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Game of Thrones

No he doesn't. How can you judge something you've not watched or read? All "Clive" has nailed is wasting valuable server space and his time writing that crap.

All Game of Thrones has nailed is wasting valuable finance that HBO could've thrown at David Chase to bring The Sopranos back, depriving the world of more Ginny Sac jokes.

And Clive Martin isn't exactly judging Game of Thrones in that piece, is he? It's far more of a slight on the fantasy genre and its fandom.
All Game of Thrones has nailed is wasting valuable finance that HBO could've thrown at David Chase to bring The Sopranos back, depriving the world of more Ginny Sac jokes.

And Clive Martin isn't exactly judging Game of Thrones in that piece, is he? It's far more of a slight on the fantasy genre and its fandom.

I get it, you don't like it and you've found a kindred spirit. Well done you.

I'm sure David Chase doesn't want to live on past glories, and by the way, James Gandolfini is no longer with us so the Soprano's without T? Nah I don't think so.
I get it, you don't like it and you've found a kindred spirit. Well done you.

I'm sure David Chase doesn't want to live on past glories, and by the way, James Gandolfini is no longer with us so the Soprano's without T? Nah I don't think so.

Christ, I dread to think what you'd say if you found out I think cookery shows have been the death knell of terrestrial television as well.

And in my Sopranos fantasy Paulie, by some distance the second best character in the show after Tony, has assumed control and runs the family with a cast iron grip and sleek silver hair.
Christ, I dread to think what you'd say if you found out I think cookery shows have been the death knell of terrestrial television as well.

And in my Sopranos fantasy Paulie, by some distance the second best character in the show after Tony, has assumed control and runs the family with a cast iron grip and sleek silver hair.

:raspberry: Agree to disagree buddy. And if D.B. Weiss produced Soprano's, Paulie would have been offed in the first season.
And in the balance of fairness......


Quite why anyone would write a tirade of criticism about something they admittedly haven't watched is quite beyond me. He could have just written 'I don't like the fantasy genre' and be done with it. But then that's not what being a self opinionated, self obsessed, stuck up my own arse wannabe journalist is all about is it. That's a bit like witing that a car drives like a pig without actually getting behind the wheel. Pointless and a waste of ink.
I'm told that if you want to avoid a big spoiler ahead of tonight, steer clear of The Guardian today (more so than usual one might argue).
Even the ending didn't stop this episode from being a bit of a snoozefest.

So has Sansa finally stepped up?
I thought the episode was quite brilliant, full of unsaid hatred. The ending was indeed a shock.
I watched it at 2.30am this morning after not being able to sleep again and I too thought everything up to the last 15 minutes was a tad long winded. The last 15 were however a different story and it's certainly opened up the story line (I've not read the books) Looking forward to ep 3 now :D