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Stuart W

A word to the wise is enough
Jul 6, 2009
If any fan knows who the ****** was who let off a blue smoke bomb on the platform of the Jubilee line at London Bridge UNDERGROUND (put in brackets in case the moron didn't know where he was) station on Saturday, please can they return him to his carers?

As somebody who suffers from asthma, it is bad enough when these abominations are set off at Roots Hall, but at least they get a chance to disperse in the atmosphere.

On Saturday it was far more unpleasant, and whereas I knew it was one of our so-called fans who was the culprit, imagine the other passengers who wouldn't have the first idea who instigated it, and the terrifying conclusions they might have come to.
I wish these morons doing this would realise the amount of problems it causes......there's plenty of people with breathing difficulties that suffer and, add to that the amount it costs the club each time one of these goes off in the ground...well, let's just say, if we hadn't have had to pay out for them all this season then there would have been plenty of money available for some ground improvements! :angry:
I wish these morons doing this would realise the amount of problems it causes......there's plenty of people with breathing difficulties that suffer and, add to that the amount it costs the club each time one of these goes off in the ground...well, let's just say, if we hadn't have had to pay out for them all this season then there would have been plenty of money available for some ground improvements! :angry:

How much is the fine for this sort of offence out of interest?
I wish these morons doing this would realise the amount of problems it causes......there's plenty of people with breathing difficulties that suffer and, add to that the amount it costs the club each time one of these goes off in the ground...well, let's just say, if we hadn't have had to pay out for them all this season then there would have been plenty of money available for some ground improvements! :angry:

Agreed OBL. Not only that, to let one off in an underground station is ****ing crazy... Someone should show this person a video of what happens if a fire starts in an underground station like Kings Cross. What an Idiot.
I wish these morons doing this would realise the amount of problems it causes......there's plenty of people with breathing difficulties that suffer and, add to that the amount it costs the club each time one of these goes off in the ground...well, let's just say, if we hadn't have had to pay out for them all this season then there would have been plenty of money available for some ground improvements! :angry:

Blimey. There seems to be one let of almost every home game in the West Stand this season, usually after our first goal. Must have cost us a small fortune then.
Blimey. There seems to be one let of almost every home game in the West Stand this season, usually after our first goal. Must have cost us a small fortune then.

Maybe the club should put a few signs up in the West to let the idiots know how much it costs the club for the silliness.
There was a story recently about a restaurant in Paris where the waitress dropped a load of plates which, people panicked, thought the worse and the restaurant emptied. No one was hurt in the panic but I can imagine at a tube station this could end up in a total panic and people getting seriously hurt. Some people just don't get it
There was a story recently about a restaurant in Paris where the waitress dropped a load of plates which, people panicked, thought the worse and the restaurant emptied. No one was hurt in the panic but I can imagine at a tube station this could end up in a total panic and people getting seriously hurt. Some people just don't get it

Sadly, some people don't care about others apart from themselves.
How much is the fine for this sort of offence out of interest?

I believe it's about £6,000. So that's about £30k more we should have in the coffers this season so far. I don't know if we get fined for away ones too, if so that obviously makes it more - I think we've had one at Millwall in the cup, and Charlton had one at RH so presumably we'd get fined for one or the other of those too.

Agreed with the point Leoblue made as well, about the horrors of tube station fires. Trouble is, I very much doubt those doing this have any knowledge of that at all.
Saw some idiot with a lit blue flare in his mouth walking down North Rd just before the Scunthorpe game. There is no helping some people
If only this behaviour could be modified and the energy channeled into positive actions of supporting the blues.
If a hippo pees or a horse farts someone gets the image on their mobile. How come the numbnuts has never been photographed when surrounded by phones? Or has he but has not been dobbed in? Time to give him/them up.
Some of these little morons in their fake Stone Island jackets and Ralph caps are really getting on my nerves now. Couldn't fight their way out of a paper bag half of them either.
Couldn't fight their way out of a paper bag half of them either. ]

Yeah, but make sure you don't accost the wrong half.
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Trouble is there are too many morons supporting Southend. I was suprised at how many of them were at the game on Saturday, then they were complaining about the Millwall fans on here. Idiots complaining about idiots? Are they a limiting factor on getting more people through the turnstiles?