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Martin McGuinness Dies Aged 66

If you truly eulogizing over the death of that murderous scumbag then I'll go on record now and quite happily take a lengthy ban from this site and call you a **** of the highest order.
TUIB's terrorist sympathiser posts yesterday should get him a ban, not those criticising him.
TUIB's terrorist sympathiser posts yesterday should get him a ban, not those criticising him.
Totally agree the idiot is just a troll , I'm all for debate whether politics/ sport/religion but when someone offers nothing but trying to wind up posters, then time for them to take a sin bin card
And now its time to lock this thread.

You're the second person to call for this thread to be shutdown. Can you all try acting like what you are supposed to be? Grown up adults. If nasty words or opinions hurt you, maybe stick away from certain threads, instead of trying to ruin it for everyone else?

I, like many others I dare say, are being thoroughly entertained watching Barna hang himself. If that's not to your liking, feel free to toddle off to one of the safer threads & discuss what you're listening to, or what's making you happy right now.
Martin McGuinness made it quite clear that he left the IRA in 1974.

There's no question that as a senior IRA official he had blood on his hands.There's also no question that (along with Gerry Adams and Ian Paisley and Tony Blair) he was one of the architects of the Good Friday peace agreement and worked hard to bring an uneasy peace to Northern Ireland."The troubles" have to be seen in context.

Earlier this evening, I was talking with someone who'd met him on his visit to the Irish Embassy here.According to Eamon,"MM was the sort of man who treated everybody in the same way,from me to Presidents."

I'm sure that's true.

Some of the talk on here about his firing the first shot on Bloody Sunday and being overheard by some squaddie ordering executions is obviously patent nonsense.

RIP.Martin McGuinness.

And to think, you used to whinge that you were being Internet bullied. Anyway, here's that piece of rope you've ordered...
You're the second person to call for this thread to be shutdown. Can you all try acting like what you are supposed to be? Grown up adults. If nasty words or opinions hurt you, maybe stick away from certain threads, instead of trying to ruin it for everyone else?

I, like many others I dare say, are being thoroughly entertained watching Barna hang himself. If that's not to your liking, feel free to toddle off to one of the safer threads & discuss what you're listening to, or what's making you happy right now.

Ken originally stated that the thread would stay open as long as it didn't turn into abuse. Barna'a opinion is as valid as the rest of yours regardless of how unpalatable you may think it is and to be fair, it's more in line with those who suffered due to his hands and those who worked for peace in NI.
Ken originally stated that the thread would stay open as long as it didn't turn into abuse. Barna'a opinion is as valid as the rest of yours regardless of how unpalatable you may think it is and to be fair, it's more in line with those who suffered due to his hands and those who worked for peace in NI.

You are absolutely spot on, everyone is entitled to their opinion. But As someone pointed out already, Barna's opinion is nothing short of terrorist sympathising, which IMO, deserves to receive the full force of this forums scrutiny & condemnation.
Ken originally stated that the thread would stay open as long as it didn't turn into abuse. Barna'a opinion is as valid as the rest of yours regardless of how unpalatable you may think it is and to be fair, it's more in line with those who suffered due to his hands and those who worked for peace in NI.
Sorry MK do you not think TIUB is not winding up people, this has if anything united posters as nearly one

Posters like Rigsby A1 Benfleet who have totally different political views to me have agreed that this man is better dead and should not be given a big press coverage, end of the day he is a murderer, this topic has united many different views on political stance, which is more than can be said of the real political parties in power
The problem with people who dont live here and think they are being clever living in the past, forget that we tend to become annoyed, when they admit not paying taxes in their new country and then back track when later on it when questioned. Those that state they stood on picket line at Grunwick or Wapping were the protagonist where the ones that got us genuine strikers bad headlines, they would wave the red flag, spit and throw bricks at police and ***** them selves when the police came in heavy handed.
I am proud to be a Labour voter and fully paid up member, but what I cannot stand is ***** that post from a far,and winding up posters with clips from papers and no genuine thoughts of their own

Not a go at you MK as I genuine think you are one of the best posters on here, but for every ten good ones you get a troll who hides behind quotes, and now he is laughing as he has won the day, like a few other he is now on the ignore list

The key point about Martin McGuinness was that he went on a transformational journey in the course of his lifetime, from being an active IRA commander to becoming a key figure in the peace process for Sinn Féin.
As the BBC says: "No-one knows how many people Martin McGuinness killed, directly or indirectly".

