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Kacper Lopata

Did he not get payed 2 months wages as the rest of the playing staff did .Must say when he clatered into the post i had a strange feeling he was not going to play for the club again .Then blow me there he was on the bench at torquay .And if he wasnt a team player even more strange when he got booked for coming on the pitch when cav scored the winner ..
Let’s hope it isn’t the first of many. How many of these niggling injuries and are actually other players looking to force their way out? Hopefully none but my gut tells me something else. As for the game last night - we can now add Barnet, to the growing list of big physical teams that bully us off the pitch.
So Ron has well and truly ****ed up with this.

Anyone in the know point at what rules allowed KL to terminate contract - the fifa rules looked like it had a 'make good' clause in it that I think we met plus it was debatable if even a breach had occurred. Or was it just general UK employment law, that would overrule fifa rules.?
I think a few in the know posters suggested there was more than one player going down this route - any others looking to follow through and terminate contract?
I think One of the reasons KL moved to Southend was a girlfriend in the area - are they still together - anyone know?
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Lofarta should be ashamed of himself to do that the way he did it ,to come into the dressing room pregame to collect his belonging ,thus upsetting the changing room ,disgusting, Yes i can understand him leaving but theres a right way and a wrong way of doing it ,he definitely did it the wrong way. I will not wish him all the best for the future because of his actions, Good bye and Good riddance to him .
How do you know that's how it was? Don't believe everything you read ....
I’m less worried about Lopata leaving now. The hope is the rest of the lads will get behind Kev and buckle down ..

We move on .. we don’t know exactly what happened but what we do know is Martin gave him and his agent an opening and they took it. Funny thing is, wasn’t it Ron who was instrumental in him coming back and unveiled him as a ‘wow’ signing? They never work and he never learns!
So Ron has well and truly ****ed up with this.

Anyone in the know point at what rules allowed KL to terminate contract - the fifa rules looked like it had a 'make good' clause in it that I think we met plus it was debatable if even a breach had occurred. Or was it just general UK employment law, that would overrule fifa rules.?
Again, one has to ask why other Directors on the Board with deep pockets sat on their hands and apparently refused to intervene when the players and staff were not being paid as the Chairman struggled to get a loan. It is a commercial disaster when a player with considerable re-sale value could claim his contract had been seriously breached and could simply walk away from the club. It is a huge own goal not only by the Chairman but the entire Board of Directors at the club.
I suspect there may be more to it than the issue around the wages. The fact he came here when it was clear he could have played at least two divisions higher left me a bit suspicous at the time around motivation. Affairs of the heart maybe that perhaps have turned sour? Whatever, as Kevin said he wants commitment and the vast majority of the squad have shown that on spades. Move on chaps.
To be fair to him, he came and played with desire and passion for us. The club (ron) didn't pay him properly so he left. Fair play to him. Once the non payment passed 28 days we were never going to win the appeal. Well done Ron!!!
WJHen he plaued, he gave his all. Can't ask for more.
just wish he'd taken Hyde with him. Probably got soap in his eye or something which is a 3 week injury for him!
Because of Martin's unique blend of incompetence and chicanery we have lost someone who was arguably our only realistic saleable asset in the squad as well as a player who would have been able to step up to EFL football if the occasion ever arose. Blaming his agent or accusing Lopata of disloyalty is just the usual distraction tactics employed by Martin's mouthpieces and those who are duped by them. Maybe other players who have a realistic chance of a career elsewhere will follow, time will tell but all the while Martin is in control, we will never break this endless cycle of wind up petitions and non payment of staff and service providers.
Because of Martin's unique blend of incompetence and chicanery we have lost someone who was arguably our only realistic saleable asset in the squad as well as a player who would have been able to step up to EFL football if the occasion ever arose. Blaming his agent or accusing Lopata of disloyalty is just the usual distraction tactics employed by Martin's mouthpieces and those who are duped by them. Maybe other players who have a realistic chance of a career elsewhere will follow, time will tell but all the while Martin is in control, we will never break this endless cycle of wind up petitions and non payment of staff and service providers.
So true. It's very fresh so people are using their hearts right now, not their brains.
Heard he won his case and came and got his stuff and went! Gone
I think that says a lot about him.

It’s not the coaching staff, players, support staff or fans fault that Ron breached his contract.

This wreaks of greedy agent and a player easily swayed.

If I’m honest, I liked Lopata but I don’t think we will miss him. I’d have been more disappointed if we lost Hobson or Kensdale. The only frustrating and gutting thing is Lopata had resale value and that has now completely gone.

I wish him all the best, but he has gone down in my estimations on how he’s handled it.