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They can't even spell his name right on that forum. And he's not fat, he's just muscular. Look at the pics on the official site - phwoar! :blush:
When Freedy first came those at training said the routines being worked suggested that Bil would not partner Freddy at BR. I assume therefore that any working together has only been a week old and should only get better.

What was great about last night was the atmosphere. The team seemed like they were packed full of team spirit & the crowd we right behind the team ( can you imagine the meeting if Blair had missed the Freddy sitter?).

The defence were clearly worried about our front line. They often doubled up on Bilel in the air and Freddy at other times. Lee Hills throw remains a dangerous weapon with Bilel as a target and Freddy picking up the pieces. I can only see the combo getting better.

My biggest worry is now at the back. Barker has gone from being a rock to really worrying me. I would prefer to see MP and LP form the new pairing for us.
Once again, lets not run away with things.

First game promising, second game back we got results. Cheltenham were struggling in form and so were we, 4-0 is a big message.

Defences become anxious, it's a fresh change in line up and now for the rest of the season our opponents have to rethink their strategy. Our strong forward presence brings on double manning etc. which opens up possibilities for the midfield to run into. To cover this treat, their attackers become more concerned with covering back than going forward.
The whole balance of a game shifts and we have to exploit this.

We have gone from almost no 'shots' (clever huh!) on goal to a threat of shots from all over the place. And as the understanding improves, as we all hope it will, so we should improve the success ratio.

It's only one game but the morale boost throughout the squad and across the terraces (and the miles) gives a whole different outlook.

Long may it continue to where we enjoy a couple of matches against Coventry in the First Division next season!!