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The vote on the other thread (68-66) summed it up perfectly. There is not much between the two of them.

Ideally I would like a better keeper than both of them for a promotion push, but we probably can't afford one.

Meantimes, if Sturrock thinks experience is better than potential for these vital League games, I would not, on this occasion, disagree with him.
Please can someone in TBV please organise very vocal and positive support for our goalkeeper. Chant his name and if he makes a great save chant it some more.
Perhaps we should have a poll about it....
Precisely, Duke kicked it much further, straight over the heads of his forwards into the arms of a keeper which then meant they'd lost possession and gave us the chance to mount our own attack; I'm sure Bradford's midfield and forwards were very impressed with Duke's kicking today; and we've moaned about hoofball, what the hell were they serving up today?

To those I normally stand with in the North; you may have possibly noticed that I left my normal position alongside the drum about 20 minutes into the second half and went to another part of the stand. Well I'm sorry but I will not stand or sit, I'm getting older these days, amongst fans who are going to chant 'you're s**t, arrrgggghhhhh' at a keeper wearing SUFC colours.

Ugh, sitting in South I didn't hear that but if true then TBV should hang their heads in shame. Maybe the missing Zoomister will properly bang their heads together for the next match and sort them out.
We can discuss this until we're blue in the face but the sad fact is the sort of fans who ironically cheer or boo Smith are probably barely able to spell their own name let alone frequent an internet message board and join in an intelligent debate.
I couldn't be there today , but with respect to some of the posters on here - why not try and do something about it--- in an un-confrontatinal manner
When I here anyone slagging of our players I immedialtly start singing . If it was the keeper I would (and have) started singing 'Southend's Number One '. And almost every time two things happen

Others join in around me - as they are thinking exactly the same , and are equally ****ed with the abuse one of our players is getting (as proved on this board)
The abuser tends to shut up as he realises that not everyone agrees with him. If no one does this he 'assumes' that others must agree and therefore will continue.

Its not confrontational and it works , and you know what - it makes you feel so much better. You might find it difficult to do the first time , but it gets easier each time . Try it

Think the more vocal fans in the north bank need to read this and try it.
It could be worse - we could have signed Phil Smith in pre season and then there really would have been something to moan about.

HAHAH! That was blatantly a mistake. The bloke looked like a milkman. Bet he couldn't believe his luck when he found himself in Madrid in the summer. From delivering milk in a local village to playing against Real Madrid.

Clearly accidentally took the wrong Smith on trial.
I had to tell an idiot to shut it yesterday in the east i wasnt polite but it worked lo.l im sick of all the people that knock our lads constantly you can hear the abuse at times its a joke.
Today was the first time i saw him play this season, and i did not like the abuse he was getting. He is playing in a southend shirt so why give him soo much ****. Get behind him rather than abuse him. My views on him were that he has the makings of a good keeper but seems to lack confidence (which isnt helped by all the abuse from the home fans). Lastly i really think he needs to be a lot more vocal and order his defence about, he just seemed to stand there quietly and let cresswell do it for him, this can be a potential problem because it could lead to a misunderstanding between the keeper and defence.
Had no chance with either goal, some excellent distribution and an excellent save in the second half. On one occasion he should have come off his line to help Prosser out, but other than that didn't do much wrong today IMO

Prosser had it covered Smith didn't need to come of his line.
Today was the first time i saw him play this season, and i did not like the abuse he was getting. He is playing in a southend shirt so why give him soo much ****. Get behind him rather than abuse him. My views on him were that he has the makings of a good keeper but seems to lack confidence (which isnt helped by all the abuse from the home fans). Lastly i really think he needs to be a lot more vocal and order his defence about, he just seemed to stand there quietly and let cresswell do it for him, this can be a potential problem because it could lead to a misunderstanding between the keeper and defence.

Cresswell is a natural leader and understandably very vocal in ordering the defence about, it would be more of a concern if nobody was doing any talking....these guys play and train everyday together i'm sure they know there
jobs and have a very good understanding...proof is in the pudding...12 games unbeaten.
Ugh, sitting in South I didn't hear that but if true then TBV should hang their heads in shame. Maybe the missing Zoomister will properly bang their heads together for the next match and sort them out.

If true utterly disgraceful.Won't make him perform any better and, if it has the opposite effect, could cost us a game. Shocking, truly shocking.
I sit in East Blacks and didn't any negative comments, mind you its a big stand so it sounds like I was fortunate.

Dagenham Kev on the other hand..............
I've been in hospital this week so missed the game yesterday. But am I right in thinking that the north bank basically were slating smith. If true, it's ridiculous and I would like a member of the blue voice to come on and explain. It appears to me with the recent trouble in that area with rival fans that the north bank should be shut down to us to home fans again. If they can't behave themselves or find it acceptable to slag off our keeper, who has performed extremely well this season then they don't deserve to be in there and are not achieving the aim of being in there. This criticism of smith is quite frankly ridiculous. They guy has done nothing wrong and has been a massive part of the good run. If people want promotion they must get behind every player wearing the blue shirt whether you like the player or not. Slagging a player off does not achieve anything other than destroy confidence. Grow up.
Utter nonsense smith not to blame for either goal claims for smith to gather the ball in is sh*** the defender should of easily cleared his lines this smith bashing getting borin now he is our number 1 thats it
Utter nonsense smith not to blame for either goal claims for smith to gather the ball in is sh*** the defender should of easily cleared his lines this smith bashing getting borin now he is our number 1 thats it

It doesn't make you right thought does it? There are loads of fans having doubts about Smith and that doesn't make them right either.

I don't slag him off at games, that isn't right. what I will say is I have acknowledged when he makes good saves etc but you will never admit when he plays bad. All you to is say 'another win, team game' you never come out and admit when he plays badly/makes mistakes and for me that is a worse attitude than someone that bemoans how Smith is but admits when he plays well or makes good saves.

I want Smith to do well, to come off his line, to claim balls, make the penalty area his own, be vocal etc, I really do, but I can't see it happening. The defence looks nervy in front of him and we have been lucky so far. It's only a matter of time before the mistakes cost us points. I hope it doesn't, but I think it will.
If he has a absolute mare then i will point it out and hope for a improvement smith yes has made errors and yes will make some more but not one game has he been shockingly bad he has played good more times than bad i agree he needs to improve certain areas has do most. He is a league 2 keeperband doin a decent job for us.
Regardless of how he played, we should be backing him or any of our players regardless how poor a performance they have. They are playing for the team we supposedly support. Discuss it on here, by all means, even if negative, but get behind our team.

In other words, support or F OFF & support another team!