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Zone Owner⭐⭐
Staff member
Oct 25, 2006
Ok fill your boots people with any questions that you want to ask Tara Brady.
When do you think the builders will be on site at FF? I don't want an exact date, but a month and year will suffice.


When was the last time the staff of SUFC, playing or non playing, were paid late?

What steps are in place to prevent this happening again?

Apols if the answers to the added two questions are elsewhere, I just thought of them.
Are you wearing fancy dress at Wycombe? I already assume Ron is going as a Clown like at every other game he attends.
What actual revenue streams will Southend United be entightled to once we get to FF and will it be enough for us to be self sufficient?

How far advanced are the discussions with the Hotel operator for FF and what is the actual likely hood of us having a 3 sided stadium?

Ron apoloigsing at the AGM is a step forward for a man who has treated the fan base like idiots, does Ron realise the level of resentment aimed at him for the way in which he has treated the club, fans, suppliers, etc?

It has been mentioned that you wouldnt want a Fans representative on the board as you dont think they would keep there mouth shut, more telling you mention that Sainsburys wouldnt like it, how much say does Sainsburys have in the running of the football club and decisions that are made?

Already RM is blaming the fans for lack of investement next season if people dont buy season tickets, will he accept responsabilty for the fact he has changed the club beyond recognition and that loyal fans of many years cannot stomach his ******** and if he can accept it, How he intends to get people back through the turnstiles so we can move forward and have the investment for playing staff that the season ticket revenue will bring?

What guarantees do we have that once Ron, Stewart and Yourself get Rich from FF and move on that you wont leave the club high and dry and start demanding the Rent etc plus huge amounts of interest?

12 months ago Ron explained that we would be fine financially for a year, that hasnt really been the case, what funding is in place for the next 12 months?
What is the exact status of the planning permission for FF? Is there a deadline by which time we need to have started work at FF? If there is and it's coming up then what contingencies are in place in case there are any unforeseen delays?

Is funding in place to supplement the Club's cashflow for the next 12-24 months?

Can we please have a full breakdown of the administration expenses in the 2009 accounts, and (once published in a few weeks) the 2010 accounts?
Already RM is blaming the fans for lack of investement next season if people dont buy season tickets, will he accept responsabilty for the fact he has changed the club beyond recognition and that loyal fans of many years cannot stomach his ******** and if he can accept it, How he intends to get people back through the turnstiles so we can move forward and have the investment for playing staff that the season ticket revenue will bring?

With respect, we've had people crying on here over the last couple of years about financial mismanagement. Our budget for next season has to be directly related to our income. If it looks like income is going to half then the player budget should follow suit.

It's not about blaming the fans. It's about trying to live within our means.
Are the management, players and all staff directly employed by Southend United FC paid up to date, and will you guarantee salaries will be paid to all staff over the summer months?
Can you promise that Players, Staff and Supporters are going to be treated with the respect they deserve and not like fools from today onwards. I'm not bothered about a fans representative on the board we're SUFC fans and just want to support SUFC on the pitch but can they please run our club properly so that we make headlines for all the right reasons and in doing so repair our reputation within the football world.
When are they gonna repair the pot-holes in the car park?
Any chance of the club giving us Nectar points for our season tickets in the future?
How do you see your future with SUFC? It's been made apparent on SZ that you're only involved with the club to seek what you're owed by RM and this is a way to safe guard your "investment". To what extent is this accurate and is this the only reason that you became involved with the club? What do you see as your 'End Game' or exit strategy? What are your long-term ambitions for the club and do they include Ron Martin, who could walk away from the club the moment that the development is complete?
1a) When SUFC entered into the agreement with Sainbury's (effectively Ron re-mortgaging land he owe's to them), they set aside a £5m pot of which the club stated would ensure all liabilities would be met when due for the duration of this season. Why then have we had further winding up orders this season, and why have the players and staff again been paid late? Are these not liabilities?

1b) Has the money supplied by Sainbury's as a result of this agreement now been used up?

1c) If the money has been completely utilised, how do the club intend to meet it's liabilities for the coming season?

2) Do you expect the club to continue losing 100k a month for the 11/12 season?

2a) How long can the club sustain losses of 100k a month?

3) Does Ron realise his poor PR, lack of remorse, treatment of staff and players (both future and present), messages of promise that do not come to fruition has isolated him from the fans and coupled with the increase in Season Card will result in a further financial blow as more and more fans are refusing to put money into the clubs whilst he is at the helm?

3a) If so, what is he doing to try and combat this image and ensure the season card finance does not drop to the likes of say Morecambe?

4) Bart or Flavs?

5) Why, when in the face of the clubs extinction last year, and amongst the multiple winding up orders and hugely demoralising and detrimental frequent late payment of wages did Ron not seek further investment rather than using HMRC as a bank and risk the club going to wall?

6) Exactly how will the club generate more revenue from the new stadium? I understand that all revenue streams will be seperate to the club, what right will we have to them if any?
Can you get rid of those Onions? they are disgusting, spoils the taste of my hot chocolate!
I would like Ron Martin to fully clarify the situation with the rent issue in a clear & precise manner.

At RH can he confirm the rent due of £520k per year for the last 11 years has been charged in full, if not what amount has been charged? Has this figure been included in the profit & loss declared each year? How much has been written off on the Balance Sheet? How much is still owing?

At FF what does he estimate the rent to be annually? How much income will be syphoned off from the club by other companies/operaters? What length of lease/security will the club have? Will the lease have regular rent reviews (upwards only)? As likely the club will struggle to pay any rent, how will the non payment be treated? Will the management company set up to run the stadium have they the right to evict the club for non payment? Will the rent be charged as at RH and cause huge losses & the current practice of being written off will continue?