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NFL 2015 Season

It's a fine Miami Dolphins tradition. Here's their kicker Garo Yepremian in Super Bowl VII (against, coincidentally, the Washington Redskins)


hahahaha the second view of that is quite brilliant!
Only the Bears - and our QB Jay Cutler has an implausibly bad record against Green Bay - but the Packers looked very good last night. Aaron Rodgers just superb and the loss of Jordy Nelson wasn't really felt either, with James Jones catching almost everything that cam his way.

Packers - Seahawks next weekend should make for very interesting viewing, especially after Seattle started with a loss.
Only the Bears - and our QB Jay Cutler has an implausibly bad record against Green Bay - but the Packers looked very good last night. Aaron Rodgers just superb and the loss of Jordy Nelson wasn't really felt either, with James Jones catching almost everything that cam his way.

Packers - Seahawks next weekend should make for very interesting viewing, especially after Seattle started with a loss.

Indeed - shame it's a late one, I'd have liked to seen it live.
Bills get the job done whilst introducing a rookie QB who still hasn't officially made his first start as they lined up with Cassel at QB and Taylor standing next to him with some gadget play that didn't work.
Disappointing evening for the Bengals: AJ Green dropping a pass in the end zone and the defence even letting the Raiders get into our half in the 4th quarter. We'll have to eradicate that from our game.
Gamepass is already worth the money. Spent Sunday flicking between Redzone and the Packers for the early game then watched Mariota vs Winston after that (Mariota looked incredible). Then last night I watched the trimmed down 2hr version of Giants vs Cowboys and then before work today I got to watch the 40 minute condensed version of the Eagles game last night.

Jesus Christ those Giants on Sunday though. Eli is utterly brainless and we're stuck with him til 2019.
I can't believe the Raiders are 1 and 1 after 2 weeks awful against the Bengals but great against the Ravens,i can't remember when we last had a even record during the regular season
Watched the Giants game Sunday, a bit of a collapse there.

They are now my 2nd team, as I used to live there (for 5 days in 2013)
Just caught up with the colts jets game. Crazy how the whole crowd had left before the end.
Watched the Giants game Sunday, a bit of a collapse there.

They are now my 2nd team, as I used to live there (for 5 days in 2013)

Jesus, you're choosing to support this Giants team? It is heart-breaking stuff.
And the Bills give the Dolphs a good hometown whooping.
October the 18th see's a matchup with the 3 and 0 Bungles. Should be interesting.
Sorry Leo!


In *slight* mitigation, we've played three teams who are likely to be in the mix come January (Green Bay, Arizona and Seattle) but even so! Bad times at Soldier Field.
Shame the game wasn't more competitive but yesterday was still a great experience. Centurylink Field is as noisy as they say, but it doesn't look like it should be. It is such a strange design for a stadium.
Looking forward to Sunday. Passed through Oxford Circus earlier and Regent Street is in NFL mode, will take a look down there later.