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Jedi Shrimper

formerly Drastic™
Hi folks, not sure if anyone else on here is a carer and has a parent that has care provided for them by ECC.

Had a run-in with my mum's care providers, Carewatch, today over her medication. Basically her meds are provided by the pharmacy in blister packs, ready sorted into doses but last time (2 weeks ago) they left out the paracetamol, so I went through and put them in to save time/confusion. But today Carewatch said they were refusing to give her the meds as I had tampered with the packs thus making it illegal for the carers to give her the medication. Apparently this is a new law that came in a few weeks ago. Had a massive argument with them, mainly surrounding the point of HOW THE HELL WAS I SUPPOSED TO KNOW IT WAS ILLEGAL IF NOBODY TOLD ME. So previously when she'd had new medication or something had been changed I'd put them in and that was fine, but now it's not. Could have been avoided if we had been informed of this law change, a simple letter from Carewatch to everyone who has meds this way would have solved everything. Now I have to go in 4 times a day to give my mum her meds for two weeks until she gets her next batch of blisterpacks. I was basically told tough ****, law has changed and it's your fault even though you didn't know and we're reporting you to social services.

Earlier today though my mum had an assessment from an Assisted Living company for new accomodation, when they looked at her care folder they told me that ECC pays Carewatch to provide 14hrs (2 per day) a week, and at the moment they're providing 1 and a half hours per day at best. So I confronted Carewatch with that and they said I should have brought it up earlier (I didn't know!), and it was a bit late shutting the door after the horse had bolted. I believe I used the word hypocrites.

Anyway I got in first to social services and told them about the medication situation, and reported them for not providing the amount of care they're paid for.

Anyone know of any good care providers I can ask ECC to change my mum too?

Rant over
I dont think that blister pack thing is new
We were not allowed to touch my Mother in laws meds two years ago.
As for carers, mil lived in Southend so ECC did not come into it
I dont think that blister pack thing is new
We were not allowed to touch my Mother in laws meds two years ago.
As for carers, mil lived in Southend so ECC did not come into it
They outright stated that it was a new law, might depend on what the persons physical/mental problems are.