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Question How does following Southend make you feel?

How does following Southend make you feel?

  • It's a pleasure and a privilege in spite of the low points

    Votes: 68 81.9%
  • It's a duty and a burden that causes me nothing but unhappiness and anger

    Votes: 7 8.4%
  • I am emotionally dead and have no feelings

    Votes: 8 9.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Reg Martin

No Relation
I regard supporting Southend as a pleasure and a privilege more than ever in spite of the inevitable lows.
For others it seems to be a duty and a burden that brings nothing but unhappiness and anger.
So which camp are you in?
Teesside i think i have supported Southend United for so long that at times it does feel like a habit, a duty, a burden and yes it has/does bring unhappiness. I have had so many sleepless nights, drunken orgies of banter, argument, almost fight (and that's only with the wife), hey i even admit to almost crying myself to sleep at times, in fact once i felt so suicidal that i almost threw myself under Ron Martins car, luckily a friend pointed out just in time that Ron didn't drive an old Ford Escort. I go to Roots Hall at every opportunity, i have missed 1 home game in almost 20 years, i do miss some distant away games, but i take in all that i can. I can honestly say, that when that whistle blows for the start of that 90 minutes of near hell i really do come alive, the adrenalin flows, the heart ponds and i realise that i truly love the game of football, i truly love supporting 'my' team, Southend United is in my blood and part of me, i have bought season tickets for 12 members of my family again this year, i will do the same next year, in short it is my pleasure and my priviledge to support the best team in the world. UTB IN TILLY & BRUSH WE TRUST.
despite all the crap we have to put up with, Southend United are my team, and always will be. There is nothing like it when you see your team succeed, although it isnt that often when happens its worth it! Up the Blues!
I'm usually quite good at putting the disappointments behind me pretty quickly. Football is a way to distract me from everything else involved in being a grown-up in this crazy World of ours. The last thing I need is to be depressed about football as well as anything/everything else!
Following Southend has been a part of my life for so long that it's now an integral part of my well being. Having said that, I'm not one to allow the disappointments show themselves too publicly and remain upbeat and optimistic the majority of the time.

Whether that remains the case come January, remains to be seen. It could be one of the first instances of me actually being despondant.
Following Southend has been a part of my life for so long that it's now an integral part of my well being. Having said that, I'm not one to allow the disappointments show themselves too publicly and remain upbeat and optimistic the majority of the time.

Whether that remains the case come January, remains to be seen. It could be one of the first instances of me actually being despondant.

OBL because of Macca going or most of our better players going? I hope we are wrong on both counts, but i don't think so. UTB.
An absolute privilege, not least of all because I'm well aware that I've supported the club through a period that has provided me with more breathtaking moments, more bang for my buck if you will, than any Southend fans before me.

I just don't get how it can be "unacceptable" for us to be mediocre whilst playing a division higher than we have for most of our history. A culture of entitlement perhaps? To me it's obvious that our ambitions are on hold until we get the stadium move, and I'd even take a step backwards if need be to balance the books until then. A few years of frustration will ultimately mean very little compared to setting ourselves up for decades to come, and it's not as if we're short of recent triumphs to reflect upon and relive in order to tide ourselves over, is it?
OBL because of Macca going or most of our better players going? I hope we are wrong on both counts, but i don't think so. UTB.

Both, I'm just VERY concerned that some of our most loyal players are completely fed up with being shafted and will leave as a result. Macca obviously, but others as well. I just don't see any of our "glut" of centre mids fulfilling that role in the manner to which we've become accustomed. Barney as well, then Revs obviously - not sure how much longer Adam will tolerate things either.

Am feeling just a tad pessimistic tonight, which as you will know, is NOT me at all!
Its duty it makes me miserable and has ruined most of my young life and I am dead serious
I wouldn't say it's a privilege.
I enjoy supporting the team but it's not a privilege as anyone else could have it and they don't have to do anything to earn it, it's a personal choice.
I will always support the Blues, whether or not it becomes more duty than pleasure I don't know but I always will because despite the lows, the highs make it more than worth it.
I regard supporting Southend as a pleasure and a privilege more than ever in spite of the inevitable lows.
For others it seems to be a duty and a burden that brings nothing but unhappiness and anger.
So which camp are you in?

