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16+ only private forum

* ORM *

Still Loves Emma Bunton. Roy McDonough is God!
Nov 7, 2003
Flying the flag for SUFC in Sai Kung, Hong Kong
Call me an old fashioned fuddy-duddy but I was the cause of the removal of the DtS munch thread. I have no problem with the subject matter except that I don't believe we need to'expose kids to prawn sandwiches (and such like) so explicitly. What are peoples thoughts on a members only 16+ forum where ANYTHING goes ? I've seen this work succesfully elsewhere and believe it would keep concerned parents like me at bay. My guess is that site sponsors would be pleased too.
A lot of people access this site from work. Whilst you don't have to browse every thread I would imagine the software used by companies to monitor and restrict internet access scans for key words and phrases.

I suspect most people are likely to retain their current job after being confronted about browsing a football forum. If your employers think you have been looking at a dirt site you are almost certainly out the door.

Try explaining that to your wife or next potential employer.

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Call me an old fashioned fuddy-duddy but I was the cause of the removal of the DtS munch thread. I have no problem with the subject matter except that I don't believe we need to'expose kids to prawn sandwiches (and such like) so explicitly. What are peoples thoughts on a members only 16+ forum where ANYTHING goes ? I've seen this work succesfully elsewhere and believe it would keep concerned parents like me at bay. My guess is that site sponsors would be pleased too.

Whilst I agree with you to a certain point, this is the Pub Forum and as the title says anything goes within reason. I think there is a very fine dividing line over subject matter and I doubt the people, even kids who have access to the internet, would be shocked by much that is said in here. Most of it is to liven the day up and certainly not meant to offend.

Maybe we should have a warning "May Contain Adult Content", or an "Over 16" part added to the log in part of the Pub. I doubt this would stop those under age,but I think we have learnt from having seperate private areas of the Forum,this is perhaps not the greatest of ideas. I fully understand your position on this *ORM*

This is just My personal opinion and has nothing to do with the other owners.


Perhaps just certain threads need to come with a warning or something simillar, like a 16+ sign. Thinking about this though it would be a bugger to moderate unless the thread starter ticks a box or something, like how you set up a poll, to say that it is for only those over 16. I get your point ORM especially with children.
This is a bit of a conundrum really, and I tend to think that Cricko is correct. I am not sure a private forum will or can work. I also don't like censorship, but there also have to be standards to maintain.

In it's essence "The Pub" would suggest a more adult content, and therefore for say over 18's only, but how the heck you moderate or control that beats me.

Fully understand and sympathise with ORM and other parents worried about such content, but in a sense it's a bit like kids buying top shelf mags, smoking or drinking under age, however much you try you won't stop them doing it.
but in a sense it's a bit like kids buying top shelf mags,

your only jealous because you can't reach the top shelf....:D

I can't wait for Cricko's over 80's forum where he can safely discuss incontinent pants, dentures, KY jelly, and how do you get rid of that horrible pi55y smell.....:p
Personally happy to have an over 16s forum and would hate to think i caused offence to any under 16 year old or parents but dont see how you can stop a minor looking at a over 16s thread if they want to.

That said I am not really a techy....
Thats the problem, if a kid under 16 wants to do something, they will find a way. When we signed did we disclose our age?
Thats the problem, if a kid under 16 wants to do something, they will find a way. When we signed did we disclose our age?

It would be impossible to monitor...and that is only if people told the truth about there age ..or we checked ID etc ......Then they would just log in as somebody else.. Its Unworkable IMO.

As you say if Kids want to do something, generally speaking they will find a way.
I'm not bothered about the kids.

Most of them are crack/smack head yobs who carry guns and knives (according to David Cameron at least) so a bit of adult content isn't going to bother them.

I'm bothered about getting busted at work because someone has posted a thread with an explicit title that I didn't even open but was flagged by our internet monitoring software.
without being harsh... perhaps you shouldn't go into the pub then. i understand your concern but it's hard to be enforced, the website already has a strict swearing filter and so if you are worried about getting busted then try to stick to the football sub-forums. if it was over 16 then im sure the language would be worse and if you went in then it might be more likely that you would get busted
I'm bothered about getting busted at work because someone has posted a thread with an explicit title that I didn't even open but was flagged by our internet monitoring software.

I wouldn't worry too much about that. DtS's thread was talking about women getting 'muched' (sic) which I don't think is a rude word.

Seriously though, I'd take the general view that anything posted or discussed should be no stronger than what you'd see in a daily newspaper.
It has just occured to me that most employers wouldn't look favourably on a thread titled 16+ only private forum.
Tag a post with 16 plus and that is exactly where anyone under 16 will go.

More of a problem is explicit signatures that my boss can see when he walks behind my computer. That is more likely to get me in trouble. Or any big signature for that matter. Even one with football players is obviously nothing to do with my job.

Text only!! That is what I would go for, but I don't expect anyone to agree.