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Question McCormack and Laurent


Staff member
Anyone else notice Macca go into meltdown yesterday after Laurent missed the sitter?

I thought it was BS really, because Macca was arguably one of the WORST players on the pitch yesterday. Even my mate said "Macca's taking the **** having a pop at anyone, he's been ****". In truth, It was a poor miss by Laurent, but not too different from what we've seen in past times from Barnard, Freedman, walker etc, yet i can't remember them getting the same treatment. I could understand if Macca was in a better position, but he didn't look it to me.

You could clearly tell from their body language, that it was more than just a passing thing. Afterall, it was only 8 weeks ago that they had another row at the Daggers game. Well i say a row, but it was more McCormack letting fly at him for some reason (when IMO, he was the only one who didn't deserve a bollocking)

So what's going on within the club? and why is the little'un running around berating team-mates? Or should i say one certain team-mate?
It's not the first time as you say, and there have been several occasions recently where Franny has NOT passed to Macca when he's been in a great position. I have no idea what's going on, perhaps Franny ONLY looks for the strikers - or Jeff or Moussa (who he does pass to) but I think it is something they have to look at on the training ground. Macca has been getting forward a lot and been in some fantastic shooting positions but the ball rarely comes to him.

Now I know you'll all say that's cos he can't shoot for toffee, but we do know that's not quite true, and I think the little man would be a lot less volatile for sticking a few goals away - frustration and all that, I'm sure a lot of us can identify with that.
It's not the first time as you say, and there have been several occasions recently where Franny has NOT passed to Macca when he's been in a great position. I have no idea what's going on, perhaps Franny ONLY looks for the strikers - or Jeff or Moussa (who he does pass to) but I think it is something they have to look at on the training ground. Macca has been getting forward a lot and been in some fantastic shooting positions but the ball rarely comes to him.

Now I know you'll all say that's cos he can't shoot for toffee, but we do know that's not quite true, and I think the little man would be a lot less volatile for sticking a few goals away - frustration and all that, I'm sure a lot of us can identify with that.
Maybe everyone has got to the point where they are so cheesed off with macca giving the ball away that he's getting ignored. And justifiably so.

If there is beef between macca and laurent then tilly needs to sort it, I can't imagine it helps team morale to have macca as an 'undroppable'
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Maybe everyone has gottk the poin where they are so cheesed off with macca giving the ball away that he's getting ignored. And justifiably so.

If there is beef between macca and laurent then tilly needs to sort it, I can't imagine it helps team morale to have macca as an 'undroppable'

He really did NOT keep giving the ball away yesterday. Yes, there were a lot of sideways and backwards passes but at least while we were in possession we weren't giving anything away. Granted we weren't gaining a lot ourselves but it's really not as bad as you make out. He won an awful lot of headers actually yesterday as well, there was just no room and no available width to make forward passes.
He really did NOT keep giving the ball away yesterday. Yes, there were a lot of sideways and backwards passes but at least while we were in possession we weren't giving anything away. Granted we weren't gaining a lot ourselves but it's really not as bad as you make out. He won an awful lot of headers actually yesterday as well, there was just no room and no available width to make forward passes.

OBL as much as i respect your opinions Macca was cack yesterday face up to it lol
I don't think it's just Laurent that gets that kind of treatment from Macca. Watching him yesterday he berated not just Laurent but Barney, Moussa and Christophe too. He knows when he's having a particularly bad game and by God yesterday's was one, if not THE, worst games he's had so far. That's when the red mist starts to descend and that frustration at his own, and others, inability to influence the play comes out for all to see. He's finally learning that he can't carry on taking it out on the ref or the opposition so the only one's left are his team mates. Don't get me wrong, I think Macca on his day can have a huge positive influence on the squad as a whole with his determination and drive but on his off day's he reminds me of a poor man's Maher with wayward passes and little dinks into space on the hopeful off chance a Southend player will be where he's put it.

As Brushy said in his post match interview all the players should spend today taking a long hard look at themselves and especially Macca and his attitude towards his own team mates.

