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The Next Step


Life President⭐
Oct 2, 2004
Right, I have no money but am selling out my ground every home game. Should I increase my stadium by selling my best player to help fund it (could fetch 200k at least), or wait another season filling 12000 without getting anywhere??

What should I do?
In the long term the stadium increase will be the right choice.
Best player, who could be sold:

Phil Quigley
TSI = 3 670 , 21 years, weak form
Has wretched experience and weak leadership abilities [Unpredictable]

Stamina: excellent Keeper: wretched
Playmaking: solid Passing: passable
Winger: passable Defending: poor
Scoring: passable Set pieces: weak

How much dyou lot think he will fetch? Looked at expanding stadium to 20000 earlier, will cost 521000 using the percentages. Have 78k in the bank, so hoping this player could fund another 200-300k.
Hmm, do goalkeeping coaches do anything?? If not, I've wasted money and if so, why does it take so long to pop?!