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Travellers pitch up in Benfleet park!


Junior Blues Coordinator⭐⭐
Dec 27, 2007
My daughter just texted me to say that some of the so called travelling community have just decided to set up home on Richmond Park in Benfleet! The police are there but just "observing" at the moment...I guess they're waiting for some paperwork or other to be rushed through at the Council Offices.

Do we reckon this is the lot that have been moved on from Fossetts or some early evictees from Dale Farm or a completely new bunch?! Those commuting should be able to see them in the morning anyway!

Also just heard they've apparently set up home on Two Tree Island as well.......seems like almost any patch of open land has a welcoming mat.
Noticed them earlier and then forgot until I saw your post Kay.
I doubt if they are from Dale Farm, and if they are genuine travellers I'm sure they'll be travelling again soon. :unsure:
I did wonder if they'd landed up on that strip of land that is apparently part of RM's portfolio but apparently not, they're at the end of Brook Road. "Bare loads" of them according to my daughter!
Do we reckon this is the lot that have been moved on from Fossetts

Also just heard they've apparently set up home on Two Tree Island as well........

The ones at Fossetts had moved on by this afternoon, so a good chance it's them.
A load turned up at Two Tree Island a couple of years ago, and were there for a week or two before moving on and leaving a mountain of rubbish and filth. Amazing that a member of public can get a £60 fine for dropping litter in the street etc, but when these pondlifes vacate their temporary home, the authorities stand by and never insist they clear up behind them?. Then get the council cleaners in, which costs god knows how much, which we're paying for!.
They need need to be round up and arrested no other country in Europe would let them lowlife scumbags get away with what they do and how they affect others
Perhaps instead of bulldozing Dale Farm they could extend it to encourage these "travellers" to settle?
At least I wont get the blame for the chest freezer I fly tipped behind the primary school earlier this week.