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Do we want this woman back?

Do we want her back?

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If she was willing to help potentially kill someone by transporting illegal and potentially very dangerous drugs why don't they let her pay the penalty by killing her child, I bet it wasn't a coincidence either!
She'll be in a council house in 3 years living off the estate. Mark my words.
I think the question misses the point.

Leaving aside the important issue of her unborn child, the statement 'No let her stay where she committed the crime' assumes Laos has some sort of responsibility for sorting out our home-grown drug-smugglers.

You can't have it both ways- if you believe the UK government's policy of deporting foreign criminals is acceptable then you can't really complain about other countries washing their hands of ours.
This is an absolute disgrace. Why get her back??? It will cost the taxpayer £36,000 at least per year to keep her in prison add that too the medical care for the baby (not its fault I know). Price of a bullet? 50p, price of a length of rope £5, price of hanging or shooting the bitch - priceless!!

Cant beat a good old fashioned stoning, few rocks off the street cost nothing.
Some very harsh words here, but what I always struggle with in any kind of case like this is what if she was your daughter or sister? Would you be quite as vociferous if she was?

As is the case in a lot of these "mule" jobs, silly, impressionable girls get gulled into being drug smugglers with the promise of easy money. You have to wonder at just how people can be quite so gullible (she says :whistling:).

I don't deny she's acted in a very calculating manner since, but hey, wouldn't you in the same circumstances? You grasp at an escape route if it's presented, however unpleasant.

I am a firm believer in the laws of the land being upheld but there is a compassionate side to me that says if Ronnie Biggs can be released on compassionate grounds then can we not find a little bit of compassion for this young woman too? And to be honest, I'd far rather have her in our prisons than all those clogging them up who should have been sent home to their countries!

Sorry, bit of Devil's Advocate really.

brilliant post , hang her unless shes your family then?