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Zone Competition The Apprentice Sweepstake 2023

Rolling results page

Avi Sharma & @TrueBlue

Bradley Johnson & @Supershrimper

Dani Donovan & @RHB

Denisha Kaur Bharj & @OldBlueLady:Angry::Sad:

Emma Browne & @SupaBlues :Angry::Sad:

Gregory Ebbs & @Tangled up in Blue :Angry: :Sad:

Joseph Phillips & @Chrisb :Angry: :ROFL:

Kevin D’Arcy & @Cricko :Angry: :Sad:

Mark Moseley & @SupaBlues’ missus

Marnie Swindells & @BILLERICAY BLUE’s missus

Megan Hornby & @Amwell Blue

Reece Donnelly & @The Big Dady:Angry::Sad:

Rochelle Anthony & @RHB’s missus

Shannon Martin & @Tinks :Angry::Sad:

Shazia Hussain & @jackj13 :Angry: :Sad:

Simba Rwambiwa & @Kenny

Sohail Chowdhary & @Cricko :Angry::Sad:

Victoria Goulbourne & @BILLERICAY BLUE
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That’s been coming! Sounded like Lord Sugar was giving me some hope but then when back to her to fire her 😂
Whole design team was crap. Took a good idea from Bradley with the Caf-E Rider brand name idea and ended up with something that a 10 year old may have produced if you let them loose on clipart in MS Word.

Not the same show from a few years ago with more reject love Island types appearing.
Whole design team was crap. Took a good idea from Bradley with the Caf-E Rider brand name idea and ended up with something that a 10 year old may have produced if you let them loose on clipart in MS Word.

Not the same show from a few years ago with more reject love Island types appearing.
Forgot to watch yesterday's show.Another sign that it's not as good as it used to be perhaps.
Binge watched the first lot of episodes after returning from Oz ...... Jesus, yet again they've found another new level of incompetent morons!

Defo gone downhill ... Sugar now making too many jokes in the boardroom. It's cringe beyond belief... they are not in fear like they used to be. And Karen ...., stuck up cow, totally gets on my wick!
The demographic of participants has steadily gotten younger and younger, which hasn't helped the overall quality.

Having contestants in their early 30's would surely result in people being a bit more savvy in their life experience, which would hopefully result in oh......I don't know, actually making it clear on branding that your bikes are electric and don't produce any emissions at all!
The last couple of weeks I thought the contestants that were fired were a bit unlucky but this was definitely the right choice.
AVI is going to shine tonight I’m calling it!! If not we are going to start a Caliphate.