Edit: Brushy didn't single out Macca as the above paragraph suggests, that's just my opinion.
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OBL as much as i respect your opinions Macca was cack yesterday face up to it lol

Jersey, I've said in my ratings they were ALL poor, and even only gave him 5. I can't accept the CONSTANT slating though when he was no better and no worse than the others and hampered by the poor positional play of others as well.
The whole team was poor and unfair to single out Macca but we desperately need some more creativity in there. If Macca is the new Maher then where is the Guttridge or Bentley who can get in the box and create and score chances. Macca was sitting too deep yesterday, the front 2 were very isolated.
The miss was pretty horrendous, why didnt he just stroke it in on the floor. Seen the good and bad side of Laurent this last week.
He really did NOT keep giving the ball away yesterday. Yes, there were a lot of sideways and backwards passes but at least while we were in possession we weren't giving anything away. Granted we weren't gaining a lot ourselves but it's really not as bad as you make out. He won an awful lot of headers actually yesterday as well, there was just no room and no available width to make forward passes.

sorry, I was going on everyone elses comments. And in general macca hadn't been a serious attacking threat for years.
sorry, I was going on everyone elses comments. And in general macca hadn't been a serious attacking threat for years.

Like i keep saying, and this is just my opinion, i think Macca plays better when he has a creative element alongside him. I really don't think he's upto the task of being the creatvie spark. Hence why, when he's played alongside Bailey and Maher, he's looked a decent player. But when he's played alongside the more defensive minded players such as JFC and Grant, he generally seems ineffective going forward.

He needs Sawyer/Mousse to partner him IMO
Like i keep saying, and this is just my opinion, i think Macca plays better when he has a creative element alongside him. I really don't think he's upto the task of being the creatvie spark. Hence why, when he's played alongside Bailey and Maher, he's looked a decent player. But when he's played alongside the more defensive minded players such as JFC and Grant, he generally seems ineffective going forward.

He needs Sawyer/Mousse to partner him IMO

Alle-bloody-luia! :clap: Have kept saying it!!!
As has already been said, the last person in a position to criticise yesterday was Alan McCormack. Over recent years we've possibly been spoiled with a luxury of good centre midfielders at this level... Guttridge in League One, Bailey, Maher, Macca when he could be bothered etc, but yesterday I thought he was an embarassment right from the get go.

His first kick of the game was all you needed to see... He picks the ball on the right hand side from a throw in, turns around and without looking overhits a pass straight into our half, across the other side of the pitch to give Oldham a throw in. Pathetic.
No you haven't, you've been saying Macca should be in the squad ahead of Sawyer/Moussa.

I really can't be arsed to keep arguing with you, I HAVE kept saying it and if I could be bothered I'd find you the posts to prove it. I've been shouted down time and time again over it and kept being told they couldn't work together because in yours and one or two other people's very blinkered (yes, I'm aware of the irony) opinions, you can't see past Sawyer being in there instead of Macca because you want Moussa there as well.

Grant and Christophe provide a solid defensive base for the team, we then need some quality going forward ie Sawyer and Moussa. This leaves Macca warming the bench.

Grant and Jeff do the same job in slightly different ways, out of the two of them I prefer Jeff as for me, he's more consistent and stronger. If Sawyer was less of a concern, because, let's face it, there has to be something that prevents Tilly from using him much, then I'd almost be advocating having him being given a free role in a 4-4-1-1 line up, with Laurent wide on the right of midfield giving additional presence up top, BUT he has to play better than what we've seen so far in the cameos we've had.

The midfield you lot seem to want is too inexperienced and would get found out, you need the wilyness and fortitude of Macca but there's a lot here can't see past what went on last season. Just remind me, who was on the wing when Sawyer and Jeff were in the middle? HRK on one side and Betsy on the other? So, two wingers then, what do Macca and Jeff have to cope with? Two CMs attempting to play as wingers who both have homing devices for the middle third of the pitch. Obvious isn't it?
He certainly showed fortitude yesterday when he was determined to do sweet FA for 90 minutes.

No-one out there was deliberately not trying, you just don't go into a competitive game of football like that. I don't doubt that he's playing with an eye to the next yellow, but he was challenging for plenty yesterday. There were plenty of frustrations for all of them, and I really am fed up with you keep wanting to make a scapegoat out of him.

And I notice you choose not to respond to the other points I made.