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I'm a Gnu, how do you do!⭐⭐
Staff member
Aug 14, 2009
Westcliff riviera
Last night's football League show

Good piece on PB before and after yesterday's 90 minutes. Roots Hall was looking a bit sad but never fear, Ron appeared in front of the cameras and promised that the new ground would be started in late spring this year, so that's all right then!!


Couldn’t go yesterday, probably not a bad thing after reading the match report posts on here.
Nice little piece actually, despite the highlights. 2 great strikes but Phillips over commits for the 3rd and gets done far too easily.

Mixed bag for him yesterday as I don't think he covered himself in glory for the first goal either..
That vile clown rears his ugly head again just to get on tv.
As stated above, to announce it so publicly and being in the final stages with the contractors is very good news.
Their 2nd goal was a cracker.

Ron Martin up to his usual tricks. As said earlier believe it when I see it.
I didn't quite catch everything he said but I think he said 'they are in the throes of concluding the contracts with the contractors' which if correct is clearly different to having tied up the contracts and got a start date set.

He definitely used the word 'should' in the sentence 'we should be on site in late spring' - it struck me that he was unable to look the interviewer in the eye at that point. I seem to remember a late spring once before which became summer and ...

So I too will believe it when I see it.