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Now covered by Echo.

Two superb pros.

Gutted to lose Tims, few have given as much as he has and been a great servant for the club and I think he could still have offered us something. Shame on the club for letting him depart in this way after all he’s given over 8 years.

Also means that first team players we have under contract:
No GK (Bishop?)
Coker, Hendrie, White, Kiernan, Ferdinand (transfer listed), Demetriou
Yearwood, McLaughlin, Kightly, Barratt(?)
MAF and Timlin leave

Just reported by CP.

Will miss Timlin the dedication and heart he put into this club over the years is outstanding. Coming back from that head injury against Stevenage to score in the next game was heroic! Turning down a move to his boyhood club to stay with us too.

He will be missed.
Sorry to see both go, both brought good things to our team, just hope the 'clear out' brings better, but two good pro's who gave their best for our club.

Special mention to 'Tims' who played through pain barriers on more than one occasion. In SCP we trust.

Good luck to both players wherever they ply their trade next (except against us of course)
I concur comments made. Gutted to see Timo leave, but more sentimental. For all his passion and commitment, which will never be questioned, he has become limited as a player. His passing was woeful last season and if SCP wants to play a fast flowing on the deck type of football, then im afraid Timlin is no the answer. Think he is more suited to League two now than league one. Will always be welcome back to Roots Hall and did the club proud.
Can't say I'm overly disappointed with this - both have been good servants to the club, especially Timlin, but IMO neither are good enough if we want to push on.
Not really surprised to see both go, neither held down a starting place under CP and with them off the wage bill it gives us a chance to replace them with players Chris wants to take us forward.
I concur comments made. Gutted to see Timo leave, but more sentimental. For all his passion and commitment, which will never be questioned, he has become limited as a player. His passing was woeful last season and if SCP wants to play a fast flowing on the deck type of football, then im afraid Timlin is no the answer. Think he is more suited to League two now than league one. Will always be welcome back to Roots Hall and did the club proud.

This is my issue with Timlin; it's all well and good being able to win a ball, but a bit pointless when you then you proceed to give it away and I think his passing has been woeful for while, not just this season. However I wish him all the best as though I have been critical about him the last couple of seasons; prior to that he was a key member of the team.
Sorry to see Timlin go as he contributed to Dru's performances at the end of the season.
Not sure what is meant by "the club for letting him depart in this way"
First team players that I think we have on the books
Coker Demetriou White Kyprianou Bwomono plus Hendrie Kiernan and an option for Turner for next season Ferdinand (transfer listed)
Yearwood, McLaughlin, Kightly, Barratt
Robinson Wabo Ba
We also have a number of youths under contract plus others with offers, some of whom might break through like Dru.
However you are right we look lightweight at present but it is very early days

For me Timlin wasn't a great player but allowed others to play well. I've said before and will again that in my opinion his partnership with Yearwood was excellent last season and Timlin allowed Dru to flourish. Powell has done alright so far and I have no option but to trust him but I will be sad to see Timlin leave
Ron said tonight that he (CP) makes tough decisions, I think Timlin is one such. Fortuné maybe not so much but both decent players and Timlin is one who has been a very solid player for us for some years. Wish them both all the very best.
I can see why Timlin left, he's more than good enough to start in the right League 2 team, but I'm suprised Fortune left, I can't see who would take a chance on him at his age.
I wish both of them all the best. Timlin has always given 100% when on the pitch and it would not surprise me if he re-appears at Swindon Town. As for Marco maybe a switch to player coach. Wherever he goes he will surprise and delight supporters with his age defying performances. Had he been more prolific on the goals front I doubt he would have worn a Southend shirt, so for that lack of end product I am glad I had the opportunity to watch the bloke. His goal and subsequent celebration against Wigan were highly amusing, and shut the northern monkeys right up. Too many memories to list here in detail for Timlin, you will all have your favourite moments, but the rubber helmet and the reasons for it, will stay with me for a long time.
Well this wasn't what I was anticipating. I'm sad to see both of those leave and it doesn't fill me with much confidence for Oxley, Turner and Cox. CP could have his work cut out here finding replacements for all of these.
Hmm. CP certainly wanting to put his stamp on the team. Hope this doesn't all blow up in his face and he can get the players in.
Enjoyed watching both players but they are both past their best. I see this as a positive move by Powell, looking to the future.
Last season proved the old boys weren’t up to it, time for fresh blood, hunger and a proper promotion challenge. In Sir Chris Powell we Trust UTB
Fortune I’m not so surprised about, but I didn’t expect Timlin to go. He’s been such a loyal servant to us these past few years and I will miss him, but clearly SCP must have an idea of who he wants to bring in. Mantom maybe?