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Problem exes


Life President⭐
Has anybody else had problems with there exes in regards to child access.

Both my exes have been a nightmare using the kids as a weapon.

I have been stopped from seeing them numerous times and have been told my fiance can't see them etc.

Didn't see my daughter for 15months until I applied via the court. It's been really getting to me.

Has anybody else got a story they want to share?
****, fortunately not me - feel for you mate, I couldn't imagine not seeing MK Jnr every day.

Mate however has been through hell - had 4 kids, one got a terminal illness and he never saw her until a week before she died when his ex relented. He wasn't allowed at her funeral however. Not to mention the ex mistreated their eldest lad as he looked like him and now my mate has custody - but still doesn't see the other two.

Evil, evil bitch.
****, fortunately not me - feel for you mate, I couldn't imagine not seeing MK Jnr every day.

Mate however has been through hell - had 4 kids, one got a terminal illnoess and he never saw her until a week before she died when his ex relented. He wasn't allowed at her funeral however. Not to mention the ex mistreated their eldest lad as he looked like him and now my mate has custody - but still doesn't see the other two.

Evil, evil bitch.

That sounds horrific
The ex and myself split up in 1997 and the first thing she done after taking everything from the house was to phone the CSA to see what she could get of me. However as I was a mature student (student nurse) and on a bursary I did not have to pay anything to the CSA until my course ended in three years time.
However throughout those three years I still contributed where I could and got to see my daughter every other Saturday. Once those three years were up I contacted the CSA and filled in the appropriate paperwork and was ordered to pay £98a month, which come straight out of my wages. So far everything was fine and dandy. Alas as time went on, I got promoted got yearly pay raises and never informed the CSA, I also never informed them everytime my mortage changed. After a while my ex asked for a review of my payments and my payments changed from £98 a month to (are you sitting down) £530 a month. My ex also wanted me to pay for the extras that I had paid towards (school uniforms, holiday money ect), which I refused. And that was the moment when it was 'pay or you don't se your child'.
Since then the CSA reviewed my case and dropped the payments to just under £300 a month, plus back pay which I have just finished paying, however apart from a snotty phone call from my daughter back in 2007 when she asked for £2000 and that she didn't want me to be her dad and she didn't want to see me again (she was 12 yrs old then) and recently a facebook message asking for money I have had no contact with her or her mother and her mothers family. My mother use to see my daughter until her asking for money and her comments about our family got to much for my mum to bare.
So there you go 8 years without contact with my daughter, I have thought about going through the courts but was told it would be expensive and out of my price range, so I have just carried out. Do I miss my daughter? At first I did but not now, I have moved on, and I believe, well I know she has been poisoned by her mum and her gran against my side of the family and to get as much money as possible and to do as little as possible (neither my ex or her mum has ever done a days work in their life and claim for everything under the sun).
Not to me, but I know someone who had a lot of hassle.

Pathetic that anyone would use kids against their ex.
When i left my first wife we only had a dog which i got but in these stories we only get to view one side so Tommy get on jezza klye,tell him you know Phil.
The ex and myself split up in 1997 and the first thing she done after taking everything from the house was to phone the CSA to see what she could get of me. However as I was a mature student (student nurse) and on a bursary I did not have to pay anything to the CSA until my course ended in three years time.
However throughout those three years I still contributed where I could and got to see my daughter every other Saturday. Once those three years were up I contacted the CSA and filled in the appropriate paperwork and was ordered to pay £98a month, which come straight out of my wages. So far everything was fine and dandy. Alas as time went on, I got promoted got yearly pay raises and never informed the CSA, I also never informed them everytime my mortage changed. After a while my ex asked for a review of my payments and my payments changed from £98 a month to (are you sitting down) £530 a month. My ex also wanted me to pay for the extras that I had paid towards (school uniforms, holiday money ect), which I refused. And that was the moment when it was 'pay or you don't se your child'.
Since then the CSA reviewed my case and dropped the payments to just under £300 a month, plus back pay which I have just finished paying, however apart from a snotty phone call from my daughter back in 2007 when she asked for £2000 and that she didn't want me to be her dad and she didn't want to see me again (she was 12 yrs old then) and recently a facebook message asking for money I have had no contact with her or her mother and her mothers family. My mother use to see my daughter until her asking for money and her comments about our family got to much for my mum to bare.
So there you go 8 years without contact with my daughter, I have thought about going through the courts but was told it would be expensive and out of my price range, so I have just carried out. Do I miss my daughter? At first I did but not now, I have moved on, and I believe, well I know she has been poisoned by her mum and her gran against my side of the family and to get as much money as possible and to do as little as possible (neither my ex or her mum has ever done a days work in their life and claim for everything under the sun).

That's a shocking story, i feel for you. I split with my wife in 97, did'nt go through the Courts of Solicitors, agreed to pay her £1,000 per month to cover all bills, mortgage, and both son's requirements (i was earning enough to do this).
17 years on, the mortgage is paid off, the house is hers, both of my son's are doing well in their careers, and my ex & me get on really well.
Me, i'm still renting!. No regrets, as long as everyone's happy.
One of my closest friends has trouble with his ex.

Things got so bad that she actually refused him access to their autistic child because she reckoned he was on drugs. She even accused him of being on drugs when they went to court for access. This friend of mine is not only 100% anti drugs, he's never even had a cigarette in his life. (She also accused me and a few other friends of the same thing.) My friend had to have a drugs test to prove he hadn't taken anything.

Her step-father also stole my friend's computer to have someone look through his hard drive to try and dig up some dirt on him.

Given the type of people they are he's better off out of there.

The only issue is that every now and again she makes something up to refuse my friend access to his son.
I have, but out of courtesy to my kids I won't post details on here. DM me if you want to talk further.