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Graham Coughlan seemed to allude to the fact that some Southend players dislike playing at Roots Hall. Although he was keen to point out that he doesn't see that as an excuse.
I thought the little Roots Hall crowd tonight were extremely restrained in their reactions to what was a gutless, pathetic display. In the past I'm sure there would have been calls of 'what a load of rubbish' et all.
The players HAVE to give the crowd something....anything to rile them up, that's the nature of the beast and always has been.
All of them tonight looked like they had come out for a training session - not good enough. They deserved to be booed off and then some.
Give us a little to cheer about then we'll get behind you. If you're going to stroll around wearing our club crest, hiding behind one another then I'd rather you sod off elsewhere. Management team included.
youre playing at home with the crowd behind you and you go a goal down inside 20seconds and they blame it on playing at RH and infront of those whose money go into tickets and burgers pay them? disgrace

im going to work poorly tomorrow as i dont like working in my office where im paid to play and people support me...
Worrying that. Especially when he seemed to make reference to players moaning about what fans had said/were saying, etc. Then Phillips came out and did an interview and said that personally he likes playing at Roots Hall - suggesting there are those that don't?! I'm just speculating, but it was both a revealing and concerning interview from Coughlan.
Wow. Couldn't agree more. It's players like Coughlan who we all love. Always 100% committed and rarely lets the team down.
Agreed, in some of our players defence, I think in the second half a few came out really wanting it. Most notably Phillips, Barker and Clohessy.
Worrying that. Especially when he seemed to make reference to players moaning about what fans had said/were saying, etc. Then Phillips came out and did an interview and said that personally he likes playing at Roots Hall - suggesting there are those that don't?! I'm just speculating, but it was both a revealing and concerning interview from Coughlan.

Glad you picked up on this as well. Hardly going to help relations on either side is it? Either side??? Listen to me...should be OUR side shouldn't it? What a mess the club is in.
This makes me more angry at a time when I didn't think it was possible :angry::angry::angry::angry::angry:

The players have it easy at Roots Hall, if they served up the dross we have seen at the Hall lately at many other grounds around the country, they would be booed, taunted, abused and receive a lot of stick.
I thought the players actually got off lightly! We have made Barnet and Aldershot look brilliant in successive home games. I didnt hear many negative chanting in the north bank, Scott and the boys did a good job of keeping the songs going.
I cant believe that the players would say that, if they have then quite clearly Ps should get rid of them, when i played for the youth side way back at the beginning in 1962 i was so proud to wear the shirt, and have been proud of this club all my life ,im 66 years old now.PS if you dont get rid of those players wh+o dont like playing for Southend in front of the Southend supporters then you also are not worthy ,Southend may in the overall of things be a small club and being held back by a bad owner but it is MY CLUB, a club i and many others LOVE very much.
Well wtf do the players want then??

So many of them have said the noise from the North is a boost, PS has said it & tonight the North were excellent, as usual, but that performance, especially the first half was dreadful.
This is Paul Sturrocks team and he has signed these players.

I know there is issues but bottom line, football is 11 v 11. He has 16/17 players at his disposal.

Bottom line, a team should represent the managers thoughts and beliefs. At the moment, PS looks clueless and I fear it is close to the end of his regime here.

Forget the lack of quality and the fact we had no pattern of play....what gets me is that we lacked passion, desire, and heart.

Sturrock often makes reference to the negativity at Roots Hall (which I don't think helps his cause) so now I wonder if the players are latching onto that excuse that originated from their gaffer.
What qualifies bad support? Is having your name chanted after taking a spectacurlaly bad penalty bad support?

I dunno....but it's about to get worse. More people are going to stay away (myself included) and then you REALLY will be able to hear individual comments from the crowd. Get over it you clowns, get some passion, fight for us and we'll fight for you. Roots Hall CAN be a furnace but you (the players) have to be the spark....but from what I've seen I don't think you have it in you.
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I hope not. Sturrock is doing a hard enough job as it is before you factor in the lack of any really financial help.

He had no problems taking Tilsons job after he was screwed over. Despite having a promotion budget for 2 years his finally come to the same in an easier league and yet he still cannot better and plays woefull football. Sorry but not good enough for me......including the ownership
Here is a clue fir Sturrock and the players - give us something to ****ing well cheer.

Tonight, as with Burton, Barnet, Accrington etc there was nothing to cheer. We were a total and utter shambles from the first moments. No professional side should concede after twenty seconds. We were once again out battled in every department by a **** poor Aldershot side. I cannot think of many a worse performance. We have had three of the worst sides in the league and walked away with one point that we were lucky to get.

Why the **** he don't start Freddy is beyond me and just sums up my feelings that Sturrock makes poor selection after poor selection. The only players we have that worry defences are Britt, Freddy and maybe Hurst. So why not ****ing play him. Tomlin hard working as he is will never score goals he has zero killer instinct. Stick him on the wing by all means but dont put him up front. Freddy comes on lifts the crowd and generally looked dangerous.

I think PS has a very tough task as Ron Martin has totally ****ed the club but end of the day these are his players. Look at the side we can hardly put an eleven out. Benyon and Steaker we have paid money for yet aren't deemed fit to start, Tonlin starts ahead of a player that scares sides, Barkers legs have gone and I can't even start on ****ing spicer.

This is a club in decline and unless things are addressed soon I fear for us this season. Freddy out of favour, Britt on loan what the he'll else have we got? Gates are low and there is no enthusiasm. Blame who you want but things are getting progressively worse as the seasons roll on. The win at Rotherham papered over the cracks of a **** poor start to the season.

The buck stops with Sturrock. This is a guy that took Jose Mourinho for his FIFA badges yet he seems to be unable to find a home formula that gets us winning. These are all his players now with the exception of Freddy who is about the only person worth watching.
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but didnt Ron state we had the best team spirit for years......F off the lot of em