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Game of Thrones

I thought the episode was quite brilliant, full of unsaid hatred. The ending was indeed a shock.

Same, I was gripped throughout, not just the last fifteen. However, for pretty much the entire wedding scene, I was on edge just waiting and expecting something awful to go down at the hand of Joffrey, as he was being an even bigger **** than usual; so when the scene finally played out, it was an even bigger shock for me.
That ending certainly qualifies as a 'twist' though! Didn't see that coming.

No one is safe in Game of Thrones !

Same, I was gripped throughout, not just the last fifteen. However, for pretty much the entire wedding scene, I was on edge just waiting and expecting something awful to go down at the hand of Joffrey, as he was being an even bigger **** than usual; so when the scene finally played out, it was an even bigger shock for me.

It doesn't help that Ive read the books so knew what was coming, but for me the whole episode just dragged on to what I knew was about to happen. Probably necessary to build up to that though for those who haven't read them.
No one is safe in Game of Thrones !

Something we learnt a long time ago! I just thought that he'd have a little reign of terror before being speared by someone in battle. I'd heard that something big was happening at the end of this episode, but I thought it would be another major character. Still, the fallout from this is going to be interesting...
Its funny but I still get shocked when the big characters go.

At the end of the last book there is another shock, and even after reading all the book I still had to re-read the page to make sure I hadn't read it wrong.

I do wonder who exactly will be left at the end!

Didn't realise the wedding band was Sigur Ros!
He's also

Gareth from the office too in the last season. Dennis Pennis too!

Loved both episodes so far. The Hound in the first episode was epic. Not read the books but got my suspicions about who killed Joffrey. GOT weddings are always good fun!
Gareth from the office too in the last season. Dennis Pennis too!

Loved both episodes so far. The Hound in the first episode was epic. Not read the books but got my suspicions about who killed Joffrey. GOT weddings are always good fun!

I think it will surprise you how it will all come out.