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I've said it before and i'll say it again, Flavs haters,


Darryl's Love Child
Oct 30, 2003
You must be so ugly and have a beer gut! Why the abuse for the soundest keeper for years? Totally proffesional, safest hands in the business, why are the morons on here so abusive? Must be an insecure forum writer man thing, after all you all used to love Andy Woodman cause' he waved to you and threw his shirt into the crowd, shame he was so useless!
I've said it before and i'll say it again. You talk complete and utter nonsense and know very little when it comes to football.

And no, i don't have a beer gut.
"Totally proffesional" - Whatever that means (?)
"safest hands in the business" - If you compare him to a seal, then maybe...
"morons..so abusive" - How many players have you slated in the last year?
Is this business we're talking about football? I can think of safer.

Sometimes it's just time for players to move on.
wiggy i couldnt agree with you more!!!!
flavs has been awesome throughout his entire career at the hall! you can never fault his commitment and his shot stopping is second to none!!
daryll you will definently be missed!!!!
good post wiggy!
Footballers need to move on in their careers, Darryl has been a good servant for the club but we've got the best our of him.

I think its best for him and the club that he moves on.
wiggy i couldnt agree with you more!!!!
flavs has been awesome throughout his entire career at the hall! you can never fault his commitment and his shot stopping is second to none!!
daryll you will definently be missed!!!!
good post wiggy!

Nice first post!!! Are you Dickens in disguise?!!!!!!!!!!
wiggy i couldnt agree with you more!!!!
flavs has been awesome throughout his entire career at the hall! you can never fault his commitment and his shot stopping is second to none!!
daryll you will definently be missed!!!!
good post wiggy!

Well said Wiggy (AKA Luke_1983uk, AKA Flav's mum)

I do think he's been great for us, and I'm very sorry to see him go. But the ball is in his court. Tilson's told him where he stands, which is part of the team but he has to prove himself once more this year, and Darryl obviously wants security and prestige before his curtain call.

Its a tricky one for all involved, but change can be a good thing.
I think for a player that has won 2 back to back promotions , has played so many games for us , has rarely let us down and has a fantastic clean sheet record , Flavs deserves nothing but respect from the Fans of SUFC .

If i was to pick a player based on pure consistancy from over the last 5 years then it would be Flavs , time to bite your tongues Flavs haters and give the man some credit and let at least one thread to do with him go by without any personal abuse.

All the people that slate him for his height should remember that for a keeper that is so small and can't command his box he aint done bad in his career and has ended up in the 2nd tier of football for a side that will challenge for promotion.
Still sticks in the throat that Flavs was offered a year after seeing us through some of our best days and Mildenhall gets a 3 year deal at 30+ :(
Flavs might not be the the greatest keeper ever,but he always gives his
Always responsive to the fans and just 6 short of the keeper record for the blues,give credit people the boy done good.
Good servant? He did leave twice and come back twice but in general yes
Good shot stopper? Very much so.
Good hands? When he actually comes for a cross, yes.
Irreplacable? No.

A short goalkeeper though is a weak link and teams batter us at set pieces because of his lack of height. We need a big 'keeper to come and collect cross and to be the catalyst of a hopefully tighter defensive unit. Barrett and Clarke aren't as dominating as a Spencer Prior say and last past two seasons the problem has become more evident and more of a problem. Having an imposing 'keeper behind whoever will play centre half this season surely should be considered a plus?

Sentiment has to take a step aside sometimes.
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Shutup Wiggy. He was poor last season, just look at his positioning on free kicks, his lack of aerial dominance, the sheer amount of goals we conceded from set pieces! Mildenhall comes with a great reputation, and Im convinced he will be a fantastic keeper for us.
Still sticks in the throat that Flavs was offered a year after seeing us through some of our best days and Mildenhall gets a 3 year deal at 30+ :(

I'm sure that the money we offered to Flavs was more for one year than Mildenhall's wage averages out to over the 3 year contract.

Maybe it was so much better that had we not got promoted next season it wouldnt have been financially vaible to keep him at the club on that wage (plus any possible increase)

This is all just guess work on my part - no inside knowledge...
Waiting to hear if we've got rid of him is like waiting for him to finally decide whether to come for a cross: he'll end up taking too long making his mind up and the opportunity is gone.
How much does flavs pay you wiggy to write these posts about him.
Proffesional. Yes (even after all the problems he had)
Great shot stopper. Yes, but most of the saves he made looked so amazing because he had to dive that little bit further than other keepers.
Best hands in the business!!! Do make me laugh. We went through league 2 and 1 because we had a very strong and experienced defence which meant daryl never had to come for cross. As soon as these players left/ retired/ got injured and he started to having come for crosses we conceded buckets of goals.

Now im not a flavs basher, infact i loved the guy, but thinking football wise he is too weak in the air for a goalkeeper and especially now teams know exactly how to score goals against him. So maybe its you that should stop being such a moron and think about the club pushing forward as a whole instead of a little crush you have on the players!