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Mar 6, 2004
Suffolk 'em all
Sometimes I despair.

Granted, tonight we were poor and, granted too, folk have a right to vent their frustration.

But how miserable and de-motivating can folk get? Well, C55 and 56 in the South Upper set new levels tonight.

From the outset they moaned like morons but the second half saw it turn up a few notches. Straker I thought had a solid first half, but early in the second he made a mistake and all his good work was forgotten in an instant by our middle-aged boo-boys who started a foul mouthed rant at him in earnest and from there on in delighted in every opportunity to load it on to our No. 3 as his night, like that of our team, deteriorated.

I suspect neither C55 or 56 post on here as the abusive language blocker would render their posts into a useless stream of asterisks. Folk like this are just woeful. Sadly they are not alone, but as a pair they form a formidable double act and perhaps gain solace in each other's misery to get through life.

At the start of the second half in frustration at one of their jibes I shouted out something in support of SUFC followed by a comment along the lines that it was a shame some folk were so negative. C55, immediately to my left, retorted by saying that his 46 years at Southend entitled him to be like that and implied I had not gained that right of passage by achieving similar such 'staunch' support - I corrected him on this, though at just 42 years home and away maybe (most of it from well outside Essex) I am not quite in his 'league' to which he dismissed me and carried in in his world of abusive misery for the rest of the match.

Well, with 46 years of such 'support' it's perhaps a wonder that we have done as well as we have, Roots Hall would be a far better place without his 'insight' and maybe many an out-of-form player free of his vocal encouragement would have gone on to perform better for us than they ultimately did.

There was some small victory at end the night. As the injury time board went up SS Jnr and I got up and made our way to the top of the West to gain an early exit on the final whistle. Our neighbours on us getting up decided to move early too - we ran to the West so as to minimise missing anything and so just caught our goal, I suspect the slower moving more cumbersome sweary twins missed it completely. Shame. I can imagine they viewed that positively.

Anyway, it seems that seats C53 and 54 are free from STH use. Stay well clear and sit elsewhere if you want a more enjoyable match.

Sometimes I despair.

Granted, tonight we were poor and, granted too, folk have a right to vent their frustration.

But how miserable and de-motivating can folk get? Well, C55 and 56 in the South Upper set new levels tonight.

From the outset they moaned like morons but the second half saw it turn up a few notches. Straker I thought had a solid first half, but early in the second he made a mistake and all his good work was forgotten in an instant by our middle-aged boo-boys who started a foul mouthed rant at him in earnest and from there on in delighted in every opportunity to load it on to our No. 3 as his night, like that of our team, deteriorated.

I suspect neither C55 or 56 post on here as the abusive language blocker would render their posts into a useless stream of asterisks. Folk like this are just woeful. Sadly they are not alone, but as a pair they form a formidable double act and perhaps gain solace in each other's misery to get through life.

At the start of the second half in frustration at one of their jibes I shouted out something in support of SUFC followed by a comment along the lines that it was a shame some folk were so negative. C55, immediately to my left, retorted by saying that his 46 years at Southend entitled him to be like that and implied I had not gained that right of passage by achieving similar such 'staunch' support - I corrected him on this, though at just 42 years home and away maybe (most of it from well outside Essex) I am not quite in his 'league' to which he dismissed me and carried in in his world of abusive misery for the rest of the match.

Well, with 46 years of such 'support' it's perhaps a wonder that we have done as well as we have, Roots Hall would be a far better place without his 'insight' and maybe many an out-of-form player free of his vocal encouragement would have gone on to perform better for us than they ultimately did.

There was some small victory at end the night. As the injury time board went up SS Jnr and I got up and made our way to the top of the West to gain an early exit on the final whistle. Our neighbours on us getting up decided to move early too - we ran to the West so as to minimise missing anything and so just caught our goal, I suspect the slower moving more cumbersome sweary twins missed it completely. Shame. I can imagine they viewed that positively.

Anyway, it seems that seats C53 and 54 are free from STH use. Stay well clear and sit elsewhere if you want a more enjoyable match.


Tonight we were poor, actually dreadful. Be honest though. Tell the guys to F off if need be. If they have a right vocally abuse the players you have as much right to shout at them.
This is the reason I intend to move from that area next season, there is a few good people around there but the constant moaning from a few, not just this game, it seems like every game is getting really annoying. The North looks and sounds much more fun.
Does anyone know if its possible to transfer my season card to another area now rather than waiting till next season and the swap week? if so does it cost anything?
Two blokes behind me, my dad, my uncle then some friends they don't stop moaning all game, shouting in our ears aswell due to the height and seating of the eas stand. One game one of the coughed and phlegmed into my uncles friends hair, didn't even apologise..

