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Feb 2, 2004
I write this cause there is nothing more annoying and detrimental to your health than someone puffing away next to you for the entire match at Roots Hall!

I was sitting next to someone at the Hall the other night in the West Stand, (Where you are asked to refrain from smoking in this area) and for most of the first half got nothing more than someone else's tobacco smoke. I couldn't even move somewhere else as it was really packed in there.

I politely asked the chap to try and refrain, and got a tirade of abuse. Something that i've not experienced there before sitting in the c2c west stand. In the end the chap and his mate got up at half time and probably went back to the bar.
They both stank of alcohol too and were really abusive to my girlfriend as well which i found out of order. They we're also shouting and complaining to the ref at every decision that went against SUFC, even the blatant fouls that we committed got foul abuse direct at the Ref. I heard them talking between themselves and heard them say "when we bought the tickets, no one told us it was no-smkoing". (They were not regulars IMHO).

We should take a leaf out of the no-smoking policy at White Hart Lane, Tottenham. During the game there, there is a total smoking ban. Your only allowed to smoke in designated area's i.e. at the back of the stand before the game and at half time. They seem to cope with it there and they get far bigger gates. My mate who is a season ticket holder says it works a treat, and makes viewing a game far more pleasureable.

I also feel sorry for younger children at the game, and their sitting next to someone inhaling their smoke. Its wrong and needs to be stamped out totally!

All public places in New York City are a smoke free zone, and look at the amount of people that live there. The New Yorkers seem to cope and handle it. So why cant the odd few thousand that we get at the Hall cope with it? Not alot to ask is it?

Surely something can be done? Come on Scriv's pull a few strings and make Roots Hall more of a pleasure to come too.

Rant Over, Up The Blues! Cardiff Here We Come! Excellent game Tuesday night!
I'm completely with you fella

There is nothing worse than having to sit anywhere and inhaling someone elses smoke

By all means have designated areas in the ground that are smoking like spurs but not on the terraces during the game, remember we have kids who come to watch football at this club lets not put them in that position
The East stand will be a no smoking area as from the start of next season. Smoking will still be permitted in the rest of the ground though. I personally agree with you as I can't stand it either.
Surely the whole ground should be smoke free when the game is in progress!

I went to an NBA game in New Jersey and it was a no smoking atmosphere during the game.
You was only allowed to smoke in the concourse of the arena!

Lets stamp it out at Roots Hall!
Well that's what I was told by one of the head stewards a few months back. They were going to stamp it out straight away but backed down because they thought they might get some irate season ticket holders causing a fuss. No doubt they'll see how things go in the East before deciding whether to do it in the rest of the ground.
Tony, I took this up with the club about three years ago because I was concerned that the primarily wooden East Stand was a fire risk, especially when one thinks back to the Valley Parade fire which killed 56 people almost 20 years (!) ago. (BTW - did you know that the Stacey-West Stand at Lincoln is named after the two Lincoln fans who died?) I was told by the club that they felt there was no risk because the spacing underneath the seating was regularly cleaned. Apart from the fact that the excuse was somewhat debatable, I think they missed my point about fan comfort. Therefore I'm glad to see that the East Stand will finally become a non-smoking stand, albeit two years too late for me! I'm sure there will be plenty of dissenters ~ there are many on this forum who will fight for the right to have a smoke during the game ~ but I think democracy should rule in this case ...

PS - I was always under the impression that the yellow seats in the South Upper was a non-smoking area?

I don't think the South Upper is no smoking any more although I recall a time where it was.

Personally I'd be happy for there to be a ban in the ground seeing as I'm a non-smoker. A few of my mates smoke and I'm not one of these who wants all pubs & restaurants to be no-smoking. But at a football match when you're all jammed in tight its not pleasant if the person in front of you is puffing away on a cancer stick.

It'll be no smoking in a couple of years when the goverment ban on smoking in public places comes in. But I'd like to see the club act before then and get a ban in place. Not that it will make any difference. I've seen people openly drinking beer during the last couple of games and the stewards have done nothing about that. I can't see them causing a fuss at someone smoking in a non-smoking part of the ground to be honest.
Yeah i've seen people drinking beer too, and the hapless stewards do fack all!

Why do the stewards stand up bout 5 mins from the end and spoil your view! They would have something to say if loads of us stood up during a game.

Dave Jobson used to moan about that, and even made a comment a while back about people standing in block u or v in the west!

Perhaps someone should do a poll to guage the majority position of the SZ community?

Is there a No Smoking policy in the Family Stand (RBS). If Not there Should be.

Smoking is Anti-Social. If they want to take a few years off there lives thats up to them, but to polute the Atmosphere of others is NOT on.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Shoebury Shrimper @ Mar. 10 2005,20:58)]Is there a No Smoking policy in the Family Stand (RBS). If Not there Should be.

Smoking is Anti-Social.
So is chanting about kicking someones "f**king head in". I'd rather be next to the smoker than the foul mouthed lout with the "run quick" trainers in case anything actually kicks off.
If people want to smoke, they can. Its a free country after all although if there's a series risk to en-danger thousands of people then the situation should be addressed.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Guest @ Mar. 10 2005,21:19)]If people want to smoke, they can. Its a free country after all although if there's a series risk to en-danger thousands of people then the situation should be addressed.
Your attitude stinks!

Smokers should be with smokers!

They shouldn't polute other people's lives!

Ban it!
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Guest @ Mar. 10 2005,21:19)]If people want to smoke, they can. Its a free country after all although if there's a series risk to en-danger thousands of people then the situation should be addressed.
Surely that's like saying if I want to swing a golf club in the stand, that's my right too.

Smoking has an impact on others watching the game and so it's not like the smoker is only implicating him/herself.

Personally, I'm not massively bothered about it but if I had kids, I'd certainly be concerned at their well being.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Guest @ Mar. 10 2005,21:19)]If people want to smoke, they can. Its a free country after all ...
It's going to be illegal to smoke in enclosed public places within the next two years anyway. (Licensed premises will follow in 2008 but I can't see that one working.) So the club might as well implement the scheme now.

It's all well and good speaking of smokers rights but I think those who choose NOT to have smoke blown into their faces should have the choice to sit in an area where their chances of lung damage through passive smoking are greatly reduced. If the smokers want to die prematurely then so be it. But they shouldn't drag innocents down with them.

All-seater stadiums make it far harder to move away from a smoker ~ it is far easier on a terrace, for instance ~ so at least making one stand a non-smoking stand would be a start and then move on from there ...

I was in the East Black on tuesday and 2 girls infront of me spent three quarters of the match smoking.
What i can't stand is the smell.
It stinks, and the ground should have just one area permitted for smoking or only smoking in the car park/ outside the ground.

I also thought that smoking in the east was a fire risk as its mainly wooden, maybe the people who are concerned with this should all write/e-mail the club.