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The C2C Quiet Zone

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I try and sit in the quiet zone.

I hate listening to groups of women discussing the minutae of their personal and working lives.

That said if you make an effort to look like a bit of a nutter you tend to have your own quiet zone wherever you sit.

too right!!!

I travel in the quiet zone of the first class carriage whenever I need to use a train, because I don't like being stuck next to other people - the more i grow up, the more i think most people are scummy. But last week, I had to endure a 2 hour journey with two women who obviously hadn;t travelled on a train before, talking loudly about their pregnancies / nights out / etc, and raiding the first class trolley every time it came past. ****ing pikeys
and it looks like most of you work too hard - if you leave at about 9.30 the train is empty and your bacon butty gets served quickly. You also want to leave town at about 3.30
I apologise unreservedly for anyone getting on or off at Benfleet, around 7.40 and 19.00 resepctively, who may have the misfortune of putting up with my husband's snoring effectively turning the quiet zone into a very noisy zone!

i would love your husband to come on SZ, then he might have a chance to defend himself!
i would love your husband to come on SZ, then he might have a chance to defend himself!

Oh look - one I read! Ain't never going to happen, he shares none of my interests. And really, when you've been awoken by snoring for as many nights as I have after only 3, or 4 if you're lucky, hours sleep it is quite amazing that I can still be making jokes about it. It is a way of letting off steam, and believe you me, there's plenty of genuine reasons for that.

Please put me on ignore, I read very few of your posts, strangely though, many of which seem to be in response - still - to something I've written.
Having noise blocking earphones means every carriage is a quiet zone so my main concern is whether I get a sweaty fat man sitting next to me as I did this morning.
It was even worse than sweaty fat man this morning. At least sweaty fat man sat still, this morning I had medium sized fidgety man. Every 5 seconds his arms were on the move, scratching himself, checking his phone, picking his nose and suchlike and every movement had to be made with his elbows jutting into my side. Grrrr..... :madman:
Ahh the joys of commuting. You should come on the National Express line. Trains are so rickety and loud that you could belt out your favourite karaoke track with microphone and still no one would hear you. It is strangely relaxing and is much easier to listen to constant uninterrupted rattling, than idle gossip, phones ringing and loud Ipods.

I do still however think that everyone should have to go on a train ettiquette courses. Some people just don't have a clue and for certain passengers, I wonder if they have ever actually had any human contact in their lives as they act more like animals than anything else.
Ipods etc are really annoying, their is no need to have them anywhere near that loud.. Young women talking bollox relentlessly on mobiles and blokes swearing all the time in normal conversation, regardless of if there is a 50 yr old woman sitting next to them .. Those are run of the mill moans and just a total lack or curtosy.. Much like people discussing their recent gall bladder operation in a restaurant , of Liz Hurly turning up at a breast cancer awareness bash with her perfectly formed thrups hanging out..
But my all time main gripe is the loons who get up the second the train pulls out of Benfleet to start either walking the length of the train to get to the door lined up with the steps at Leigh, or stand in between the seats for 5 minutes cos the rest of the lemmings got their first by getting up at Pitsea .. If the 2 minutes you save is that important get the fking train before!
Bring quiet zones to the Liverpool St line pleeaasseeeee!! I've had it with students talking about how ****ed they were and how kerazzzy they are and chavs about who they had a fight with last night / the minutae of their sex lives. Infact rip out the seats in one carriage and make it a herd carriage for all the above, and give me the cattle prod.
But my all time main gripe is the loons who get up the second the train pulls out of Benfleet to start either walking the length of the train to get to the door lined up with the steps at Leigh, or stand in between the seats for 5 minutes cos the rest of the lemmings got their first by getting up at Pitsea .. If the 2 minutes you save is that important get the fking train before!
I walk through the train however only when I'm approaching Thorpe Bay when the train is almost empty.

Another of my gripes, people who go through the barrier and just stop on the other side. Are they really that clueless that they don't realise there's a mass of people following them through. I'm thinking of taking a tazer with me on train journeys to combat this.
I do still however think that everyone should have to go on a train ettiquette courses. Some people just don't have a clue as they act more like animals than anything else.

I don't know if you're referring to me here, SL, but as I explained to the Police at the time, I was desperate and the toilet wasn't working.

In my defence, I did push my excrement under the seat so that passengers wouldn't slip in it and the seat I wiped my arse on was broken anyway, so no-one would have sat there..

Kind Regards
Ain't never going to happen, he shares none of my interests.

more of an arrangement for two lonely hearts than a marriage then?

And this is a concern of yours, why? Having been together for 26 years and married for 18 of those, I don't think I need to justify my relationship to anyone, and besides which that has nothing to do with this thread - my original post was quite genuine. He openly admits he falls asleep most journeys, and as he always ends up snoring, there was nowt wrong with what I said.
I get wound up when fat f***ers in Michelin Man anoraks decide to plonk themselves in a seat and make the journey uncomfortable for every one else.

I am a big bloke (not fat) and if I can't get an aisle seat I will stand.

I also get fed up with women who think they should be offered a seat purely because they are female.
I get wound up when fat f***ers in Michelin Man anoraks decide to plonk themselves in a seat and make the journey uncomfortable for every one else.

I am a big bloke (not fat) and if I can't get an aisle seat I will stand.

I also get fed up with women who think they should be offered a seat purely because they are female.

I get on at Stepney East.. the pre train arrival positioning is hilarious.. I am usually there with 5 plus mins to spare for my usual train.. But there is a preganant woman who trys to get there sharpish to get pole position.. i like to run blocker for her so she can get a seat next to her husband/lover/significant other/lesbian lover who looks like a bloke.. other wise I agree.. I cant fit in the middle seat on the current trains ..
I am sad enough to view getting on a train like a game chess.

You have to know what carriage you need to get on, where to stand and most importantly who the weasels are that try and snide in from the side.

If I see someone trying something really cheeky I will try and stand in their way even if it means I don't get a seat myself.
I walk through the train however only when I'm approaching Thorpe Bay when the train is almost empty.

Another of my gripes, people who go through the barrier and just stop on the other side. Are they really that clueless that they don't realise there's a mass of people following them through. I'm thinking of taking a tazer with me on train journeys to combat this.

Tasering them is to good for them. These are the same people who stop once they got off an escalator instead of walking away. The main culprits for this are people with suitcases with wheels who just get off the escalator and just stop so they can adjust the handle on their suitcase with wheels, completely oblivious to the hundreds of people they are blocking.

Come the day of the glorious revolution they will be the first up against the wall.
I am sad enough to view getting on a train like a game chess.

You have to know what carriage you need to get on, where to stand and most importantly who the weasels are that try and snide in from the side.

If I see someone trying something really cheeky I will try and stand in their way even if it means I don't get a seat myself.
HEHE totally agree
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