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Game of Thrones

Wasnt overly impressed how much they changed it to be honest. Not sure why they needed to?

This is my view on it, massive deviations, and not sure to what end? It's making me wonder if he's going to omit a couple of the best chapters in the book, which would be a travesty. The longer it goes on, the more changes he seems to make, some make sense, but last night, I really can't see why or where he's going.
I guess its because the TV show is aiming to end up in the same end as the books but cutting out some of the weaker storylines. The whole Bran arc in the books is pretty dull so guess they are bypassing some of it?
Completely agree with you and Grantland. I found the baby stuff a bit too much, and the fetishism point is definitely something I agree with.

Found it a little tough - maybe thats to do with being a dad, but I kept telling myself it's not real and the kid can be incredibly proud of his first acting role!
Completely agree with you and Grantland. I found the baby stuff a bit too much, and the fetishism point is definitely something I agree with.

Found it a little tough - maybe thats to do with being a dad, but I kept telling myself it's not real and the kid can be incredibly proud of his first acting role!

I do wonder if that scene might not have bothered me pre-kids, but it certainly did on Monday night. We've chaaaaaanged guys!
Ive got kids and it didnt bother me a bit.

Im pretty sure its a fantasy TV show with ****ing dragons in it. Its just a story chaps.
I wondered if it was just me - he has definitely changed his accent hasn't he!

Decent enough episode - the Stannis plot line continues to plod along at a glacial pace. He's possibly my least favourite character in the show, while his man Davos is one of the best.

Davos is one letter away from being my favourite!
Another episode of dullness for 45 mins and then a good last 15. Glad to see the goodies win a (minor) battle for once.
Interesting episode - thought the the bit with Theon was a bit pointless. Good to see Mark Gatiss as the bank that likes to say no, but the trial of Tyrion was just stunning. Peter Dinklage :Worthy:
The trial bit was good. But what was with the worlds worst attempt to break Theon out? "Oh he's not my brother now? I'll just stroll out of this place called the Dreadfort and just row home. Piece of ****."
Interesting episode - thought the the bit with Theon was a bit pointless. Good to see Mark Gatiss as the bank that likes to say no, but the trial of Tyrion was just stunning. Peter Dinklage :Worthy:

At least the Theon story appears to be moving somewhere now; Ramsey Snow clearly has something interesting planned.

But GOT is always best - I think - when the strongest characters are given room to breathe. And for that reason, the trial of Tyrion was one of the best scenes of the entire four seasons.
I found it a bit dull yesterday, but then Ive read the books so the trial wasnt particularly interesting.