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Recurring dreams

MK Shrimper

Anyone have recurring themes during their snooze time?


1) Having to travel very long distances to get to work meaning the precise timing of buses/trains.
2) Regular one: My final year dissertation for Uni either being not done at all or hugely behind time with a day left to hand it in.

One I had recently left me feeling desolate when I woke up - waiting to die for the imminent armageddon that was just hours away. Horrible.
Anyone have recurring themes during their snooze time?


1) Having to travel very long distances to get to work meaning the precise timing of buses/trains.
2) Regular one: My final year dissertation for Uni either being not done at all or hugely behind time with a day left to hand it in.

One I had recently left me feeling desolate when I woke up - waiting to die for the imminent armageddon that was just hours away. Horrible.

Sounds like a recurring dream that a Col U fan would have.

I dont have recurring dreams but I have had a couple of nightmares involving my kids and they have always left me relieved when Ive woken up.
A frequently recurring element of my dreams is me witnessing a plane crash from a frighteningly close distance. The location is always different, but quite often the plane crashes into the sea. I saw some footage recently of a passenger plane crashing in (I think) Afghanistan, filmed from a moving car and it was very similar to my dreams.
A frequently recurring element of my dreams is me witnessing a plane crash from a frighteningly close distance. The location is always different, but quite often the plane crashes into the sea. I saw some footage recently of a passenger plane crashing in (I think) Afghanistan, filmed from a moving car and it was very similar to my dreams.

Yeah I know that video you mean, not pleasant.

I don't dream very much to be honest.
I dont have recurring dreams but I have had a couple of nightmares involving my kids and they have always left me relieved when Ive woken up.

I have a recurring dream that my kids wake me up in the middle of the night...oh, hang on, they're not dreams!

When I was a kid I used to frequently dream that I could fly. Not an aeroplane, but that I could actually fly. I would swoop down on my house, and land on a lamp post, much like a bird. That is why I always said I would learn to fly.
A frequently recurring element of my dreams is me witnessing a plane crash from a frighteningly close distance. The location is always different, but quite often the plane crashes into the sea. I saw some footage recently of a passenger plane crashing in (I think) Afghanistan, filmed from a moving car and it was very similar to my dreams.


This one.
Being late for a plane and having to do a lot of packing in very little time. Only every few months, but the most recent one was only yesterday. For some reason I was in Spain, yet dressed as if I was on holiday in Antarctica.
Mine was always a floating dream. I would spread my arms out wide and float into the sky. For some bizarre reason there were always colouredcbouncing rubber balls involved.