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  • Total voters

MK Shrimper

Simple! Like it or loathe it. No half measure Pussies in this thread mofos with some standard pussyish Bart/OBL response. The poll is for winners!
ps it's not chocolate spread. It's hazelnut spread

The main ingredients of Nutella are sugar and palm oil, followed by hazelnut, cocoa solids, and skimmed milk. In the United States, Nutella contains soy products.Nutella is marketed as "hazelnut cream" in many countries. Under Italian law, it cannot be labeled as a "chocolate cream", as it does not meet minimum cocoa solids concentration criteria. Ferrero consumes 25 percent of the global supply of hazelnuts. (Source; wikipedia)
love Nutella, whats not to like??

My youngest sometimes has it on toast for breakfast, I even sent off for a Nutella label with his name on it...

i have even been known to have the odd Nutella and Peanut Butter sandwich !:smile:
In that case I'm putting in a bid for hell.


Well, in that case.... I truly hope you win the bid, because if you check the small print in "Satans Nutella raffle",... the 2nd prize is to spend all of eternity as a Colchester season ticket holder at the WHCS.

Either which way... (Hell or Colchester... not much between it personally) thats no life for me!
Well, in that case.... I truly hope you win the bid, because if you check the small print in "Satans Nutella raffle",... the 2nd prize is to spend all of eternity as a Colchester season ticket holder at the WHCS.

Either which way... (Hell or Colchester... not much between it personally) thats no life for me!

2nd prize if for losers. I'm going to win!