However,in my opinion, we should all be grateful to him for the role he played in the peace process and afterwards from the 1990's.

Arguably,if it wasn't for the respect he earned for his IRA past among the hard men of the IRA,who he managed to persuade to abandon the armed struggle for the political struggle,then there wouldn't have been any Good Friday peace agreement.

I think history will absolve him even if most on SZ won't.
The key point about Martin McGuinness was that he went on a transformational journey in the course of his lifetime, from being an active IRA commander to becoming a key figure in the peace process for Sinn Féin.
As the BBC says: "No-one knows how many people Martin McGuinness killed, directly or indirectly".

However,in my opinion, we should all be grateful to him for the role he played in the peace process and afterwards from the 1990's.

Arguably,if it wasn't for the respect he earned for his IRA past among the hard men of the IRA,who he managed to persuade to abandon the armed struggle for the political struggle,then there wouldn't have been any Good Friday peace agreement.

I think history will absolve him even if most on SZ won't.

There is NO absolvement from being responsible for the wholesale murders of many innocent men, women, and children.

Transformational journey my arse. He knew all too well that the writing was on the wall for the IRA as a fighting force well before the instigation of the 1993 peace accord and he also knew damn well if he didn't get very personally involved in that peace process he would have been arrested and banged up probably for the rest of his life. Exactly where Gerry Adams ought to be now.

The NI peace process would have succeeded with or without his input. The coordinated armed struggle was all but dead, the political solution at the time was the only solution. He knew that. All he did was position himself so as to make it nie on impossible to make him stand trial for his crimes.

I shall NEVER ever be grateful to him or any of his ilk for the untold pain and misery he and many others brought to bear on countless innocent victims of the IRA and anyone that does deserve...........well, words fail me.

You've outdone yourself this time TUIB.
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If you truly eulogizing over the death of that murderous scumbag then I'll go on record now and quite happily take a lengthy ban from this site and call you a **** of the highest order.

And all you'll be doing is making life difficult for the moderators of the site. If you don't like a post, argue it down as you've done extremely well so far. I'm actually quite enjoying the exchange as it makes me think about an alternative viewpoint - even if I strongly disagree with it. By considering that viewpoint, it helped me understand more about my own.

But if we're going to allow each other to just call each other pricks etc when we're strongly opposed, it won't just stop here and this whole place will go downhill.

Reign it in please chaps.
Sorry MK do you not think TIUB is not winding up people, this has if anything united posters as nearly one

Posters like Rigsby A1 Benfleet who have totally different political views to me have agreed that this man is better dead and should not be given a big press coverage, end of the day he is a murderer, this topic has united many different views on political stance, which is more than can be said of the real political parties in power
The problem with people who dont live here and think they are being clever living in the past, forget that we tend to become annoyed, when they admit not paying taxes in their new country and then back track when later on it when questioned. Those that state they stood on picket line at Grunwick or Wapping were the protagonist where the ones that got us genuine strikers bad headlines, they would wave the red flag, spit and throw bricks at police and ***** them selves when the police came in heavy handed.
I am proud to be a Labour voter and fully paid up member, but what I cannot stand is ***** that post from a far,and winding up posters with clips from papers and no genuine thoughts of their own

Not a go at you MK as I genuine think you are one of the best posters on here, but for every ten good ones you get a troll who hides behind quotes, and now he is laughing as he has won the day, like a few other he is now on the ignore list


Your post is a classic attempt to play the man rather than the ball.

FYI,I have never admitted to "not paying taxes" in Spain,because I always pay tax ,in full,on any income I declare.

While I most certainly "stood on a picket line at Grunwick",I've never been involved in any dispute at Wapping or claimed to.Nor have I ever thrown "bricks at the Police".

