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Memorable first days at work.

Mad Cyril

The Fresh Prince of Belfairs⭐⭐
Down on my luck in 1993 I ended up with a job at a sponge/J cloth factory.

As I walked through the door to clock in on my first day one raconteur and bon vivant took a deep drag of his Benny Henny, exhaled and then turned to a colleague and remarked "are you still knobbing that bird from the peanut factory or what?"

Has anyone else taken a slight detour in life and wondered if the sun will ever shine on you again?
On my first day at my current job, I had an meeting with the head of department and he was looking through my CV. I'd mentioned in it that i enjoyed playing football and so the next day after work I found myself turning out for the work 6-a-side team. The head of department (an internationally known and highly regarded professor) turned from a chilled out academic into a Roy McDonough-style nutcase. Kicking players off the ball, calling some lad a c-unit and generally being a complete dick. We were getting stuffed and after a late goal (probably to make it 6-1) he screams '****ing justice!'

It's probably no great surprise that he's a Leeds fan.

A few weeks later he busted his ACL and hasn't really played since. He's actually a pretty decent player for an old guy, and I bet played to a high standard back in the day. I still play for the same team and '****ing justice' is now our call sign for a late goal during a drubbing.
My first ever day at work after leaving school in 1972, i found a £1 note whilst walking to the factory. As my wage was only £6.50p per week, this was a nice bonus.
At that time a pint of Light & Bitter was 15p, and the bus fare from Leigh to Southend was 8p!
Scored a hat-trick on my first day, became a local hero, then disappeared up North, came back like the prodigal son, but was rubbish.