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Player of the yeart

Player of the yeart -

  • Leon Cort

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Drewe

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Leon Constantine

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Mark Gower

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Kevin Maher

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Daryl Flahavan

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Mark Warren

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Lewis Hunt

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Jay Smith

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Duncan Jupp

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Connie for me, 23 goals is a great return, and to think if he was put on pens from the start of the season he may well have been above the 30 mark now.
Simon Brown
for me it's a toss up between Maher and Gower. I wouldn't mind if they share it.

Connie has scored a lot of goals, but Gower has probably made more, and scored 8 in the process.

As for Warren, he has had a good 2nd half of the season. Don't forget he was dropped earlier this season, which was the reason we got Hunt in on loan. That seems to have had the desired effect though, he has been excellent since he got back in the team. But, as I said, he has only had a good 2nd half of the season.
Voted for Leon Constantine because of his goals obviously, but also if he wins it he will know the fans like him and that will be another reason why he should stay with us and not move away from roots hall. Maher and co will stay anyway.
Good to see humour is alive and well here as someone's voted for Drewe.

Good one that, great joke!
One thing i'm pleased about is that for once we actually have a proper debate over this. I seem to remember in recent seasons it has been a forgone conclusion because only one person has stood out.

The fact is that we actually have three players that deserve to win it for different reasons. Long may it continue.
Mark Gower all the way.

Class act - but get him playing on the right with a proper left-winger (another Otto perhaps) and then we can talk...
For me its between 2 players in Gower and Connie. Maher should and will finish 3rd. As Dave said, he does nothing special in games but he just does his job ... and he cant even do that sometimes. Macca and Smith were the 2 favourites until Macca got suspended and never returned and Smith got injured against Cambridge. Warren's had an excellent 2004 and Dudfield and Bentley have added some quality to side since Feb time. No-one else really deserves a mention.

Gower? Connie?

Im stuck between these 2. I might just ring up and give them one vote each.



P.s Naps/Dave, any chance of creating a post and sticking it to the top with all the names and numbers. Im sure it would get more people voting.

[b said:
Quote[/b] (The General @ April 15 2004,11:33)]P.s Naps/Dave, any chance of creating a post and sticking it to the top with all the names and numbers. Im sure it would get more people voting.

yeah- me and Dave were going to discuss that soon hopefully.
Very tough one this. For me it is between four players (sitting on the fence is an art):

Warren: Great performances recently, but was pretty avergae for the first half of the season.

Gower: Has put in some fantastic performances throughout the season, but still has too many ineffective games for my liking.

Constantine: I disagree with other posts that says he does nothing but score (which would still be fine in my book). Has a good first touch, holds the ball up well (when he wants to), and has probably provided a fair number of goal assists as well (I don't have the stats mind).

But for me it is...

Maher: Unspectacular, yes, but he has a great first touch, generally plays the sensible ball (thus retaining posession), and is always available for team mates to pass to him. Add in the fact that he is a good tackler and fights like mad every game, you can see why we miss him so much when he doesn't play.

Que the abuse!
No abuse from me - Kevin Maher is a player people only seem to miss when he isn't playing. Apart from suspension, Maher never misses a game through injury, and is a good Captain.

Cue the abuse now.....
[b said:
Quote[/b] (the dark deshrimper @ April 15 2004,13:58)]
[b said:
Quote[/b] (W4 Shrimper @ April 15 2004,10:31)]Good one that, great joke!
I don't get it
Ha ha, now THREE people have voted for that donkey Broughton. There really are some comedians out there
When I first clicked on this thread, Connnie had 10 votes and Gower had none. Now Gower is winning. I take full credit for Marky G's sucess.
My vote goes to Gower. One of the few players that stood out when we were having an absolute mare at the start of the season.