I'm glad you're "proud to be a Labour voter and a fully paid up member." So was I in my time.We probably have a lot more in common than you seem to think.
Your post is a classic attempt to play the man rather than the ball.

FYI,I have never admitted to "not paying taxes" in Spain,because I always pay tax ,in full,on any income I declare.

While I most certainly "stood on a picket line at Grunwick",I've never been involved in any dispute at Wapping or claimed to.Nor have I ever thrown "bricks at the Police".

I'm glad you're "proud to be a Labour voter and a fully paid up member." So was I in my time.We probably have a lot more in common than you seem to think.

So does Philip Green.
Your post is a classic attempt to play the man rather than the ball.

FYI,I have never admitted to "not paying taxes" in Spain,because I always pay tax ,in full,on any income I declare.

While I most certainly "stood on a picket line at Grunwick",I've never been involved in any dispute at Wapping or claimed to.Nor have I ever thrown "bricks at the Police".

I'm glad you're "proud to be a Labour voter and a fully paid up member." So was I in my time.We probably have a lot more in common than you seem to think.

It's all about you again and again and again.

You stepped over the mark this time

RIP Martin McGuinness
I will save my self from being banned, so to end my views on this topic and you TUIB I will finish with ,the day I think we are similar and have more in common is the day I will vote for Mrs May and her cronies.
Not sure if I have played the man, the ball or scored a goal, either way I move with the times and not in the past, though I donot forget things that have caused hurt on others

Martin McGuinness made it quite clear that he left the IRA in 1974.

There's no question that as a senior IRA official he had blood on his hands.There's also no question that (along with Gerry Adams and Ian Paisley and Tony Blair) he was one of the architects of the Good Friday peace agreement and worked hard to bring an uneasy peace to Northern Ireland."The troubles" have to be seen in context.

Earlier this evening, I was talking with someone who'd met him on his visit to the Irish Embassy here.According to Eamon,"MM was the sort of man who treated everybody in the same way,from me to Presidents."

I'm sure that's true.

Some of the talk on here about his firing the first shot on Bloody Sunday and being overheard by some squaddie ordering executions is obviously patent nonsense.

RIP.Martin McGuinness.

Apart from the fact that McGuiness was the Operational Commander (IRA speak) in Londonderry on that day. People have testified at the Saville enquiry that he was giving out bomb parts and carrying a Thompson sub-machine gun on that day and fired the first shot over the top of the marchers.

Here's a link you won't argue with www.theguardian.com/uk/2000/apr/07/bloodysunday.northernireland

The best IRA informer that was working for the security services Freddie 'Stakenife' Scappaticci is on the record as saying McGuinness sanction countless murders whilst never getting his hands dirty. The coward would smile and pretend to be a man of peace whilst totally fooling the usual suspects.
I think I am a fair bit younger than many on this thread so I have a different view.

I was born in the mid-80s, i had no interest in or idea about politics until about 2000.

To me Martin McGuinness is a man with a past who was a part of the peace process. I say that very deliberately because I wasn't close to being born when he was having people killed.

because I hadn't been born when it was going on I don't have the same animosity to him, he was just another terrorist-turned politician.

How lucky I am on that score, and others of my generation.

I met him very briefly once at a previous job, didn't seem unpleasant. Again, how lucky I am to have had no personal, first hand, reason to feel as strongly as others on here
I don't know what to say to your post in all honesty, bearded Shrimper.

However, without repeating what was said in many earlier posts on this thread, it's needless to say, two wrongs don't make a right. he was a terrorist & a truly horrible man that commanded the deaths of innocent victims in the past, yet made peace possible in what we now call "today's world".

Some could argue that Nelson Mandola was the same, (the struggle etc). But still no!, inspirational? (perhaps?..changed a nation.. definitely!) McGuinness never did this on his own.

I was sad to see the passing of N.M. Yet very glad to see the passing of Martin McGuinness. Just another old school version of bullying.

Hopefully, with his death, it's just another chapter in the declining era of the IRA & yet another step towards peace & unity between our nations.
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