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Super Moderator⭐⭐
Staff member
Aug 13, 2008
It really doesn't matter if we think it was his best game or not, he made the team of the week and that is truly amazing. Well done Luke, so pleased for you.:thumbsup:
Wow. Must have been a shortage of defenders scoring this week.

That's not a knock on his performance btw, much like the judges I didn't see the match either.
Good on him.

Perhaps the constant criticism of him on this site will now stop, and the idiots who do it will shut up!
Worrying thing is, this being shrimperzone I belive this is actually true and not a wind up....

That's Shrimperzone. Flahavan is too small. Smith stays on his line, and Gower adds no value (free transfer and 18 months later, he's in the prem and not looking out of place). Even today - a midfield kicker getting questioned for kicking.

But then that's the great thing about football - we all think we understand it.
Well done Pross! Delighted for him, admittedly only L1 & 2 played but nevertheless, it's a great indication that he IS doing his job well. I think many of us there said he had a good game, along with the rest of the defence.
I don't understand the constant sniping on Pross and Whitey,both solid defenders without frills.
Well done Luke! Solid, no nonsense defending and distribution. It is clear to me that he has worked on the distribution part of his game. It is much better than before .
Well done Luke! Solid, no nonsense defending and distribution. It is clear to me that he has worked on the distribution part of his game. It is much better than before .

Don't think he has hoofed once in the games he has played. Always looks to play to feet now. Long may his run in the starting 11 continue
I for one was delighted to see Luke return, he is the sort of player I like, as he has demonstrated time and again throughout his time with us that he thinks nothing of putting himself on the line 100% for the team.

If someone was shooting footballs at the goal out of a cannon, you know he wouldn't move.
Don't think he has hoofed once in the games he has played. Always looks to play to feet now. Long may his run in the starting 11 continue

I agree, he has certainly worked on his distribution.

I think he was helped on Saturday by the fact that Port Vale did not really press our defence so they had more time to play out. I also think that at times Prosser and White are unfairly criticised for their distribution in that they often receive the ball with limited time to play it and no obvious players to pass to - hence the long ball down the line.

The player I would like to see work on his distribution is Bolger. When under pressure he is actually pretty good, give him time however...
I would also like to add that I have a great deal of time for Luke. He had a difficult start to his Southend career and has worked extremely hard to improve his game.

He always gives 100% and contributes to the maximum of his ability. Exactly the attributes we need at a club like ours if we are to be successful at this level.
I for one was delighted to see Luke return, he is the sort of player I like, as he has demonstrated time and again throughout his time with us that he thinks nothing of putting himself on the line 100% for the team.

If someone was shooting footballs at the goal out of a cannon, you know he wouldn't move.

Couldn't agree more! Good for him!
I this was a thread on a Prosser own goal or a Deegan yellow card their would be about 8 pages. Shame the same people can't give any credit when its due
I this was a thread on a Prosser own goal or a Deegan yellow card their would be about 8 pages. Shame the same people can't give any credit when its due

I will start my saying that I am , and have been for a long time a big Prosser fan . In fairness to our supporters I do think that the more he plays the more people he is winning over. I started counting his passes so that I could correct incorrect 'facts' on match reports about his distribution, but I don't think I still need to do that as so many are making favorable comments now on his distribution . Re the own goal, I was actually amazed at how little grief he got on here for that. If he had done that a year ago there would have been far more grief on here.