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Life President⭐
TBH reading the west ham forums it seems quite obvious that there is a distinct dislike for us and us them.

I have never really had any particular dislike for the hammers. I was born in rush green just down the road (about 4 miles) from upton park and my dad is from manor park and mum from stratford. Both my grandparent lived for years in plaistow.

By rights i suppose i should be a hammer. In all honesty in all the years (20) i have been supporting southend united it has never once crossed my mind . Even in the darkest under little and martin did i consider it and have never visited upton park other than when watching sufc play there.

I was raised in leigh and the first game i watched was sufc and have loved every minute since.

What has always irked me some what is that there are so many hammers that harp on about the east end or talk like danny dyer on a matchday whilst slating the likes of southend and live in hockley or the like.

These same people pore scorn over essex the county where they live whilst bigging up east london a place they visit every other saturday and have never lived.

Whats that about?

Then theres the " We won the world cup" statement. Yes you have had some cracking players of the years and yes you did have players that played and won the world cup but it was england not the hammers that one the world cup.

Also there seems to be a huge amount of west ham fans stuck in the 80's. Please can someone tell them that gold chains soverign rings and track suits have no place in 2012.

So lets get real

We (I) dont see you as a rival as we have hostorically hardly met except in the cup.

I am not a fan of people who **** on there own doorstep. Dont slate essex and southend fans as you live in essex and these people are your neighbours friends work colleagues.

I bear no malice to the hammers. You do your thing in the premier and we will do ours , but dont roll up at our ground and behave like arseholes because thats how you will be treated.

Post your west ham related comments here.

(ps) I still laugh at 30k grown men singing im forever blowing bubbles . Unique , but so bent.
When ****Ham win (like the play offs) they are EVERYWHERE .. some mug up the road from me had a huge flag flying out his window for a couple of hours after the Blackpool game (any longer and i'd have burnt it down i swear)

The year before, when they were relegated :hilarious: :hilarious:

:tumbleweed: .. nothing, not a peep

I love my Southend, yes in the grand scheme of things we're twobob and will always be so, but they are MY twobob and i don't need reminding from some gobshite cockney who ONLY ever chirps up when they are on the up
Dont hate them, barely been in same league as them to have any rivalry.

Just dont like any other supporter in the home end acting like idiots.
Singing that you are forever blowing Bubbles (and who is looking after him after Michael Jackson's demise?) is bad, but it isn't as bent as proclaiming you are a proud iron.

They are our biggest rivals. Southend isn't infested with Col Ewe fans, but it is infested with Wham fans.

Leyton Orient don't look down on us with a condescending attitude. Gillingham didn't open a club shop in Southend. Dagenham aren't under an illusion that they "won the world cup" or that their youth team is the academy of football.

The only saving grace is that they are **** and therefore only occasionally crawl out of the woodwork. But when they do it's unbearable.

Fortunately now I live in the East End are there are very few of them about there; the gloryhunters there tend to support bigger clubs like Spurs or Millwall so I rarely got to see Wet Sham's vomit-inducing colours, except sadly when I venture home.
The trouble with West Ham is their so called fans - especially the ones who don't actually go, but will be found outside many pubs in the Greater Southend area wearing the latest replica shirt, born and bred in Essex and haven't been to East London in ages. Saw a lot of them outside the Anchor and Hoy & Helmet in Benfleet after the play off final... Don't remember seeing them there the previous season when they got relegated.

I had the pleasure of meeting Sir Trevor Brooking a few years ago at a charity quiz night. Wanted to hate him because of the West Ham connection, but he is simply the nicest man in the world. Like anything, a couple of bad apples spoil the rest, but I don't hate West Ham. Just can't stand some of their supporters...
The trouble with West Ham is their so called fans - especially the ones who don't actually go, but will be found outside many pubs in the Greater Southend area wearing the latest replica shirt, born and bred in Essex and haven't been to East London in ages. Saw a lot of them outside the Anchor and Hoy & Helmet in Benfleet after the play off final... Don't remember seeing them there the previous season when they got relegated.

I had the pleasure of meeting Sir Trevor Brooking a few years ago at a charity quiz night. Wanted to hate him because of the West Ham connection, but he is simply the nicest man in the world. Like anything, a couple of bad apples spoil the rest, but I don't hate West Ham. Just can't stand some of their supporters...

True, it's their fans I hate.