Honest to god I want to move but we are settled here and had season tickets there for 11 years where has they've been there for 4!
This is the reason I intend to move from that area next season, there is a few good people around there but the constant moaning from a few, not just this game, it seems like every game is getting really annoying. The North looks and sounds much more fun.
Does anyone know if its possible to transfer my season card to another area now rather than waiting till next season and the swap week? if so does it cost anything?

Give the ticket office a call and they should be able to sort that.
I know the pair of whom you speak. They are famous for being utterly miserable, blinkered so and sos. My mate sits almost behind them.
What happened to Dagenham Kev last night? He was giving it welly for about 30 mins then disappeared! He was more entertaining than the game at that point!
I haven't posted on here for a while, but I can't help but add to this. I have sat a few along and behind these two for years. Fortunately not right behind them but close enough to hear their constant moaning. My parents also sit there and the guys' language is frankly an embarrassment and they make it quite awkward to be around. I don't begrudge people a good moan and a swear now and again, but these two easily rank as the worst moaners I have ever come across. I have heard their "we've watched this side longer than you" argument before, which is beyond laughable. If it were possible for me to be born a few years prior to my 1980 birth, I may have done that by now, if only to counter their ridiculous argument. To be honest, and thankfully, considering how my parents NEVER swear and object to it on many occasion, we are often reduced to laughter at these guys sometimes, simply because they are so ludicrous.
I go to football for a number of reasons, but for the most part it's because I enjoy myself, or else I wouldn't bother going so often. Why these two chaps go is beyond me and I feel sorry for the players because WHATEVER they do on the pitch, they do not deserve 'support' like that. No-one does.
I often wonder if either of them are married. And what it'd be like to be their wives on a Saturday night after a defeat. I wonder that a lot actually.
Plenty of these at the back of the East Greens as well. I genuinely think these are sad miserable folk and they use football as there release in life.
Plenty of negativity from individuals in east stand reds also last night. I certainly think it accounts for low intellect in many cases. One guy (who I have exchanged words with in the past) was particularly abusive towards certain players. He found it easy being 5 rows back in the stand. I don't think he would find it so easy if he was within a couple of yards from, say, Barry Corr. Anyway, I encouraged him to perhaps support an understrength team rather than abuse them. He then threw some abuse at me, which I counteracted by threatening eviction. He didn't say much for the rest of the game.
This is the reason I intend to move from that area next season, there is a few good people around there but the constant moaning from a few, not just this game, it seems like every game is getting really annoying. The North looks and sounds much more fun.
Does anyone know if its possible to transfer my season card to another area now rather than waiting till next season and the swap week? if so does it cost anything?

Give the ticket office a call and they should be able to sort that.

In the mean time can't you just turn left instead of right when you go through the turnstile? :winking:

I'm sure you'll enjoy the experience much more. :thumbsup:

And if their language is as bad as that report them to a steward, they're supposed to do something about that..... :tease:
There is an old bloke who sits behind me in the West stand, he makes negative comments throughout the game. Drives me insane he hasnt a clue who the players are and was shouting at Timlin last night for a bad pass. Hmmm I thought he was having an op yesterday. He is only ever happy if Freddy comes on.
There is an old bloke who sits behind me in the West stand, he makes negative comments throughout the game. Drives me insane he hasnt a clue who the players are and was shouting at Timlin last night for a bad pass. Hmmm I thought he was having an op yesterday. He is only ever happy if Freddy comes on.

I thought Ron sat in the Directors box ?
Give the ticket office a call and they should be able to sort that.


In the mean time can't you just turn left instead of right when you go through the turnstile? :winking:

I'm sure you'll enjoy the experience much more. :thumbsup:

I have to go through the turnstiles at the south corner of the East stand :facepalm:, is there a way to get to the North from there?

I have to go through the turnstiles at the south corner of the East stand :facepalm:, is there a way to get to the North from there?

Well, there is access to the South Upper and Lower from the turnstiles in Shakespeare Drive, don't know whether your card would work in them, but if you came in through your normal turnstile then went through the South to the back of the turnstiles by the West it might be doable. Certainly I've left games by the reverse of that route......
What happened to Dagenham Kev last night? He was giving it welly for about 30 mins then disappeared! He was more entertaining than the game at that point!

I wish people wouldn't encourage him.... "ooooeee-ooeerr"
I had a season ticket in South Upper a few years ago. Stopped after some terrible football, and the fact the two people behind me would shout, 'EVERY ****ING TIME'. I dislike some of our fans... I now sit with TBV! Everyone's singing too much to complain, much better!
I also know these two people as sit in South Upper and they are two of the most miserable people I have ever come across at a football game. They both have no idea about football and will abuse whoever they can whether smith, straker, hurst or tomlin they dont care. There are also others in this area who also have no idea about football yet seem to just turn up to be miserable and abusive.
Its not only the south upper, we get same thing in the west. Theres an old boy thatsits behind me in the west and as well as spouting absolute drivel all game he never has a positive red word to say, oh and apparently Eastwood is God and should be playing every game even when he is injured :-s