers, festivals, mountains, outdoor sports, snowboarding for 4 months, thin women.
What do you like/dislike about it?
Like the snowbaording but the winters are kind of long and the early spring is cold, wet and miserable. Language barrier is still frustrating at times. Also my in-laws are a pain in the rear. That must be an international problem.
What do you miss about the UK?
Seeing my family and friends and especially sister and her kids grow up. Have my own family here and a one year old boy who still hasn't met my UK family for one reason or another. That's kind of sad. Also miss baked beans, good brown bread and good cheese at a reasonable price.
Do you realistically think that you'll return to these shores permanently or is your residence away from here permanent?
I'm here for good. Married to a Japanese and have started a family. Safer here (except for the earthquakes which is quite a big negative) and seems like a nice place to bring up kids. Been away too long to be able to get a good enough job back in the UK.
I've made my futon, now I have to sleep in it (happily).
How long have you lived abroad for?

Since 1978.Though I moved back to the UK for a year in 80/81 before taking off again, to work in Montpellier and then San Sebastian for a year each, before returning to work in Barcelona in 1983.

Why did you move abroad?

Initially, to be near my girlfriend (now wife) and also to try my hand at teaching.After 80/1, to get as far away as possible from Thatcher's Britain.

What's it like where you live?

We've lived in Sant Cugat since 1986.It used to be a village(there were sheep grazing in the fields opposite us when we first moved in)but it's now become a posh, middle class commuter town.I've seen it described as the Hampstead of Barcelona but that's ridiculous.Surbiton would be a better comparison these days.

What do you like/dislike about it?

See above.It's near enough to Barcelona for a daily commute or for a night/afternoon out and has great transport links.The town itself is quite pleasant and low key and doesn't get the excess numbers of tourists that Barcelona attracts.

What do you miss about the UK?

Not a lot these days, except SUFC(also occasionally some UK pubs and London theatre).

Do you realistically think that you'll return to these shores permanently or is your residence away from here permanent?

Extremely unlikely.But never say hever.
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How long have you lived abroad for?

Since 1978.Though I moved back to the UK for a year in 80/81 before taking off again, to work in Montpellier and then San Sebastian for a year each, before returning to work in Barcelona in 1983.

Why did you move abroad?

Initially, to be near my girlfriend (now wife) and also to try my hand at teaching.After 80/1, to get as far away as possible from Thatcher's Britain.

What's it like where you live?

We've lived in Sant Cugat since 1986.It used to be a village(there were sheep grazing in the fields opposite us when we first moved in)but it's now become a posh, middle class commuter town.I've seen it described as the Hampstead of Barcelona but that's ridiculous.Surbiton would be a better comparison these days.

What do you like/dislike about it?

See above.It's near enough to Barcelona for a daily commute or for a night/afternoon out and has great transport links.The town itself is quite pleasant and low key and doesn't get the excess numbers of tourists that Barcelona attracts.

What do you miss about the UK?

Not a lot these days except SUFC(also occasionally some UK pubs and London theatre).

Do you realistically think that you'll return to these shores permanently or is your residence away from here permanent?

Extremely unlikely.But never say hever.

Why not? It can be lucky.
It doesn't matter if your exiled in the UK or overseas you MUST have an official SUFC Exile mug £7.99 plus p&p

Also well worth joining the SUFC Exile yahoo group to discuss the mighty shrimpers with other like minded exiles (of course only if you've read the Zone first!!)
Just for discussion's sake, and because I'm interested, whereabouts across this vast globe do all you international Shrimpers live? Hermiston, Oregon, USA
How long have you lived abroad for? Just over a year this time, over ten years total
Why did you move abroad? Better place to raise kids
What's it like where you live? Too much meth, not enough sniff
What do you like/dislike about it? See above
What do you miss about the UK? Family, friends, Blues and scotch eggs
Do you realistically think that you'll return to these shores permanently or is your residence away from here permanent?
I very much doubt I'll return other than to visit.