I absolutely love it. In my younger days, there wasn't a better feeling than getting up on Saturday, getting excited about the game, getting to the ground about 1:30 to sit behind the turnstiles at the North Bank waiting for them to open at 2pm. Pay your money on the turnstile, steam into the North Bank, pick your usual position and wait for it to fill up.

Sammy kicking a ball or 2 in for us to throw about, smash a couple of strip lights, just waiting for kick off.
Cheering the team on, chanting Blue Army for the whole of the 1st half....

Getting the coach at Roots Hall or meeting it at Progress Road or Kent Elms Corner, having our coach searched at Swindon for booze, people panic hiding it for fear of being turned away from the ground, turning up at a pub outside St James Park only for it to be full of Toon fans, us in our Southend Shirts, made most welcome...all great great times and I love reminiscing about them.

As I got older, the love is still there but more subdued, the South Bank isn't as lively as the North Bank was, but have made some good friends as I have got older.

The greater joy now is watching my son pull on his Southend shirt with pride, going over the park for a kick about, asking when he can go to another match, coming home all excited from the Rayleigh lights switch on, not to tell me the lights were good, but to get all excited about seeing Steve Tilson.

I love Southend United with all my heart
I've always loved going to Roots Hall, and obviously still do. I think for me, 2 examples show how my opinion changes though.

Oldham at home this season. Was well up for it. Lovely saturday afternoon, in the pub for a few beers, with the expectation of seeing Blues pick up a win. Those are the times i love being a shrimper. Pre-game, spirits are high and you just thoroughly enjoy the whole thing. Oh how dissapointed i felt leaving Roots Hall that day. That game went from "buzzing" to "duty"

Scond example, MK Dons the other week, went to the ground with no hope whatsoever to be perfectly honest. I thought we were going to get turned over royaly, so that felt like a "duty game". But once again, the blues showed how unpredictable they are, and i left The Hall feeling proud as **** to be a shrimper. That game went from "duty" to "buzzing"

So, in short, sometimes i love it, sometimes i ask myself "why do i bother".

Oh and Freedman out :)
Both, I'm just VERY concerned that some of our most loyal players are completely fed up with being shafted and will leave as a result. Macca obviously, but others as well. I just don't see any of our "glut" of centre mids fulfilling that role in the manner to which we've become accustomed. Barney as well, then Revs obviously - not sure how much longer Adam will tolerate things either.

Am feeling just a tad pessimistic tonight, which as you will know, is NOT me at all!

Kay i have opened a bottle tonight also, not like me on a friday night but to be honest i have so little trust in the 'man with the hair' that i do tend to agree with you about the man with no hair, and the others of course. If later you can't see what i am writing then mail me and tell me i have had enough LOL. UTB.
Kay i have opened a bottle tonight also, not like me on a friday night but to be honest i have so little trust in the 'man with the hair' that i do tend to agree with you about the man with no hair, and the others of course. If later you can't see what i am writing then mail me and tell me i have had enough LOL. UTB.

Am a bottle down already and contemplating a 2nd.....bad times
emotionally drained; Last minute winners, conceding last minute goals. Promotions, Relegations, possible administration, even many years ago re-election to the old 4th Division. Wouldn't have it any other way, from being carried on Gary Moore's shoulders from Priory Park to Roots Hall after watching them train, getting the autographs, Beaten up at various grounds in the 70's and 80's to Fredy, The Goat and the Cardiff finals.

Wouldn't have missed a minute of it! It's only when this administration threat brings it home how much you love your club, and don't want anything to happen to it!

Oh, and what's the alternative? watching Col Ewe !!!!!
Supporting Southend is like panning for gold. You have to go through loads of crap (Jobson, Rubin, relegations, sub 2000 crowds, RM & near administration etc etc) until you find those nuggets (Manure & Chelski games, promotions, LDV Finals etc etc) that make it all worth while!
The greater joy now is watching my son pull on his Southend shirt with pride, going over the park for a kick about, asking when he can go to another match, coming home all excited from the Rayleigh lights switch on, not to tell me the lights were good, but to get all excited about seeing Steve Tilson.

I love Southend United with all my heart

Ditto mate, i enrolled my sons in the junior blues in 93 and i remember the cup game at west ham in 96 when we were in the queens pub (they had a lemonade each).They were both wearing their southend shirts and many hammers fans took the time to talk to them which made them feel proud. One of them still comes to every game with me. The eldest one now lives in U.S.A. but still looks for our result every week, and he is coming back to visit us at christmas with his main priority to see us play colchester and orient whilst here.