Oh and their latest owners.
Singing that you are forever blowing Bubbles (and who is looking after him after Michael Jackson's demise?) is bad, but it isn't as bent as proclaiming you are a proud iron.

They are our biggest rivals. Southend isn't infested with Col Ewe fans, but it is infested with Wham fans.

Leyton Orient don't look down on us with a condescending attitude. Gillingham didn't open a club shop in Southend. Dagenham aren't under an illusion that they "won the world cup" or that their youth team is the academy of football.

The only saving grace is that they are **** and therefore only occasionally crawl out of the woodwork. But when they do it's unbearable.

Fortunately now I live in the East End are there are very few of them about there; the gloryhunters there tend to support bigger clubs like Spurs or Millwall so I rarely got to see Wet Sham's vomit-inducing colours, except sadly when I venture home.

Says everything that needs to be said. Well done YB.
personally I have no problem with west ham, for me the rivals have always been col u, orient, wolves (back in the day) and I alsoused to love the brighton games, always seemed to have a little edge. West ham IMO have a hardcore of real good football supporters, the away following is always there, noisy at home. In this age of the corporate rubbish that gets dished up in the prem they seem to have retained some of the soul.
As a 17yr old in the first year of a BR Apprenticeship I had the "pleasure" of being in the same year as a couple of tossers who boasted that they were in the ICF, and who's weekend involved "running" other hooligan crews. I sincerely doubted they did as every Monday morning they didn't have a mark on them.

That's what started my hatred on WH. It's tough that my best mate is a Hammer (I turned down a free ticket to Upton Park once). Fortunately his son (my godson) has no love for football yet......
I forgot to add that i love to laugh at there owners.

Where the funk do they buy there clothes .

Its like david blunket is there stylist.
The trouble with West Ham is their so called fans - especially the ones who don't actually go, but will be found outside many pubs in the Greater Southend area wearing the latest replica shirt, born and bred in Essex and haven't been to East London in ages. Saw a lot of them outside the Anchor and Hoy & Helmet in Benfleet after the play off final... Don't remember seeing them there the previous season when they got relegated.

I had the pleasure of meeting Sir Trevor Brooking a few years ago at a charity quiz night. Wanted to hate him because of the West Ham connection, but he is simply the nicest man in the world. Like anything, a couple of bad apples spoil the rest, but I don't hate West Ham. Just can't stand some of their supporters...

That's the main issue for me. Their own message boards are stating that there are more West Ham fans in Southend than Blues fans, many of whom were born in Southend and slag us off.
Ex neighbours used to support them, hated seeing the adult size shirt alongside the kid's one on the washing line.
I come from a West Ham family. I supported West Ham as a kid until I started going to Roots Hall and realised how much better supporting your local club is.

I certainly didn't follow them from that point onwards but never had any massive issues with them either. Then Brady, Sullivan and Gold took over. Then they appointed Big Sam. Now it's one giant collection of my least favourite people in football. Just need Sean Thornton and Karl Duguid to rock up there now.
It's all been pretty much said, but I dislike the ponographers that own the club not forgetting Ms Brady of course. The cheek of opening a club shop in a town 30 miles away. I'm sure they would have been chuffed if Spurs for instance had opened a club shop in Green Street. Then there's the knuckle dragging neanderthals that "support" the club.

And finally the delusions of grandeur, we are a crappy little club and we are a selling club. But then in the sheme of things and comparison they're a crappy little club who invariably have to sell their better players to their bigger London neighbours such as Chelsea, Tottenham & Fulham.

Having said that they did produce the finest English defender ever in Bobby Moore, just a shame he wasn't a geat manager.
I hate all London clubs, when I was growing up in the late 70s and early 80s I got so much stick from lads school slagging off the small club I supported, for that reason I have had a hatred for any London club, But, it's West Ham that I hate the most. The we won the world cup **** really winds me up, what we played with three players did we? Also their fans just have this deluded opinion that they are a big side. No you are not and in the history of football you have won a few cups, but as soon as things wrong they go hiding,when things are going well, f!!!king shirts everywhere. We are not a big club, but we are proud and we carry on going through thick and thin, year after year, in my case 32 and now my son 3 years and for that we should take a lot of pride in our support. Ugh
I hate them with a passion.

The main reason is this "We won the world cup in 1966" bollocks! Also, the academy of football crap. Like every club, they've produced a few good players, that doesn't make you an academy. Get real you knobs!

Also, I work in an office full of Wet Spam fans, & with one exception they know F A about football!! :punch: